%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% minitoc.bug There is a list of problems and frequently asked questions about minitoc.sty. If your version is < 34, please upgrade. (1) How avoid a page break near the rules before and after the minitoc? > This problem seemed solved since version #8, > but version #12 adds better fixes. (2) How about impementing others layouts for the minitoc? (3) \\ in a contents line makes an error. > Use \protect\linebreak (4) If you reorder chapters, havoc follows... minitocs going in wrong chapters. > the best way seems to make one run with the mtcoff option in place of the minitoc option, then restore the minitoc option and re-execute LaTeX three times (yes, it is time consuming...). The mtcoff option cleans the auxiliary files from spurious commands added by minitoc. (5) Compatible with toch.sty, but minitoc option must come AFTER toch option (is it a bug or a ``feature'' ?). (6) If you have an operating system which tolerates only short file name extensions (of 3 characters, like MS-DOS), you must edit minitoc.sty: find the line containing ``%\def\SHORTEXT'' and remove the leading percent sign. No other modification is needed: all is automatic! From version #28, the extensions are auto-configured. Do not worry any more! Added also a ``shortext'' option. (7) Do not cheat with the ``chapter'' counter, i.e. do not write things like \setcounter{chapter}{6}. The mechanism would be broken. It is better to add \chapter commands, to create empty (but numbered in a legal way) chapters. Since version #10, minitoc.sty works with appendices. (8) minitoc.sty is restricted to document styles which define chapters in the standard way, like `book' and `report'. Do not ask me to make minitocs for sections in articles. There are ``parttocs'' if the document style defines the \part command. (9) Some users have failed to make minitoc to work. They got a message like: Undefined command ... \@inputcheck ... or: Undefined command ... \reset@font ... The \reset@font command has been added to latex.tex on 29 September 1991 and the \@inputcheck command on 18 March 1992 and this version of latex.tex has been released on 25 March 1992. If you have this message, you have an old version of latex.tex. Get a recent one from the archives and regenerate a latex format via initex. (10) Some demanding users want to have minilof, minilot and minibbl. First, minibbl is an other problem, strongly related to the BibTeX's dealing with .aux files. Look at chapterbib.sty, bibunits.sty, multibib.sty, and bibtopic.sty. To make `minilof' (minilot is the same problem), we could apply the same method as for minitoc, but we need to add marks in the .lof (or .lot) file. It should be possible to do from minitoc.sty, but long to test. Version #13 implements basic minilofs and minilots. Minibbls are not the aim of this option file. (11) This option creates a lot of auxiliary files and some users argue that it is too many. A deep redesign would be necessary to avoid that. Using only one big auxiliary file (or one for all minitocs, one for all minilofs, ...) would make the reading of such file very slow, and it must be read for each \minixxx macro! (12) How to do minitocs (minilofs and minilots) at levels other than chapter? Here also, some redesign needed. From version #15, there are parttocs, partlofs and partlots for the part level in book-like documents. (13) The more recent version of latex-2e adds a \protect before \contentsline in the .toc, .lof and .lof files. Minitoc version #17 attempts to be compatible with latex-2e and latex-2.09. This will be the LAST version usable with latex-2.09. Versions #18 and later are latex-2e specific. (14) From version #23, works with document classes resetting chapter (or section) number at each part. (15) From version #29, you can have tight minitocs with the tight option. (16) The lines of dots are removed by the undotted option (#29).