%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% minitoc.sum summary of user commands % minitoc.sum (#34) % \mtcindent left/right indentation of minitoc (24pt) % \mtcfont font command for minitoc (\small\rm) % (section entries) % \mtcSfont font command for minitoc (\small\bf) (section entries) % \mtcSSfont for subsection entries * % \mtcSSSfont for subsubsection entries * % \mtcPfont for paragraph entries * % \mtcSPfont for subparagraph entries * % * by default, \mtcfont % \mlffont font for minilof (\small\rm) % \mltfont font for minilot (\small\rm) % \mtifont font for minixxx titles (\normalsize\bf) % \mtctitle title of minitocs (Contents) % \mlftitle title of minilofs (Figures) % \mlftitle title of minilots (Tables) % \minitoc[x] to put after each \chapter command % for which a minitoc is to be created % \minilof[x] to put after each \chapter command % for which a minilof is to be created % \minilot[x] to put after each \chapter command % for which a minilot is to be created % In the 3 commands above, [x] is an optional % argument to set the position of the % title for only that minitoc/lof/lot. See % below for the possible values of [x]. % \dominitoc[x] to put just before the \tableofcontents % command (\dominitoc is mandatory) % \dominilof[x] to put just before the \listoffigures % command (\dominilof is mandatory) % \dominilot[x] to put just before the \listoftables % command (\dominilot is mandatory) % In the 3 commands above, [x] is an optional % argument to set the default position of % titles. Default: l. l=left, c=center, % r=right, e=empty, n=null (synonym of empty). % \faketableofcontents % to replace \tableofcontents if you want % minitocs but no table of contents. % \fakelistoffigures % to replace \listoffigures if you want % minilofs but no list of figures. % \fakelistoftables % to replace \listoftables if you want % minilots but no list of tables. % minitocdepth (\LaTeX counter) depth of the following % minitoc's. Analog to tocdepth. Default: 2. % Has no action on minilofs or minilots. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Commands for partial tocs/lofs/lots %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % \ptcindent left/right indentation of parttoc (0pt) % \ptcfont font command for parttoc (\normalsize\rm) % (section entries) % \ptcCfont font command for parttoc (\normalsize\bf) (chapter entries) % \ptcSfont font command for parttoc (\normalsize\rm) (section entries) % \ptcSSfont for subsection entries * % \ptcSSSfont for subsubsection entries * % \ptcPfont for paragraph entries * % \ptcSPfont for subparagraph entries * % * by default, \ptcfont % \plffont font for partlof (\normalsize\rm) % \pltfont font for partlot (\normalsize\rm) % \ptifont font for partxxx titles (\Huge\bf) % \ptctitle title of parttocs (Table of Contents) % \plftitle title of partlofs (List of Figures) % \plftitle title of partlots (List of Tables) % \parttoc[x] to put after each \part command % for which a parttoc is to be created % \partlof[x] to put after each \part command % for which a partlof is to be created % \partlot[x] to put after each \part command % for which a partlot is to be created % In the 3 commands above, [x] is an optional % argument to set the position of the % title for only that parttoc/lof/lot. See % below for the possible values of [x]. % \doparttoc[x] to put just before the \tableofcontents % command (\doparttoc is mandatory) % \dopartlof[x] to put just before the \listoffigures % command (\dopartlof is mandatory) % \dopartlot[x] to put just before the \listoftables % command (\dopartlot is mandatory) % In the 3 commands above, [x] is an optional % argument to set the default position of % titles. Default: l. l=left, c=center, % r=right, e=empty, n=null (synonym of empty). % parttocdepth (\LaTeX counter) depth of the following % parttoc's. Analog to tocdepth. Default: 2. % Has no action on partlofs or partlots. % \beforeparttoc Action before a \parttoc (\cleardoublepage) % \beforepartlof Action before a \partlof (\cleardoublepage) % \beforepartlot Action before a \partlot (\cleardoublepage) % \afterparttoc Action after a \parttoc (\cleardoublepage) % \afterpartlof Action after a \partlof (\cleardoublepage) % \afterpartlot Action after a \partlot (\cleardoublepage) % \thispageparttocstyle page style command for a \parttoc % (\thispagestyle{empty}) % \thispagepartlofstyle page style command for a \partlof % (\thispagestyle{empty}) % \thispagepartlotstyle page style command for a \partlot % (\thispagestyle{empty}) % \tightmtctrue % tight minitocs. Minimum space between lines. % \tightmtcfalse % loose minitocs. % \undottedmtctrue % no lines of dots in the minitocs. % \undottedmtcfalse % lines of dots in the minitocs (from the title % to the page number). % \adjustmtc Adjusts (increments) the minitoc counter mtc. % \adjustptc Adjusts (increments) the parttoc counter ptc. % \adjuststc Adjusts (increments) the secttoc counter stc. % \mtcaddchapter[titre] Adds the title of a \chapter* in the toc. % \mtcaddsection[title] Adds the title of a \section* in the toc. % \mtcaddpart[title] Adds the title of a \part* in the toc. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Commands for sectionnal tocs/lofs/lots %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % \stcindent left/right indentation of secttoc (0pt) % \stcfont font command for secttoc (\normalsize\rm) % (subsection entries) % \stcSSfont font command for secttoc (\normalsize\bf) (subsection entries) % \stcSSSfont for subsubsection entries * % \stcPfont for paragraph entries * % \stcSPfont for subparagraph entries * % * by default, \stcfont % \slffont font for sectlof (\normalsize\rm) % \sltfont font for sectlot (\normalsize\rm) % \stifont font for sectxxx titles (\normalsize\bf) % \stctitle title of secttocs (Contents) % \slftitle title of sectlofs (Figures) % \slftitle title of sectlots (Tables) % \secttoc[x] to put after each \section command % for which a secttoc is to be created % \sectlof[x] to put after each \section command % for which a sectlof is to be created % \sectlot[x] to put after each \section command % for which a sectlot is to be created % In the 3 commands above, [x] is an optional % argument to set the position of the % title for only that secttoc/lof/lot. See % below for the possible values of [x]. % \dosecttoc[x] to put just before the \tableofcontents % command (\dosecttoc is mandatory) % \dosectlof[x] to put just before the \listoffigures % command (\dosectlof is mandatory) % \dosectlot[x] to put just before the \listoftables % command (\dosectlot is mandatory) % In the 3 commands above, [x] is an optional % argument to set the default position of % titles. Default: l. l=left, c=center, % r=right, e=empty, n=null (synonym of empty). % secttocdepth (\LaTeX counter) depth of the following % secttoc's. Analog to tocdepth. Default: 2. % Has no action on sectlofs or sectlots. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Commands to begin with a chapter (part or section) % other than number 1 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % \firstpartis{N} N is the number of the first part % \firstchapteris{N} N is the number of the first chapter % \firstsectionis{N} N is the number of the first section % these commands MUST be inserted BEFORE \dominitoc etc. % They do not touch the numbering of parts, chapters or % sections. % THE \first...is COMMANDS ARE OBSOLETE SINCE VERSION 23 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Commands to enable/disable horizontal rules %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % \ptcrule \noptcrule % \mtcrule \nomtcrule % \stcrule \nostcrule %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Keywords for \addcontentsline in a \part*, \chapter*, etc. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % starpart % starchapter % starsection % starsubsection % starsubsubsection % starparagraph % starsubparagraph %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Commands for main starred sectionning commands %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % \starredpart % \starredchapter % \starredsection %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Commands to have (default) or not have page numbers % in minitocs and siblings. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % \mtcpagenumbers \nomtcpagenumbers % \stcpagenumbers \nostcpagenumbers % \ptcpagenumbers \noptcpagenumbers % \mlfpagenumbers \nomlfpagenumbers % \slfpagenumbers \noslfpagenumbers % \plfpagenumbers \noplfpagenumbers % \mltpagenumbers \nomltpagenumbers % \sltpagenumbers \nosltpagenumbers % \pltpagenumbers \nopltpagenumbers %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % COFFEE stuff %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % \coffeefont % \addcoffeeline % \coffeeline %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%