README for the tcldoc package and document class. The tcldoc package defines a couple of environments and commands for documenting Tcl (Tool Command Language) source code in .dtx-style documented source files, much like what the doc package does for TeX source code. The tcldoc class is analogous to the ltxdoc document class -- it loads the package to gain the basic functionality and changes some layout parameters to values that are more suitable for this kind of document. Experienced doc users should find most of tcldoc's functionality familiar. For those who are not experienced doc users, the tcldoc documentation contains an elementary introduction to the .dtx-file style of literate programming and to using the docstrip program for Tcl code. The tcldoc package builds on the doc and xdoc2 packages, which can be found in any standard LaTeX installation and the CTAN directory macros/latex/exptl/xdoc/, respectively. The files in this directory are: README.txt - this file tcldoc.dtx - the source for the tcldoc package and class tcldoc.ins - the docstrip installation script for the tcldoc package and class dtxload.dtx - a tcldoc demonstration file. It contains the documented sources for dtxload, which is a package for the text editor Alpha that defines a command for extracting Tcl code from a .dtx file and sending that code to a Tcl interpreter for evaluation. dtxload.ins - the docstrip installation script for dtxload pstokens.dtx - another tcldoc demonstration file. It contains some Tcl procedures for reading and writing a text file as a stream of postscript tokens. N.B.: It is not in it current state ready for use, but simply provided as an example. 2000/12/20, Lars Hellstr\"om