# -*-coding: utf-8; tab-width: 8;-*- U+2026 \dots # […] ENVELOPE \ensuremath{@@@} { OPTION mathletters U+2070 ^0 # [⁰] U+00B9 ^1 # [¹] U+00B2 ^2 # [²] U+00B3 ^3 # [³] U+2074 ^4 # [⁴] U+2075 ^5 # [⁵] U+2076 ^6 # [⁶] U+2077 ^7 # [⁷] U+2078 ^8 # [⁸] U+2079 ^9 # [⁹] U+207A ^+ # [⁺] U+207B ^- # [⁻] U+207C ^= # [⁼] U+207D ^( # [⁽] U+207E ^) # [⁾] U+207F ^n # [ⁿ] } U+2032 ^\prime # [′] U+2033 ^{\prime\prime} # [″] U+2034 ^{\prime\prime\prime} # [‴] U+2080 _0 # [₀] U+2081 _1 # [₁] U+2082 _2 # [₂] U+2083 _3 # [₃] U+2084 _4 # [₄] U+2085 _5 # [₅] U+2086 _6 # [₆] U+2087 _7 # [₇] U+2088 _8 # [₈] U+2089 _9 # [₉] U+208A _+ # [₊] U+208B _- # [₋] U+208C _= # [₌] U+208D _( # [₍] U+208E _) # [₎] U+2191 \uparrow # [↑] U+2192 \rightarrow # [→] U+2193 \downarrow # [↓] U+21CC \rightleftharpoons # [⇌] U+21D2 \Rightarrow # [⇒] U+21D4 \Leftrightarrow # [⇔] U+2194 \leftrightarrow U+2195 \updownarrow # Mathematical operators (U+2200..U+22FF) U+2200 \forall # [∀] U+2202 \partial # [∂] U+2203 \exists # [∃] # variant: \varnothing U+2205 \emptyset # [∅] U+2206 \Delta # [∆] U+2207 \nabla # [∇] U+2208 \in # [∈] U+2209 \notin # [∉] #U+220A small \in # [∊] U+220B \ni # [∋] U+220C \not\ni # [∌] #U+220D small \notni # [∍] #U+220E q.e.d. # [∎] U+220F \prod # [∏] U+2210 \coprod # [∐] U+2211 \sum # [∑] U+2212 - # [−] U+2213 \mp # [∓] U+2215 / # [∕] # variant: \smallsetminus U+2216 \setminus # [∖] U+2217 \ast # [∗] U+2218 \circ # [∘] U+2219 \bullet # [∙] U+221A \surd # [√] #U+221B CUBE ROOT (\sqrt[3]{\vphantom x}) # [∛] #U+221C FOURTH ROOT (\sqrt[4]{\vphantom x}) # [∜] U+221D \propto # [∝] U+221E \infty # [∞] #U+221F RIGHT ANGLE # [∟] U+2220 \angle # [∠] U+2223 \mid # [∣] U+2225 \parallel # [∥] U+2227 \wedge # [∧] U+2228 \vee # [∨] U+2229 \cap # [∩] U+222A \cup # [∪] U+222B \int # [∫] U+222E \oint # [∮] #U+222F SURFACE INTEGRAL # [∯] #U+2230 VOLUME INTEGRAL # [∰] #U+2231 CLOCKWISE INTEGRAL # [∱] #U+2232 CLOCKWISE CONTOUR INTEGRAL # [∲] #U+2233 ANTICLOCKWISE CONTOUR INTEGRAL # [∳] U+2236 : # [∶] #U+2237 PROPORTION (::) # [∷] #U+2238 DOT MINUS # [∸] #U+2239 EXCESS # [∹] #U+223A GEOMETRIC PROPORTION # [∺] #U+223B HOMOTHETIC # [∻] U+223C \sim # [∼] #U+223E INVERTED LAZY S # [∾] #U+223F SINE WAVE # [∿] U+2240 \wr # [≀] #U+2242 MINUS TILDE # [≂] U+2243 \simeq # [≃] U+2244 \not\simeq # [≄] U+2245 \cong # [≅] #U+2246 APPROXIMATELY BUT NOT ACTUALLY EQUAL TO # [≆] U+2248 \approx # [≈] U+2249 \not\approx # [≉] #U+224B TRIPLE TILDE # [≋] #U+224C ALL EQUAL TO # [≌] U+224D \asymp # [≍] U+2250 \doteq # [≐] #U+2254 COLON EQUALS # [≔] #U+2255 EQUALS COLON # [≕] #U+2258 CORRESPONDS TO # [≘] #U+2259 ESTIMATES # [≙] #U+225A EQUIANGULAR TO # [≚] #U+225B STAR EQUALS # [≛] #U+225D EQUALS TO BY DEFINITION # [≝] #U+225E MEASURED BY # [≞] #U+225F QUESTIONED EQUAL TO # [≟] U+2260 \neq # [≠] U+2261 \equiv # [≡] U+2262 \not\equiv # [≢] #U+2263 STRICTLY EQUIVALENT TO # [≣] U+2264 \leq # [≤] U+2265 \geq # [≥] U+226A \ll # [≪] U+226B \gg # [≫] U+226D \not\asymp # [≭] #U+2278 NEITHER LESS-THAN NOR GREATER-THAN # [≸] #U+2279 NEITHER GREATER-THAN NOR LESS-THAN # [≹] U+227A \prec # [≺] U+227B \succ # [≻] # variant: \preceq U+2282 \subset # [⊂] U+2283 \supset # [⊃] U+2284 \not\subset # [⊄] U+2285 \not\supset # [⊅] U+2286 \subseteq # [⊆] U+2287 \supseteq # [⊇] #U+228C MULTISET # [⊌] #U+228D MULTISET MULTIPLICATION # [⊍] U+228E \uplus # [⊎] U+2291 \sqsubseteq # [⊑] U+2292 \sqsupseteq # [⊒] U+2293 \sqcap # [⊓] U+2294 \sqcup # [⊔] U+2295 \oplus # [⊕] U+2296 \ominus # [⊖] U+2297 \otimes # [⊗] U+2298 \oslash # [⊘] U+2299 \odot # [⊙] #U+229C CIRCLED EQUALS # [⊜] U+22A2 \vdash # [⊢] U+22A3 \dashv # [⊣] U+22A4 \top # [⊤] U+22A5 \bot # [⊥] #U+22A6 ASSERTION (\vdash) # [⊦] #U+22A7 MODELS (\vDash) # [⊧] #U+22A8 TRUE (\models) # [⊨] #U+22AB DOUBLE VERTICAL BAR DOUBLE RIGHT TURNSTILE (\VDash) # [⊫] #U+22AC DOES NOT PROVE (\nvdash) # [⊬] #U+22AD NOT TRUE # [⊭] #U+22AF NEGATED DOUBLE VERTICAL BAR DOUBLE RIGHT TURNSTILE (\nVDash) # [⊯] #U+22B0 PRECEDES UNDER RELATION # [⊰] #U+22B1 SUCCEEDS UNDER RELATION # [⊱] #U+22B6 ORIGINAL OF # [⊶] #U+22B7 IMAGE OF # [⊷] #U+22B9 HERMITIAN CONJUGATE MATRIX # [⊹] #U+22BD NOR # [⊽] #U+22BE RIGHT ANGLE WITH ARC # [⊾] #U+22BF RIGHT TRIANGLE # [⊿] U+22C0 \bigwedge # [⋀] U+22C1 \bigvee # [⋁] U+22C2 \bigcap # [⋂] U+22C3 \bigcup # [⋃] U+22C4 \diamond # [⋄] U+22C5 \cdot # [⋅] U+22C6 \star # [⋆] U+22C8 \bowtie # [⋈] #U+22D5 EQUAL AND PARALLEL TO # [⋕] #U+22DC EQUAL TO OR LESS-THAN # [⋜] #U+22DD EQUAL TO OR GREATER-THAN # [⋝] U+22E2 \not\sqsubseteq # [⋢] U+22E3 \not\sqsupseteq # [⋣] #U+22E4 SQUARE IMAGE OF OR NOT EQUAL TO # [⋤] #U+22E5 SQUARE ORIGINAL OF OR NOT EQUAL TO # [⋥] U+22EE \vdots # [⋮] U+22EF \cdots # [⋯] #U+22F0 UP RIGHT DIAGONAL ELLIPSIS # [⋰] U+22F1 \ddots # [⋱] U+2308 \lceil # [⌈] U+2309 \rceil # [⌉] U+230A \lfloor # [⌊] U+230B \rfloor # [⌋] { ENVELOPE \ensuremath@@@ PACKAGE amssymb U+219D \leadsto # [↝] U+2201 \complement # [∁] U+2204 \nexists # [∄] U+2214 \dotplus # [∔] U+2221 \measuredangle # [∡] U+2222 \sphericalangle # [∢] U+2224 \nmid # [∤] U+2226 \nparallel # [∦] U+2234 \therefore # [∴] U+2235 \because # [∵] U+223D \backsim # [∽] U+2241 \nsim # [≁] U+2247 \ncong # [≇] U+224A \approxeq # [≊] U+224E \Bumpeq # [≎] U+224F \bumpeq # [≏] U+2251 \doteqdot # [≑] U+2252 \fallingdotseq # [≒] U+2253 \risingdotseq # [≓] U+2256 \eqcirc # [≖] U+2257 \circeq # [≗] U+225C \triangleq # [≜] U+2266 \leqq # [≦] U+2267 \geqq # [≧] U+2268 \lneqq # [≨] U+2269 \gneqq # [≩] U+226C \between # [≬] U+226E \nless # [≮] U+226F \ngtr # [≯] U+2270 \nleq # [≰] U+2271 \ngeq # [≱] U+2272 \lesssim # [≲] U+2273 \gtrsim # [≳] U+2276 \lessgtr # [≶] U+2277 \gtrless # [≷] U+227C \preccurlyeq # [≼] # variant: \succeq U+227D \succcurlyeq # [≽] U+227E \precsim # [≾] U+227F \succsim # [≿] U+2280 \nprec # [⊀] U+2281 \nsucc # [⊁] U+2288 \nsubseteq # [⊈] U+2289 \nsupseteq # [⊉] U+228A \subsetneq # [⊊] U+228B \supsetneq # [⊋] U+228F \sqsubset # [⊏] U+2290 \sqsupset # [⊐] U+229A \circledcirc # [⊚] U+229B \circledast # [⊛] U+229D \circleddash # [⊝] U+229E \boxplus # [⊞] U+229F \boxminus # [⊟] U+22A0 \boxtimes # [⊠] U+22A1 \boxdot # [⊡] U+22A9 \Vdash # [⊩] U+22AA \Vvdash # [⊪] U+22AE \nVdash # [⊮] U+22B2 \lhd # [⊲] U+22B3 \rhd # [⊳] U+22B4 \unlhd # [⊴] U+22B5 \unrhd # [⊵] U+22B8 \multimap # [⊸] U+22BA \intercal # [⊺] U+22BB \veebar # [⊻] U+22BC \barwedge # [⊼] U+22C7 \divideontimes # [⋇] U+22C9 \ltimes # [⋉] U+22CA \rtimes # [⋊] U+22CB \leftthreetimes # [⋋] U+22CC \rightthreetimes # [⋌] U+22CD \backsimeq # [⋍] U+22CE \curlyvee # [⋎] U+22CF \curlywedge # [⋏] U+22D0 \Subset # [⋐] U+22D1 \Supset # [⋑] U+22D2 \Cap # [⋒] U+22D3 \Cup # [⋓] U+22D4 \pitchfork # [⋔] U+22D6 \lessdot # [⋖] U+22D7 \gtrdot # [⋗] U+22D8 \lll # [⋘] U+22D9 \ggg # [⋙] U+22DA \lesseqgtr # [⋚] U+22DB \gtreqless # [⋛] U+22DE \curlyeqprec # [⋞] U+22DF \curlyeqsucc # [⋟] U+22E6 \lnsim # [⋦] U+22E7 \gnsim # [⋧] U+22E8 \precnsim # [⋨] U+22E9 \succnsim # [⋩] U+22EA \ntriangleleft # [⋪] U+22EB \ntriangleright # [⋫] U+22EC \ntrianglelefteq # [⋬] U+22ED \ntrianglerighteq # [⋭] ENVELOPE \ensuremath{@@@} PACKAGE amssymb U+2274 \not\lesssim # [≴] U+2275 \not\gtrsim # [≵] U+22E0 \not\preccurlyeq # [⋠] U+22E1 \not\succcurlyeq # [⋡] } { ENVELOPE \ensuremath@@@ PACKAGE amsmath U+222C \iint # [∬] U+222D \iiint # [∭] }