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Further information

For a general introduction to LATEX, including the new features of LATEX2e, you should read LaTeX: A Document Preparation System by Leslie Lamport [5].

A more detailed description of the new features of LATEX, including an overview of more than 150 packages, is to be found in The LaTeX Companion by Michel Goossens, Frank Mittelbach and Alexander Samarin [1].

Packages and programs for producing and manipulating graphics are discussed at length in The LaTeX Graphics Companion by Michel Goossens, Sebastian Rahtz and Frank Mittelbach [2].

Solutions for publishing with LATEX on the World Wide Web are given in The LaTeX Web Companion by Michel Goossens and Sebastian Rahtz [3].

For more information about the many new LATEX packages you should read the package documentation, which should be available from the same source as your copy of LATEX.

There are a number of documentation files which accompany every copy of LATEX. A copy of LATEX News will come out with each six-monthly release of LATEX; it will be found in the files ltnews*.tex. The class- and package-writer's guide LaTeX2e for Class and Package Writers describes the new LATEX features for writers of document classes and packages; it is in clsguide.tex. The guide LaTeX2e Font Selection describes the LATEX font selection scheme for class- and package-writers; it is in fntguide.tex. Support for cyrillic languages in LATEX is described in Cyrillic languages support in LaTeX.

We are gradually turning the source code for LATEX into a LATEX document LaTeX: the program. This document includes an index of LATEX commands and can be typeset from source2e.tex.

For more information about TEX and LATEX, please contact your local TEX Users Group, or the international TEX Users Group (see page [*]).

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