000readme.txt This file. alexmisc.tex Uppercase roman numerals, real/complex number symbols, and overstrike bold to name a few. automagic.tex Auto-equation numbering, -section numbering, and -table-of-contents generator. autotoc.tex Automatic Table Of Contents generator. boxit.tex Box text inside a printed box (4 rules). comment.tex To comment blocks of lines from TeX processing. dmhgeneral.tex Equation, figure, section, chapter, reference, and table numbering macros. endnote.tex To make end notes instead of / opposed to using footnotes. firstline.tex Cause the first line of a paragraph to use a different font from the rest of the lines in the paragraph. fortran.tex Format FORTRAN source code. frame.tex More versatile method to enclose material in line boxes (rules). letter.tex DEK's letter macro from the TeXbook. memo.tex Sample memorandum banner generator. multcol.def Multiple column macros for 2 or more columns per page multcol.out (see multcol.def) referencer.tex Auto-referencer. tables.tex Versatile method for making tables with lines. toc.tex Simple table of contents macros. twocol.out (see multcol.def) util.def (see multcol.def) verbatim_1.tex To TeX lines as typed in a file (verbatim). verbatim_2.tex Another one.