Comprehensive TeX Archive Network: package description ------------------------------------------------------ Name: vertex Author: Hal Varian Last changed in archive: 1992/07/25 Archive-path: macros/plain/contrib/vertex Description: The VERTEX package includes macros to Visualize Economic Reports in TeX. Please note that (a) this package is based on plain TeX and is not an extension to any other package now available, (b) it is relatively old, although not outdated, and (c) it is not presently supported by its author. Professor Varian, adequately busy with his own research agenda at Michigan, his textbooks (which he has prepared in TeX, by the way!), and his other highly recognized activities, was kind enough to allow the SHSU archives to include this work. It is hoped that the work he has provided may serve as a springboard for further developments in the field of economics within other TeX-related packages. Indeed, he hints that this may be reviewed by him for further development as an application in LaTeX and BibTeX once LaTeX3 is available. The package is based around a controlling macro, VERTEX.TEX, which calls various styles for production. These styles (specific to VERTEX -- these are NOT LaTeX styles) produce output largely compatible with the following economic journals (economists will recognize the twist on titles used by Varian), including multicolumn layout (where appropriate), location of footnotes and formatting of references sections. They include: AER.STY --- for the Armenian Economic Review. ECNMET.STY --- for Economagica. JEP.STY --- for the Journal of Economic Perspectives. JET.STY --- for the Journal of Economic Theorems. JPE.STY --- for the Journal of Polemical Economy. QJE.STY --- for the Quartered Journal of Economics. RESTUD.STY --- for Review for Economic Students.