|                             bibliographyformat                              |
Abbreviation:  ã|\bifã%
Parameters:    ã|submarkupã%
Submarkup:     ã|\incontents, \titleformat, \everybibentry,
The   \bibliographyformat  markup   controls   the  style   of   the  entire
bibliography.  The following submarkup is only valid within \bif.
\incontents  by default adds the title text to the contents.  The default is
yes; to keep the title from appearing enter "no":
\titleformat{Nested Markup}  controls  the format of the bibliography title.
The default skips  to a new page,  centers the title in  bold, and skips one
line.  You may  use markup such as \newpage, \verticalspace, and \centerline
within \titleformat  as Nested Markup.   Other markup you  may use within or
outside of \bibliographyformat:
  * \bibtitleprints the title entered with the \bibliography markup.
\everybibentry{Nested  Markup}   controls the  format of  each bibliographic
entry.   The default permits breaking between  entries and creates a hanging
paragraph  for the  entry.    You  may  use markup  such  as \verticalspace,
\hangingparagraph, \item, \goodbreak,  \noindent, \label, \leftindent within
\everybibentry as Nested Markup.  Other markup you may use within or outside
of \bibliographyformat:
  * \bibnumberprints the current \bibentry number.
\sameauthorrulesize  sets the height,  width, and depth of a horizontal line
used to indicate a repeat of an author's name.
The following markup  produces entries similar to  the default but numbered.
A period and  a tie (tilde, for  a connecting space) join  the number to the
                      \cl{\bd \bibtitle}
   \sameauthorrulesize{width3em height.6ex depth-.5ex}
Then when you use \bibentry, you would get:
|                                                                             |
| 1.  Grabens,   Gruss  M.  1970.      Mechanical  Processes  in  the  Human  |
|    Geomechanism.  Winston:  Geomedical Publications, International.         |
| 2. Illite, Ivan.  1911.  "Picking the Philosopher's Stone."  Mining Truth.  |
|    11:455--601.                                                             |
| 3. Moraine, Esker.   1978.   "Pet rocks as therapy  tools."  Geopsychology  |
|    Today.  10:71--78.                                                       |
| 4. Salt,  Jean-Paul.    1958.   Gravel  and  Nothingness:   An Existential  |
|    Theory.  Dayton:  Gabbro Press.                                          |
|                                                                             |
This example  also numbers  entries, but it  uses labels  instead of hanging
paragraphs.   The \labelformat is changed  under \titleformat to accommodate
numbers.   This layout is useful for  bibliographies that use identifiers in
place of numbers.
                      \cl{\bd \bibtitle}
   \sameauthorrulesize{width3em height.6ex depth-.5ex}}
Then when you use \bibliography, you would get:
|                                                                             |
|                                 References                                  |
|                                                                             |
| 1.  Grabens,  Gruss   M.  1970.     Mechanical   Processes  in  the  Human  |
|     Geomechanism.  Winston:  Geomedical Publications, International.        |
|                                                                             |
| 2.  Salt,  Jean-Paul.   1958.    Gravel and  Nothingness:   An Existential  |
|     Theory.  Dayton:  Gabbro Press.                                         |
|                                                                             |
You can specify in the  \everybibentry markup that the bibentry number is to
be surrounded by parenthesis or square brackets.
|                                                                             |
|                                 References                                  |
|                                                                             |
| (1) Grabens,  Gruss   M.  1970.     Mechanical   Processes  in  the  Human  |
|     Geomechanism.  Winston:  Geomedical Publications, International.        |
|                                                                             |
| (2) Salt,  Jean-Paul.   1958.    Gravel and  Nothingness:   An Existential  |
|     Theory.  Dayton:  Gabbro Press.                                         |
|                                                                             |
You could also  use \label to indicate citations  that carry an alphanumeric
label by omitting the parameter to \label in the \everybibentry markup.
\bibliographyformat{\titleformat{\np\cl{\bd \bibtitle}
   \sameauthorrulesize{width3em height.6ex depth-.5ex}}
Then use the \bibentry markup as though it had a parameter:
\bibentry {Grabe70}
Grabens, Gruss M. 1970. {\it Mechanical Processes
in the Human Geomechanism}. Winston: Geomedical
Publications, International.
Illite, Ivan. 1911. "Picking the Philosopher's
Stone." {\it Mining Truth}. 11:455--601.
Moraine, Esker. 1978. "Pet rocks as therapy tools."
{\it Geopsychology Today}. 10:71--78.
and the citations will look like:
|                                                                             |
|                                  Citations                                  |
|                                                                             |
| Grabe70 Grabens,  Gruss  M. 1970.     Mechanical  Processes  in the  Human  |
|         Geomechanism.  Winston:  Geomedical Publications, International.    |
|                                                                             |
| Illit11 Illite, Ivan.   1911.  "Picking the Philosopher's  Stone."  Mining  |
|         Truth.  11:455--601.                                                |
|                                                                             |
| Morai78 Moraine,  Esker.      1978.     "Pet   rocks  as  therapy  tools."  |
|         Geopsychology Today.  10:71--78.                                    |
|                                                                             |
Another popular  style groups all of  an author's citations together.   This
can  be  accomplished in  a  similar  manner as  previously  defined.    The
difference being that the \rt markup is used.
                      \cl{\bd \bibtitle}
   \sameauthorrulesize{width3em height.6ex depth-.5ex}}
\nin OSBORNE, J.S.
{\it Introduction to Aesthetic Anthropology}. Boston, Ma:
Addison-Wesley Pub. Co.
A survey of tribal masks used by Brazilian tribes.
Pages 160--169 in {\it Cultural Anthropology}.
M. Zateh and F. Grange, eds. New York: Harper and Row.
\nin OTTEN, C.M.
{\it Anthropology and Art: Readings in Cross Cultural
Aesthetics}. Garden City, N.Y.:
The Natural History Press.
and the citations will look like:
|                                                                             |
|                                  Citations                                  |
|                                                                             |
| OSBORNE, J.S.                                                               |
|                                                                             |
|   1971. Introduction to Aesthetic Anthropology. Boston, Ma: Addison-Wesley  |
|         Pub. Co.                                                            |
|                                                                             |
|   1978. A survey of tribal masks used  by Brazilian tribes. Pages 160--169  |
|         in Cultural Anthropology.  M. Zateh and F.  Grange, eds. New York:  |
|         Harper and Row.                                                     |
| OTTEN, C.M.                                                                 |
|                                                                             |
|   1971. Anthropology  and  Art:  Readings in  Cross  Cultural  Aesthetics.  |
|         Garden City, N.Y.: The Natural History Press.                       |
|                                                                             |
This final style makes use of  an \everybibentry similar to the default.  In
this example, the paragraph and  hanging indents are set to different values
(by default  they are  equal).   The other  difference is that  \noindent is
\bibliographyformat{\titleformat{\np\cl{\bd \bibtitle}
   \sameauthorrulesize{width3em height.6ex depth-.5ex}}
\vs{\bl}  \nin Asher67
Asherson, G. L., and S. H. Stone. 1967.\linebreak
Dessensitization {\it in vitro}. {\it Immunology}.
13:469. {\it Cultural Anthropology}. M. Zateh and
F. Grange, eds. New York: Harper and Row.
\nin Cinad68
Cinader, B., editor. 1968.\lbr
Regulation of the Antibody Response. Charles C. Thomas,
Publisher, Springfield, Ill.
and the citations will look like:
|                                                                             |
|                                Bibliography                                 |
|                                                                             |
| Asher67                                                                     |
|  Asherson, G. L., and S. H. Stone. 1967.                                    |
|    Dessensitization in  vitro. Immunology. 13:469.  Cultural Anthropology.  |
|    M. Zateh and F. Grange, eds. New York: Harper and Row.                   |
|                                                                             |
| Cinad68                                                                     |
|  Cinader, B., editor. 1968.                                                 |
|    Regulation of  the  Antibody Response.  Charles  C.  Thomas, Publisher,  |
|    Springfield, Ill.                                                        |
|                                                                             |
The \bibliographyformat  markup must  come after  the \monospace  markup, if
both are used.