|                               footnoteformat                                |
Abbreviation:  ã|\fnfã%
Parameters:    ã|submarkupã%
Submarkup:     ã|\skipbeforedivider, \skipafterdivider,
\footnotedivider, \textreferenceposition,
\textreferenceplacement, \textreferencefont,
\textreferencestyle, \textreferencegutter,
\everyfootnote, \notereferenceposition,
\notereferencefont, \notereferencestyle,
To  change the  footnote  style and  any  of the  other  footnote formatting
options of  the \autofootnote markup,  use the \footnoteformat markup.   The
default footnote format is:
ã|\skipbeforedividerã%  determines the distance  between the last  line of text
on a  page and the  footnote divider rule  which is printed  just before the
footnotes.  The default for this markup is 12 points.
ã|\skipafterdividerã% determines the distance between the footnote divider rule
and the first footnote.  The default for this markup is 2.5 points.
ã|\footnotedividerã% determines  the length of a short  rule that separates the
footnotes from text.  The default value is 144 points (2 inches).
ã|\textreferencepositionã%  determines if  the footnote  reference number  is a
superscript or not.   By default,  the reference is superscripted  (up).  If
you want  the footnote reference  number to be  on the baseline,  change the
parameter to "down".   The default for \monospace is  "down".  Do not change
it to "up" for \monospace.
\textreferenceplacement    determines   if  the  footnote  reference  number
precedes  or follows  the  word being  noted.    By  default,  the reference
will follow the noted word.  If you want the footnote reference number to be
placed before the word being noted, then change the parameter to "before".
ã|\textreferencefontã%  lets you  determine how  to print the  footnote number.
The default is the  roman face at 10 point.   For \monospace, the default is
the roman typewriter printer face.
ã|\textreferencestyleã%  determines the  numbering  style.     There are  four
possible values:
  1. "1" for numbered superscripted footnotes
  2. "(1)" for numbered footnotes surrounded with parentheses
  3. "a" for lettered footnotes
  4. "(a)" for lettered footnotes surrounded with parentheses
The default  is \textreferencestyle{1} for  composing printers.   Typewriter
printers using \monospace have a default of \textreferencestyle{(1)}.
ã|\notereferencepositionã% determines whether  the footnote reference number in
the note  is a  superscript or not.    By default,  the reference is  on the
baseline.   If you want  the footnote reference number  to be superscripted,
change the parameter to "up".   Do note specify "up" for typewriter printers
using \monospace.
ã|\notereferencefontã%  lets  you  determine what  font to  print  the footnote
number in.   The default is standard face at 10  point.  For \monospace, the
default is the roman typewriter printer face.
ã|\notereferencestyleã%  determines the numbering style  for the notes.   There
are four possible values:
  1. "1" for numbered superscripted footnotes
  2. "(1)" for numbered footnotes surrounded with parentheses
  3. "a" for lettered footnotes
  4. "(a)" for lettered footnotes surrounded with parentheses
The default is \textreferencestyle{1.}.
\notereferencegutter  sets the  distance between the footnote number and the
first word  of text  of the  note.   The gutter  is illustrated here  as the
shaded portion between "1."  and "The first step":
|                                                                             |
|      ....                                                                   |
|     1....The first step . . .                                               |
|      ....                                                                   |
|                                                                             |
The default is one em space, \notereferencegutter{1em}.
\everyfootnote{Nested Markup}   sets the style  for everyfootnote.   You can
change  the type  face, the  paragraph parameters,  and  the right  and left
indentation.  The  default text size is 10 point;  each note is in paragraph
format, with  an indent of  20 points.   Typewriter printers  which must use
\monospace may not change to another font set.
The  following example  uses a  footnote style  that prints  a superscripted
footnote  number in  the text  and the  note,  the body  of the  footnote in
nine-point  Computer Modern  set, the  footnote at  the  bottom of  the page
indented 36 points from the left and 36 points from the right of the rest of
the body of  the text of the  document, the footnote body  right ragged, and
the text  of the document right  justified and in 10  point Computer Modern.
The \footnoteformat block is modified thus:
Note that  \ninepoint was specified  within both  the \textreferencefont and
\everyfootnote markups.  The \textreferencefont determines the font that the
footnote reference  number is to be  printed in.   The \everyfootnote markup
determines the  font that  the footnote text  is to  print in at  the bottom
of  the page.    Most often  the fonts  specified in  \textreferencefont and
\everyfootnote are the same font.
This  markup  modifies  the  style  of the  \autofootnote  markup,  not  the
\footnote markup.
    The \footnoteformat  markup must  come after  the \monospace  markup, if
both are used.