Some ArabTeX References
The following list contains some examples of publications
heavily relying on ArabTeX for typesetting.
The list is neither complete, nor do we have any judgment on the content.
Some titles contain quotations in the ArabTeX transliteration conventions;
these may be not too readable.
Benno van Dalen: Ancient and Mediaeval Astronomical Tables:
mathematical structure and parameter values.
Proefschrift Universiteit Utrecht, 1993.
Abu Ma`shar: The Abbreviation of the Introduction
to Astrology, together with the Medieval Latin Translation
of Adelard of Bath. Edited and translated by Ch. Burnett, K. Yamamoto
and M. Yano. E. J. Brill, Leiden, New York, Köln 1994.
U. Rebstock: Der Mu`amalat-Traktat des Ibn al-Haitham.
Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Arabisch-Islamischen Wissenschaften 10,
61 - 121, 1995/96.
Idris Samawi Hamid: The Metaphysics and Cosmology of Process
according to Shaykh 'Ahmad al-'Ahsa'i.
Critical Edition, Translation and Analysis of
Observations in Wisdom.
State University of New York at Buffalo, PhD Dissertation, 1998.
Kushyar Ibn Labban's Introduction to Astrology.
Edited and Translated by Michio Yano.
Institute for the Study of Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa,
Tokyo 1997.
Arnoud Vrolijk: Bringing a laugh to a scowling face.
A study and critical edition of the
"Nuzhat al-nufus wa-mudhik al-`abus" by
`Ali Ibn Sudun al-Bashbughawi
(Cairo 810/1407 - Damascus 868/1464).
Research School CNWS, School of Asian, African, and Amerindian Studies,
Leiden, The Netherlands, 1998.
E.S.Kennedy, P.Kunitzsch and R.P.Lorch:
The Melon-shaped Astrolabe in Arabic Astronomy.
Texts edited with translation and commentary.
Texte und Abhandlungen zur Geschichte der Mathematik und der
Naturwissenschaften, Band 43.
Franz Steiner Verlag Stuttgart, 1999.
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Klaus Lagally