% This is LECMONO2.DEM the demonstration file #2 % of the plain TeX macro package % for Lecture Notes in Physics (Monographs) % from Springer-Verlag Heidelberg % Version 2.1 %--------------nur verbatim macro my own macros ---- do not care ----------- \chardef\other=12 {\obeyspaces\gdef {\ }} {\catcode`\`=\active \gdef`{\relax\lq}} \def\setupverbatim{\begingroup\catcode`\\=\other \catcode`\{=\other \catcode`\}=\other \catcode`\$=\other \catcode`\&=\other \catcode`\#=\other \catcode`\%=\other \catcode`\~=\other \catcode`\_=\other \catcode`\^=\other \obeyspaces \tt} \def\doverbatim#1{\def\next##1#1{##1\endgroup}\next} \def\verb{\setupverbatim\doverbatim} {\catcode`\|=0 |catcode`|\=\other |obeylines |gdef|ttfinish#1\endtt{|vbox{#1|strut}|endgroup|smallskip}} \def\begintt{\strut\smallskip\let\par=\endgraf \setupverbatim \parindent=0pt\obeylines \parskip=0pt\catcode`\|=0 \ttfinish} \def\listing#1{\par\setupverbatim\obeylines\input#1 \endgroup} %------- end verbatim macro ------------------------------ \input lecmono.cmm \pageno=7 %%% ----------------- extra line for explanation -------------- \topinsert\vbox{\centerline{\vbox{\hrule\smallskip\hbox{\quad Example for layout only: text is not intended to make scientific sense.\quad}\smallskip\hrule}}}\endinsert %%% ----------------- end of extra line ---------------------- \titlea{1.}{Grand Unification Schemes:\newline A Short Introduction} \titlearunning{Grand Unification Schemes} \motto{``To the inventor the products of his imagination appear necessary and natural, such that he does not look at them as objects of the mind, but rather as things belonging to reality, and thus he wishes them to be seen like that.''}{A. Einstein\fonote{``Wer da n\"amlich erfindet, dem erscheinen die Erzeugnisse seiner Phantasie so notwendig und naturgegeben, da\ss{} er sie nicht f\"ur Gebilde des Denkens, sondern f\"ur gegebene Realit\"aten ansieht und angesehen wissen m\"ochte.''} } \motto{``I hate reality, but it is still the only place where I can get a decent steak''}{Woody Allen} There is no experimental evidence so far that could not be accommodated within the standard model. There are, however, several theoretical shortcomings which must be remedied by\dots \titleb{1.1}{$SU$(5) -- GUT} The group $SU$(5) -- 5 $\times$ 5 unimodular matrices of determimant 1 -- has $5^2 - 1 = 24$ free entries\dots \lemma{1.1}{Let $z\in{\rm ex}_t(F)$ and $\varepsilon>0$. Then there exists a simplex\dots} Consider as an example the following theorem (Ames 1969). \theorem{}{The Strong Unconstrained Convex Function\dots} Several slightly different forms of such theorems can be found in the standard textbooks (Hawking and Ellis 1973; Wald 1984). In general, the theorems show that the causal Cauchy development of a 3-surface is incomplete if \dots \corollary{1.2}{ For any fixed integer $n \ge1,$ there exists\dots} \definition{1.3}{A convex set K is called circumscribed if\dots} \example{1.4}{Let $K\subseteq \bbbr^n$ be a polytope defined as the convex hull of a given finite set\dots } \proof {Since ${\rm ex}_t(F)\subseteq F$, it is trivial that ${\rm hull}_t\bigl ({\rm ex}_t(F)\bigr )\subseteq {\rm hull}_t(F)$\qed} \remark{1.5}{All the strict inequalities appearing in the strong versions\dots} Somewhat larger masses are possible in particular models. One can, in a general, qualitative way, argue as follows\dots \begdoublefig 2.8 cm {\figure{1.1}{This is the first figure legend in this section. The width of this legend is about the same as for the second figure}} {\figure{1.2}{This is another figure}} \enddoublefig {\it [The space for the figure and its legend may appear where it is necessary for the page layout and not where it is coded in the input file.]} These were taken during August 1959 -- December 1976 and at the National Solar Observatory (Kitt Peak) during December 1976 -- July 1984. As the sun rotates, the longitude of the central meridian decreases. \begfig 5 cm \figure{1.3}{This is the legend of a figure. The space for the figure is 5 cm} \endfig From each daily magnetogram, the magnetic fields around the central meridian have been used to cover all latitudes within this particular longitude band. During the course of one solar rotation, all longitudes get covered, resulting in a synoptic map representing the observed longitudinal (line-of-sight) magnetic field as a function of latitude and longitude. \smallskip \item{a.} Supernovae of Type I (SNI) are believed to occur when a white dwarf, consisting mainly of carbon and oxygen, is accreting matter in a close binary system, and is pushed by the mass transfer beyond the Chandrasekahar limit of stability\dots \item{b.} The ``double quasar" was discovered in 1979 as a pair of quasars, 6 arcseconds apart, with identical redshifts and spectra. The initial guess that these were two images of one quasar produced by the gravitational lens effect\dots \item{c.} The extragalactic distance scale still depends on the use of standard candles and standard reference distances (such as the distances of the Hyades star cluster)\dots \smallskip Now we start with $$\varphi =-2\pi(\nu_{\rm C}t-n)\ ,\eqno (1.1)$$ where $n$ is an integer ensuring that $\varphi$ stays in the interval $-\pi<\varphi \le \pi$, and where the zero point of the time scale $t$ has been chosen such that $\varphi =0$ when $t=0$. \begpet During the evolution of a star, a point is usually reached, just before the core burning is finished, {\it when layers above the core become thermally unstable}, and large scale mass motions\dots \endpet The orthonormality condition $$\int Y_{l^{\prime}}^{m^{\prime}}(\vartheta,\varphi)Y_l^{m\ast} ({mm^{\prime}}) \eqno(1.2)$$ is used to solve for the coefficients; the asterisk in superscript denotes complex conjugation. Using the explicit expressions for the spherical harmonics and the definition of the associated Legendre functions $P_l^m(x)$ in Appendix A.1, we can rewrite (1.2) as $$c_l^m(t)=f_l^m\int_{-1}^1 dx\int_{-\pi}^{\pi} d\varphi \,B(x,\varphi,t){\rm e}^{-{\rm i}m\varphi}P_l^m(x)\ ,\eqno(1.3)$$ where $x=\cos\vartheta$, and the factor of proportionality is $$f_l^m=(-1)^m\, \, \sqrt{{2l +1\over 4\pi}{(l -m)\, !\over (l +m)\, !}}\eqno(1.4)$$ for $m\ge 0$. We have two integrations to perform, one Fourier transform over the longitude window, which is done numerically using a fast Fourier transform, and one Legendre transform, for which we apply an improved (in relation to Stenflo and Vogel 1986) numerical method appropriate when the spatial resolution of the data is limited, as described in Appendix A.2. {\it [Now we will code two figures next to one another, with a modified arrangement; this is only to be used if the amount of text in the legends of the two figures is quite different.]} \begfig 6.5 cm \figure{1.4}{This is the first small figure legend} \figure{1.5}{This is the extremely long legend of the second figure and should therefore be typeset using the full width of the type area. For typographical and aesthetic reasons it would be unacceptable if these legends were set next to one another in two columns, with a legend of 2 lines for the first figure and a legend of 16 lines for the second. Therefore we suggest that the legends for the two figures should be placed one below the other. It is not necessary to place the figure numbers below or beside the two figures because it should be clear that the left one is the first figure and the right one the second } \endfig \titleb {1.2}{Results for the Zonal Modes} The power spectra $Pc_l^0(\nu)$ for the zonal modes ($m=0$), computed with our apodized data set, are displayed in Fig.\ts 1.1 As the modes of odd and even parity behave\fonote{The spherical harmonics are given by $$Y_l^m(\vartheta ,\varphi)=(-1)^m\, \, \sqrt{{2l +1\over 4\pi} {(l -m)\, !\over (l +m)\, !}}\, \, \, {\rm e}^{im\varphi}P_l^m(\cos\vartheta)$$ for $m\ge 0$. When $m$ is negative, a common definition\dots} so differently, they are plotted separately. Odd parity (for odd values of $l\, $) corresponds to modes that are anti-symmetric with respect to reflections in the equatorial plane, even parity to symmetric modes. The vectors $\vec {x, y, z}$ create a right-hand coordinate system. \titlec {1.2.1}{Interpolation} In practice the continuous capacity distribution function is replaced by a discrete set of pairs ($w,x$) covering the full range of the absorption\dots To take into account that some of the particles may remain close together while others will move away, we introduce the notion of clusters. \begtab 2.5 cm \tabcap{1.1}{This Table will not be produced using \TeX, but will be pasted in} \endtab \vfill\eject \null\vskip0pt plus20fill \noindent [{\it This page is left blank because the next section of } \verb|\titlea| {\it must begin on a right-hand page (here} \verb|\reference|{\it )}] \begrefbook{References} \ref Ames, W.F. (1969): {\it Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations} (Barnes and Noble, New York) \ref Arlinger, B.G. (1986): ``Computation of Supersonic Flow Including Leading-Edge Vortex Flows using Marching Euler Techniques'', in Proc. Int. Symp. Comp. Fluid Dynamics, ed. by K. Oshima (Japan Computational Fluid Dynamics Society, Tokyo) Vol. 2, pp.~1--12 \ref Bailey, F.R. (1986): ``Overview of NASA's Numerical Aerodynamic Simulation Program", in Proc. Int. Symp. Comp. Fluid Dynamics, ed. by K. Oshima (Japan Computational Fluid Dynamics Society, Tokyo) Vol. 1, pp. 21--32 \ref Belotserkovskii, O.M., Chushkin, P.I. (1965): In {\it Basic Developments in Fluid Dynamics}, ed. by M. Holt (Academic, New York) pp. 1-126 \ref Chester, C.R. (1971): {\it Techniques in Partial Differential Equations} (McGraw-Hill, New York) \ref Courant, R., Hilbert, D. (1962): {\it Methods of Mathematical Physics, Vol II} (Intersience, New York) \ref Gear, C.W. (1971): {\it Numerical Initial Value Problems in Ordinary Differential Equations} (Pren\-tice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J.) \ref Hamming, R.W. (1973): {\it Numerical Methods for Scientists and Engineers}, 2nd ed. (McGraw-Hill, New York) \ref Holst, T.L., Thomas, S.D., Kaynak, U., Grundy, K.L., Flores, J., Chaderjian, N.M. (1986): ``Computational Aspects of Zonal Algorithms for Solving the Compressible Navier-Stokes Equation in Three Dimensions", in Proc. Int. Symp. Comp. Fluid Dynamics, ed. by K. Oshima (Japan Computational Fluid Dynamics Society, Tokyo) Vol. 1, pp.~113--122 \ref de Vaucouleurs, G., de Vaucouleurs, A., Corwin, H.G., Jr. (1976): {\it Second Reference Catalogue of Bright Galaxies}, (Univ. of Texas Press, Austin) \endref \null\vskip0pt plus20fill \noindent [{\it Please note that the author--date reference system has been used throughout this example; you could of course use the number-only system instead.}] %\verb|\reference|)] \byebye