% This is MATHSING.DEM the demonstration file of % the plain TeX macro package from Springer-Verlag % for single author books in mathematics % version 1.1 of October 1990 \def\12{{1\ov 2}} \def\al{\alpha} \def\Aun{A_\un} \def\aun{a_\un} \def\bullet{\cdot} \def\Bun{B_\un} \def\bun{b_\un} \def\de{\delta} \def\dx{\dot x} \def\ep{\epsilon} \def\fa{\forall} \def\for{{\rm for}} \def\Lai{\Lambda} \def\lb{\left[} \def\lg{\left\{} \def\liminfuu{{\rm lim inf}$\,$} \def\liminfu{\mathop{\vphantom{\tst\sum}\hbox{\liminfuu}}} \def\limsupuu{{\rm lim sup}$\,$} \def\limsupu{\mathop{\vphantom{\tst\sum}\hbox{\limsupuu}}} \def\lr{\left(} \def\lss{\left\|} \def\Min{{\rm Min\,}} \def\NN{\bbbn} \def\ol{\overline} \def\om{\omega} \def\ov{\over} \def\rb{\right]} \def\rg{\right\}} \def\RRn{\bbbr^{2n}} \def\RR{\bbbr} \def\rr{\right)} \def\rss{\right\|} \def\sm{\setminus} \def\tst{\textstyle} \def\tx{\wt x} \def\un{\infty} \def\wt{\widetilde} \def\ZZ{\bbbz} \ifx\BlankIsSpace\undefined % <| Is this file \input mathsing.cmm %<---| called by \else\vfill\eject\pageno=24\relax %<---| MATHSING.DOC \let\speciali=\undefined\fi % <| or standalone? % \titlea{1.}{Hamiltonian Mechanics} \titleb{1.1}{Fixed-Period Problems: The Sublinear Case} With this chapter, the preliminaries are over, and we begin the search for periodic solutions to Hamiltonian systems. All this will be done in the convex case; that is, we shall study the boundary-value problem $$\eqalign{\dot x &= JH' (t,x)\cr x(0) &= x(T)\cr}$$ with $H(t,\bullet )$ a convex function of $x$, going to $+\un$ when $\lss x\rss \to \un$. \titlec{1.1.1}{Autonomous Systems} In this section, we will consider the case when the Hamiltonian $H(x)$ is autonomous. For the sake of simplicity, we shall also assume that it is $C^1$. We shall first consider the question of nontriviality, within the general framework of $\lr \Aun , \Bun\rr$-subquadratic Hamiltonians. In the second subsection, we shall look into the special case when $H$ is $\lr 0,\bun\rr$-subquadratic, and we shall try to derive additional information. \titled{ The General Case: Nontriviality.} We assume that $H$ is $\lr \Aun , \Bun \rr$-sub\-qua\-dra\-tic at infinity, for some constant symmetric matrices $\Aun$ and $\Bun$, with $\Bun -\Aun$ positive definite. Set: $$\eqalignno{ \gamma :& = {\rm smallest\ eigenvalue\ of}\ \ \Bun - \Aun & (1)\cr \lambda : & = {\rm largest\ negative\ eigenvalue\ of}\ \ J {d\ov dt} +\Aun\ . & (2)\cr}$$ Theorem 21 tells us that if $\lambda +\gamma < 0$, the boundary-value problem: $$\eqalign{ \dx &= JH' (x)\cr x(0) &= x (T)\cr}\eqno(3)$$ has at least one solution $\ol x$, which is found by minimizing the dual action functional: $$ \psi (u) = \int_o^T \lb \12 \lr \Lai_o^{-1} u,u\rr + N^\ast (-u)\rb dt\eqno(4)$$ on the range of $\Lai$, which is a subspace $R (\Lai )\sb L^2$ with finite codimension. Here $$ N(x) := H(x) - \12 \lr \Aun x,x\rr\eqno(5)$$ is a convex function, and $$ N(x) \le \12 \lr \lr \Bun - \Aun\rr x,x\rr + c\ \ \ \fa x\ .\eqno(6)$$ \proposition{ 1.} { Assume $H'(0)=0$ and $ H(0)=0$. Set: $$ \de := \liminfu_{x\to 0} 2 N (x) \lss x\rss^{-2}\ .\eqno(7)$$ If $\gamma < - \lambda < \de$, the solution $\ol u$ is non-zero: $$ \ol x (t) \ne 0\ \ \ \fa t\ .\eqno(8)$$} \proof{} Condition (7) means that, for every $\de ' > \de$, there is some $\ep > 0$ such that $$ \lss x\rss \le \ep \Rightarrow N (x) \le {\de '\ov 2} \lss x\rss^2\ .\eqno(9)$$ It is an exercise in convex analysis, into which we shall not go, to show that this implies that there is an $\eta > 0$ such that $$ f\lss x\rss \le \eta \Rightarrow N^\ast (y) \le {1\ov 2\de '} \lss y\rss^2\ .\eqno(10)$$ \begfig 2.5cm \figure{1}{This is the caption of the figure displaying a white eagle and a white horse on a snow field} \endfig Since $u_1$ is a smooth function, we will have $\lss hu_1\rss_\un \le \eta$ for $h$ small enough, and inequality (10) will hold, yielding thereby: $$ \psi (hu_1) \le {h^2\ov 2} {1\ov \lambda} \lss u_1 \rss_2^2 + {h^2\ov 2} {1\ov \de '} \lss u_1\rss^2\ .\eqno(11)$$ If we choose $\de '$ close enough to $\de$, the quantity $\lr {1\ov \lambda} + {1\ov \de '}\rr$ will be negative, and we end up with $$ \psi (hu_1) < 0\ \ \ \ \ \for\ \ h\ne 0\ \ {\rm small}\ .\eqno(12)$$ On the other hand, we check directly that $\psi (0) = 0$. This shows that 0 cannot be a minimizer of $\psi$, not even a local one. So $\ol u \ne 0$ and $\ol u \ne \Lai_o^{-1} (0) = 0$. \qed \corollary{ 2.} { Assume $H$ is $C^2$ and $\lr \aun ,\bun\rr$-subquadratic at infinity. Let $\xi_1,\allowbreak\dots,\allowbreak\xi_N$ be the equilibria, that is, the solutions of $H' (\xi ) = 0$. Denote by $\om_k$ the smallest eigenvalue of $H'' \lr \xi_k\rr$, and set: $$ \om : = \Min \lg \om_1 , \dots , \om_k\rg\ .\eqno(13)$$ If: $$ {T\ov 2\pi} \bun < - E \lb - {T\ov 2\pi}\aun\rb < {T\ov 2\pi}\om\eqno(14)$$ then minimization of $\psi$ yields a non-constant $T$-periodic solution $\ol x$.} We recall once more that by the integer part $E [\al ]$ of $\al \in \RR$, we mean the $a\in \ZZ$ such that $a< \al \le a+1$. For instance, if we take $\aun = 0$, Corollary 2 tells us that $\ol x$ exists and is non-constant provided that: $$ {T\ov 2\pi} \bun < 1 < {T\ov 2\pi}\eqno(15)$$ or $$ T\in \lr {2\pi\ov \om},{2\pi\ov \bun}\rr\ .\eqno(16)$$ \proof{} The spectrum of $\Lai$ is ${2\pi\ov T} \ZZ +\aun$. The largest negative eigenvalue $\lambda$ is given by ${2\pi\ov T}k_o +\aun$, where $$ {2\pi\ov T}k_o + \aun < 0\le {2\pi\ov T} (k_o +1) + \aun\ .\eqno(17)$$ Hence: $$ k_o = E \lb - {T\ov 2\pi} \aun\rb \ .\eqno(18)$$ The condition $\gamma < -\lambda < \de$ now becomes: $$ \bun - \aun < - {2\pi\ov T} k_o -\aun < \om -\aun\eqno(19)$$ which is precisely condition (14).\qed \lemma {3.} { Assume that $H$ is $C^2$ on $\RRn \sm \{ 0\}$ and that $H'' (x)$ is non-degenerate for any $x\ne 0$. Then any local minimizer $\tx$ of $\psi$ has minimal period $T$.} \proof{} We know that $\tx$, or $\tx + \xi$ for some constant $\xi \in \RRn$, is a $T$-periodic solution of the Hamiltonian system: $$ \dx = JH' (x)\ .\eqno(20)$$ There is no loss of generality in taking $\xi = 0$. So $\psi (x) \ge \psi (\tx )$ for all $\tx$ in some neighbourhood of $x$ in $W^{1,2} \lr \RR / T\ZZ ; \RRn\rr$. But this index is precisely the index $i_T (\tx )$ of the $T$-periodic solution $\tx$ over the interval $(0,T)$, as defined in Sect.~2.6. So $$ i_T (\tx ) = 0\ .\eqno(21)$$ Now if $\tx$ has a lower period, $T/k$ say, we would have, by Corollary 31: $$ i_T (\tx ) = i_{kT/k}(\tx ) \ge ki_{T/k} (\tx ) + k-1 \ge k-1 \ge 1\ .\eqno(22)$$ This would contradict (21), and thus cannot happen.\qed \titlee{Notes and Comments.} The results in this section are a refined version of [CE1]; the minimality result of Proposition 14 was the first of its kind. To understand the nontriviality conditions, such as the one in formula (16), one may think of a one-parameter family $x_T$, $T\in \lr 2\pi\om^{-1}, 2\pi \bun^{-1}\rr$ of periodic solutions, $x_T (0) = x_T (T)$, with $x_T$ going away to infinity when $T\to 2\pi \om^{-1}$, which is the period of the linearized system at 0. \vskip6 true mm \tabcap{1}{This is the example table took out of the \TeX{} book page 246} \vbox{\petit\hrule\smallskip \halign{\hfil#\quad&\quad#\hfil\cr Year\hfill&World population\cr \noalign{\smallskip\hrule\smallskip} 8000 B.C.&\phantom{1,00}5,000,000\cr 50 A.D.&\phantom{1,}200,000,000\cr 1650 A.D.&\phantom{1,}500,000,000\cr 1945 A.D.&2,300,000,000\cr 1980 A.D.&4,400,000,000\cr} \smallskip\hrule} \vskip 1 true cm \theorem{4 (Ghoussoub-Preiss).} { Assume $H(t,x)$ is $(0,\ep )$-subquadratic at infinity for all $\ep > 0$, and $T$-periodic in $t$ $$ H (t,\bullet )\quad \hbox{\it is convex}\quad \fa t\eqno(23)$$ $$ H (\bullet ,x)\quad\hbox{\it is }T\hbox{\it -periodic}\quad\fa x \eqno(24)$$ $$ H (t,x)\ge n\lr \lss x\rss\rr\quad\hbox{\it with}\quad n(s)s^{-1}\to \un\quad\hbox{\it as}\quad s\to \un\eqno(25)$$ $$ \fa \ep > 0\ ,\ \ \ \exists c\ :\ H(t,x) \le {\ep\ov 2}\lss x\rss^2 + c\ .\eqno(26)$$ Assume also that $H$ is $C^2$, and $H'' (t,x)$ is positive definite everywhere. Then there is a sequence $x_k$, $k\in \NN$, of $kT$-periodic solutions of the system $$ \dx = JH' (t,x)\eqno(27)$$ such that, for every $k\in \NN$, there is some $p_o\in\NN$ with: $$ p\ge p_o\Rightarrow x_{pk} \ne x_k\ .\eqno(28)$$} \example {1 {\rm(External forcing).}}{ Consider the system: $$ \dx = JH' (x) + f(t)\eqno(29)$$ where the Hamiltonian $H$ is $\lr 0,\bun\rr$-subquadratic, and the forcing term is a distribution on the circle: $$ f = {d\ov dt} F + f_o\ \ \ \ \ {\rm with}\ \ F\in L^2 \lr \RR / T\ZZ ; \RRn\rr\ ,\eqno(30)$$ where $f_o : = T^{-1}\int_o^T f (t) dt$. For instance, $$ f (t) = \sum_{k\in \NN} \de_k \xi\ ,\eqno(31)$$ where $\de_k$ is the Dirac mass at $t= k$ and $\xi \in \RRn$ is a constant, fits the prescription. This means that the system $\dx = JH' (x)$ is being excited by a series of identical shocks at interval $T$.} \definition{5.}{Let $A_\un (t)$ and $B_\un (t)$ be symmetric operators in $\RRn$, depending continuously on $t\in [0,T]$, such that $A_\un (t) \le B_\un (t)$ for all $t$. A Borelian function $H: [0,T]\times \RRn \to \RR$ is called $\lr A_\un ,B_\un\rr$-{\it subquadratic at infinity} if there exists a function $N(t,x)$ such that: $$ H (t,x) = \12 \lr A_\un (t) x,x\rr + N(t,x)\eqno(32)$$ $$ \fa t\ ,\ \ \ N(t,x)\ \ \ \ \ {\rm is\ convex\ with\ respect\ to}\ \ x\eqno(33)$$ $$ N(t,x) \ge n\lr \lss x\rss\rr\ \ \ \ \ {\rm with}\ \ n(s)s^{-1}\to +\un\ \ {\rm as}\ \ s\to +\un\eqno(34)$$ $$ \exists c\in \RR\ :\ \ \ H (t,x) \le \12 \lr B_\un (t) x,x\rr + c\ \ \ \fa x\ .\eqno(35)$$ } If $A_\un (t) = a_\un I$ and $B_\un (t) = b_\un I$, with $a_\un \le b_\un \in \RR$, we shall say that $H$ is $\lr a_\un ,b_\un\rr$-subquadratic at infinity. As an example, the function $\lss x \rss^\al$, with $1\le \al < 2$, is $(0,\ep )$-subquadratic at infinity for every $\ep > 0$. Similarly, the Hamiltonian $$ H (t,x) = \12 k \lss k\rss^2 +\lss x\rss^\al\eqno(36)$$ is $(k,k+\ep )$-subquadratic for every $\ep > 0$. Note that, if $k<0$, it is not convex. \titlee{Notes and Comments.} The first results on subharmonics were obtained by Rabinowitz in [Ra1], who showed the existence of infinitely many subharmonics both in the subquadratic and superquadratic case, with suitable growth conditions on $H'$. Again the duality approach enabled Clarke and Ekeland in [CE2] to treat the same problem in the convex-subquadratic case, with growth conditions on $H$ only. Recently, Michalek and Tarantello (see [MT1] and [Ta1]) have obtained lower bound on the number of subharmonics of period $kT$, based on symmetry considerations and on pinching estimates, as in Sect.~5.2 of this article. \begref{References}{[MT1]} \refmark{[CE1]} Clarke, F., Ekeland, I.: Nonlinear oscillations and boundary-value problems for Hamiltonian systems. Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal. {\bf 78} (1982) 315--333 \refmark{[CE2]} Clarke, F., Ekeland, I.: Solutions p\'eriodiques, du p\'eriode donn\'ee, des \'equa\-tions hamiltoiennes. Note CRAS Paris {\bf 287} (1978) 1013--1015 \refmark{[MT1]} Michalek, R., Tarantello, G.: Subharmonic solutions with prescribed minimal period for nonautonomous Hamiltonian systems. J. Diff. Eq. {\bf 72} (1988) 28--55 \refmark{[Ta1]} Tarantello, G.: Subharmonic solutions for Hamiltonian systems via a $\bbbz_p$ pseudoindex theory. Annali di Mathematica Pura (to appear) \refmark{[Ra1]} Rabinowitz, P.: On subharmonic solutions of a Hamiltonian system. Comm. Pure Appl. Math. {\bf 33} (1980) 609--633 \endref \byebye