% %\refereelayout % \MAINTITLE{ Optimality relationships for $p$-cyclic SOR\FOOTNOTE{Research supported in part by the US Air Force under grant no. AFOSR-88-0285 and the National Science Foundation under grant no. DMS-85-0285}\FOOTNOTE{second footnote} } % \SUBTITLE{ A demonstration text } % \AUTHOR{Daniel J. Pierce@1, Apostolos Jadjidimos@2\FOOTNOTE{Present address: Department of Computer Science, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907, USA}, and Robert J. Plemmons@3} % \SENDOFF{R. Plemmons } % \MAINTITLERUNNINGHEAD{Optimality relationships for $p$-cyclic SOR} % \AUTHORRUNNINGHEAD{Daniel J. Pierce, Apostolos Jadjidimos and Robert J. Plemmons } % \INSTITUTE{@1 Boeing Computer Service, P.O. Box 24346, MS 7L-21, Seattle, WA 98124-0346, USA @2 Department of Mathematics, University of Ioannina, GR-45 1210 Ionnanina, Greece @3 Department of Computer Science and Mathematics, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC 27695-8205 USA } % \DATE{Received Januar 20, 1989; accepted August 3, 1991 } % \SUMMARY{ The optimality question for block $p$-cyclic matrix into a block $q$-cyclic form, $q < p$, results in asymptotically faster SOR convergence for the same amount of work per iteration. As a consequence block 2-cyclic SOR is optimal under these conditions. } % %\DEDICATION{ ????? } % \SUBCLASS{ AMS 3487 } \maketitle % % Here type in your text. \input pjour1.dem \bye