\titlea{Prolog} This text was compiled to demonstrate the use of the Springer plain-\TeX\ macropackages for one-column journals. Parts of this ``article" were taken from different real articles, but may have been changed to show a special feature of a macro. \titlea{Notation} Here are a few examples of how to use special fonts. Vectors are denoted by boldface letters: $\vec V,\; \vec W$. Tensors are denoted by sans serif letters: $\tens{A, B}$. If no tensors are needed, sans serif letters may be reserved for other purposes. Vector spaces are denoted by % N.B. It is also common for vector spaces to be denoted % by roman letters. This may mislead the author. (EGD 27.10.91) gothic letters: $\frak{G, H}$. Sets of functions are denoted by script letters: $\cal{W}_i,\cal{F}$. Set of numbers are denoted by special %letters: $\cal{W}_i,\cal{F}$. Sets of numbers are denoted by special roman letters $\Bbb R, \Bbb C$. You are of course (within limits) free to design your own notation but sticking to conventions makes your article easier for others to read. \titlea{Preliminaries} The functions $f$ and $g$ of (1) and (2) fulfill the following assumptions: \medskip \item{1.} $f: B_f \subset \bbbr^n \times \bbbr^n \times [a,b] \to \bbbr^n$ \hfill\break $f^\prime _x$, $f^\prime_y$ exist and are continous \item{2.}ker$(f^\prime _y (y, x, t)) = N (t)\quad \forall (y, x, t) \in B_f$ \hfill\break ${\rm rank} (f^\prime _y (y, x, t)) = r$ \hfill\break ${\rm dim} (N (t)) = n - r$ \item{3.}$Q(t)$ denotes a projection onto $N(t)$ \hfill\break $Q$ is smooth and $P(t) := I - Q (t)$ \item{4.} The matrix $G (y, x, t) := f^\prime _y (y, x, t) + f^\prime _x (y, x, t) Q (t)$ is nonsingular \hfill\break $\forall (y, x, t) \in B_f$\quad (i.e. (1) is transferable) \item{5.} $g: B_g \subset \bbbr^n \times \bbbr^n \to M \subset \bbbr^n$ \hfill\break $g^\prime _{x_a} , g^\prime _{x_b}$ exist and are continuous\hfill\break ${\rm im} (g^\prime _{x_a} , g^\prime _{x_b}) =: M$ \medskip Now we give another example of a list with changed indentation. \medskip {\setitemindent{Shoot.} \setitemitemindent{Jacob.} \item{Shoot.} Collocation methods for this type of equations are considered in [AMS] and [D1]. Shooting and difference methods for linear, {\it solvable} DAE's in the sense of [C], also with higher index, are treated in [CP] under the assumption that consistent initial values can be calculated and a stable integration method is available. \item{Diff.} This paper aims at constructing an algorithm for solving a BVP in transferable nonlinear DAE's with nonsingular Jacobian and the same dimension as in the ODE case. \itemitem{Jacob.} We also deal with Jacobians, which means that we explain the functions, advantages and inconveniences of calling them not Jacobians..... \itemitem{Nonl.} Nonlinear functions play an important role in this connection. Please note that we always call them nonlinear whenever there is no............ \par } \medskip \titlea{The shooting method} The natural way to construct a shooting method for DAE's is described in [GM]. Using the subdivision of the interval [a,b] $$ a = t_0 < t_1 < \ldots < t_{m-1} < t_m = b $$ the shooting equation reads $$ \eqalign { & g (z_0 , x (t_m; t_{m-1}, z_{m-1})) = 0 \cr & P_i (z_i - x (t_i; t_{i-1}, z_{i-1})) = 0\; , \quad i = 1, \ldots , m-1\; , \cr } \eqno (4.1) $$ with $P_i := P (t_i)$. \titleb{Disadvantages of the method} The disadvantage of (4.1) is the singularity of the Jacobian. If we use the representation of $z_i = P_i z_i + Q_i z_i =: u_i + v_i$, we obtain the following system $$ g (u_0 + v_0 , x (t_m, t_{m-1}, u_{m-1})) = 0 \eqno (4.2) $$ $$ u_i - P_i x (t_i; t_{i-1}, u_{i-1}) = 0\; , \quad i = 1, \ldots , m-1\; . \eqno (4.3) $$ \titleb{Specialization of $V$} Now we specialize $V := \hat S^\prime $ in (2.3). Let $P_D$ be a projector with ${\rm im} (P_D) = M$. If we demand (2.3) and $$ \eqalign { &VV^- = P_D \cr &V^-V = P\; , \cr } $$ the generalized inverse $V^-$ in uniquely determined. Using Lemma 2.1 we %the generalized inverse $V^-$ is uniquely determined. Using Lemma 2.1 we construct a regular matrix $K$ so that ${\rm im} (P_D) \oplus {\rm im} (K^{-1} Q) = \bbbr^n$. This provides the possibility to add without loss %(K^{-1} Q) = \bbbr^n$. This provides the possibility to add, without loss of information, the Eqs.\ts (4.2) and (4.5) (after multiplying by $K^{-1})$. The following shooting operator is created $$ S (\xi ) := \left( \matrix { S_1 (\xi):= \cases {g (u_0 + v_0, x (t_m; t_{m-1}, u_{m-1})) + K^{-1} Q_0 u_0\hfill &\quad (a)\cr u_i - P_i x (t_i; t_{i-1} , u_{i-1})\; i = 1, \ldots , m-1\hfill & \quad (b) \hfill\cr} \hfill\cr S_2 (\xi) := \cases { Q_0 y_0 + P_0 v_0 \hfill & \quad (c)\hfill\cr f (y_0, u_0 + v_0, t_0) \hfill& \quad (d) \quad ,\hfill\cr } \hfill\cr}\right. \eqno (4.6) $$ with $\xi := (u_0 , u_1, \ldots , u_{m-1} , y_0, v_0)^{\rm T}$. \beglemma{4.1.} Let $V$ be a singular matrix and $V^-$ a reflexive inverse of $V$ with (2.3) and $VV^- = P_D$, $V^-V = P$, where $P$ and $P_D$ satisfy the conditions of Lemma 2.1. Then the matrix $V + K^{-1} Q$ is nonsingular and $$ (V + K^{-1} Q) ^{-1} = V^- + QK\; , $$ where $K$ is defined in (2.2). \endlemma \begproof. % (Why is there a dot at the end? EGD 27.10.91) $$\eqalign { (V + K^{-1}Q)(V^- + QK) & = VV^- + VQK + K^{-1}QV^- + K^{-1} QK \cr & = P_D + 0 + 0 + Q_D = I\; . \qed \cr } $$ \endproof \begremark. The value $w := (P_s v_0 + Q_0 G^{-1} f (y_0, u_0 + v_0, t_0))$ at the right-hand side of (4.16) is the solution of the linear system $$ J_4 \pmatrix {\eta \cr w \cr } = \pmatrix{ Q_0 y_0 + P_0 v_0 \cr f (y_0, u_0 + v_0, t_0) \cr } .\eqno (4.18) $$ \begdoublefig 4 cm \figure{1}{The doping profile $C (t)$ has the same structure as $N_-$} \figure{2}{} \endfig This leads to the following algorithm to compute the iteration $\xi^i$: \medskip {\setitemindent{5 ---} \item{0 -- } initial value $\xi^0 := (u_0^0 , \ldots , u^0_{m-1} , y_0^0 , v_0^0)$ \item{1 -- } $i:= 0$ \item{2 -- } compute $u^{i+1}$ with (3.16) \item{3 -- } compute $y^{i+1}_0, v_0^{i+1}$ with (3.17) using $\Delta u^{i+1} := u^{i+1} - u^i$ \item{4 -- }$i:= i + 1$ \item{5 -- }{\tt IF} accuracy not reached {\tt THEN GOTO 2 ELSE STOP} \par} \endremark \begtheorem{4.1.} Let the assumptions (A), (B) be fulfilled. Then the non-linear equation $$ S (\xi) = 0 $$ has a nonsingular Jacobian in a neighbourhood of $$ \xi = \xi_\star := (u_{\star 0}, \ldots , u_{\star m-1} , y_{\star 0}, v_{\star 0})\; , $$ which corresponds with $x_\star$. \endtheorem \titlea{Implementation} If listing of a program is desired, this is possible too: \medskip \begverbatim void get_two_kbd_chars() { extern char KEYBOARD; char c0, c1; c0 = KEYBOARD; c1 = KEYBOARD; } \endverbatim \medskip (Code taken from the book: {\it C, A software engineering approach} by P.A. Darnell and P.E. Margolis, Springer Verlag 1988) % \titlea{Solutions} We solve this problem with the relative accuracy of integration $1d-4$. Results are given in Table 6.1. \begtabfull \tabcap{6.1}{Results using the shooting method} {} \halign{%\strut #\quad \hfill & #\quad & \hfill # \hfill \quad & \hfill # \hfill \quad & \hfill # \hfill \quad & \hfill # \hfill \quad & \hfill # \hfill \quad \cr \noalign{\smallskip\hrule\smallskip} {\bf Accuracy = $1d-4$} \cr \noalign{\smallskip\hrule\smallskip} Number of shooting intervals & 1 & 2 & 4 & 5 & 10 \cr Number of Newton iterations & 2 & 3 & 5 & 4 & 3 \cr Reached defect of $nl$-system & 1.4--5 & 6.2--5 & 4.2--4 & 1.2--4 & 9.6--5 \cr Number of $f$-calls & 212 & 380 & 656 & 710 & 910 \cr Number of Jacobians $J^{(i)} $ & 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 \cr \noalign{\smallskip\hrule\medskip} %{\bf Accuracy = $1 d-6$} \cr %\noalign{\smallskip\hrule\smallskip} %Number of shooting intervals & 1 & 2 & 4 & 5 & 10 \cr %Number of Newton iterations & 2 & 3 & 3 & 3 & 3 \cr %Reached defect of $nl$-system & 2.6--6 & 1.8--7 & 2.7--8 & 3.5--8 & %2.4--8 \cr %Number of $f$-calls & 418 & 768 & 1208&1397 & 2208\cr %Number of Jacobians $J^{(i)} $ & 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 \cr %\noalign{\smallskip\hrule} } \endtab Text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text. % \acknow{I wish to thank Prof. Dr. Roswitha M\"arz for many helpful discussions.} \begref{References}{[AMR]} \noindent% As this demo file is meant for several journals for which different reference systems apply, we do not give references here. Please refer to the documentation for examples for all three systems. \endref \bye