\titlea{Introduction} Shock waves propagating in a particle-laden gas medium have many applications. \begexample{1.1} Rocket plumes from the metallized propellant and detonation in air laden with liquid droplets or solid particles such as coal and grain dust are two examples. \endexample Heating and acceleration of particles by shock waves is important in these phenomena to understand the evaporation and / or ignition process of the liquid droplets and small solid particles... Numerous research papers have appeared on the subject of gas-particle two phase flows. Carrier [4], Kriebel [13], and Rudinger [19], studied the relaxation zone behind a normal shock wave propagating in a gas-particle medium... This phenomenon, known as shock-wave diffraction, is influenced by many parameters such as incident shock Mach number $M_s$, corner wedge angle $\theta _w$, and initial gas pressure and temperature, which are depicted in Fig. 1. The particles are suspended uniformly in a limited region, which would be an idealized case of the experiment... In this paper we consider a gas-particle two phase flow and numerically solve the two-dimensional Mach-reflection from a compression corner using high resolution TVD scheme by Harten [10]. Figure 2 schematically shows a typical single Mach reflection of a moving shock wave, consisting of incident shock, reflected shock, Mach stem and slipline. We employed here the particle parameters satisfying the dilute gas-particle flow proposed by Growe [9], and subsequently the two fluid model. % \titlea{Governing equations} The following assumptions are used in the present investigation for the two-phase flow analysis. A similar set of assumptions can be found in [3]. % \medskip{\parindent=0pt {\it a.} The gas is perfect. {\it b.} The particles do not undergo a phase change. {\it c.} The volume occupied by the particles is negligible. {\it d.} The particles do not interact with each other. {\it e.} The thermal and Brownian motions of the particles are negligible. {\it f.} The particles are solid spheres of uniform diameter and have a constant material density... }\medskip % The scales used in normalizing the variables in the governing equations are $\bar {L}, \bar {U_r}, \bar {\rho _0}, \bar {p_0}, \bar {T_0}$ : $\bar L$ is the reference length equal to the height of the planar shock tube\fonote{A tube is a longish hollow object.} and $\bar {U_r}$ is the reference velocity equal to $(\bar {p_0}/\bar {\rho _0})^{1\over 2}$. Nondimensional quantities can then be expressed as % $$ t = \bar t \bar {U_r}/\bar L, \ \ x = \bar x/\bar L , \ \ y = \bar y/\bar L, $$ $$\rho = \bar \rho/\bar \rho_{0}, \ \ p = \bar p/\bar p_{0}, \ \ T = \bar T/\bar T_{0},$$ $$u = \bar u/\bar U_{r}, \ \ etc. $$ % Here $\rho$ is the gas density of the mixture, $u$ and $v$ the gas velocity components, $p$ the gas pressure, and $T$ the gas temperature... \titleb{Gas phase equations} The two-dimensional unsteady Euler equations for the gas phase are in the Cartesian coordinate system are in vector form % $${\partial \vec Q\over \partial t}+{\partial \vec F\over \partial x} +{\partial \vec G\over \partial y}+ \vec I = 0 \eqno(1)$$ % \begfig 5.2cm \figure{1}{Geometry of computational domain} \endfig % \begfig 5.4cm \figure{2}{Schematics of the reflected shock waves} \endfig % Here $Q$ is the vector of conservation variables, and $F$ and $G$ are flux vectors, and $I$ the source terms for the momentum and energy balances given by % $$ \vec Q= \left[\matrix{ \rho \cr \rho u \cr \rho v \cr e \cr }\right] \ \ ,\ \ \ \ \ \ \vec F= \left[\matrix{ \rho u \cr \rho u^2+p \cr \rho uv \cr e(u+p) \cr }\right] $$ $$\eqno(2)$$ $$ \vec G= \left[\matrix{ \rho v \cr \rho uv \cr \rho v^2+p \cr e(v+p) \cr }\right] \ \ ,\ \ \ \ \ \ \vec I= \left[\matrix{ 0 \cr f_{px} \cr f_{py} \cr q_{p}+u_{p}f_{px}+v_{p}f_{py} \cr }\right] $$ % where % $$ e = {p\over (\gamma -1)}+{1\over 2}\rho (u^{2}+v^{2}) \eqno(3) $$ % Here $\gamma$ is the gas specific heat ratio and $e$ is the total energy of the gas. % \titleb{Particle phase equations} The drag coefficient $C_d$ is usually expressed as a function of the particle Reynolds number $\Rey_p$, for example, as done by Clift et al. [6]. For $\Rey_p < 800$ % $$ C_{d} = {24\over \Rey_{p}}(1+0.15 \Rey_{p}^{0.687})\eqno(11) $$ % and for $800 < \Rey_p < 3\times 10^5$ % $$ C_{d} ={24\over \Rey_{p}}(1+0.15 \Rey_{p}^{0.687}) +{0.42\over (1+42500 \Rey_{p}^{-1.16})} $$ % Here the particle Reynolds number is defined by % $$ \Rey_{p}=(\rho \Delta U {\bar D}_{p}/{\bar \mu}){\bar U}_{r}\bar {\rho _0} \eqno(12) $$ % Temperature dependence of the dynamic viscosity of the gas phase $\bar \mu$, used here is similar to the one adopted by Martsiano et al. [16] % $$ {\bar \mu} = {\bar \mu}_{r}({\bar T}/{\bar Tr})^{0.65} \eqno(13)$$ % where $\bar \mu _r$ is the dynamic viscosity of the gaseous phase at the reference temperature $\bar T_r$. The heat exchange between the two phases is, on the other hand, % $$ q_{p} = (6 Nu/Pr)({\bar \mu}\rho_{p}/{\bar D}_p{\bar \sigma}_p) (\kappa {\bar L}/{\bar U}_r)(T-T_{p}) \eqno(14) $$ % \begtheorem{2.1} The Nusselt number can be expressed in terms of Reynolds number and Prandtl number. % $$ Nu = 2 + 0.459 \Rey_{p}^{0.55}Pr^{0.33} \eqno(15)$$ % where the Reynolds number is defined as above. \endtheorem This result was reported by Drake [8]. % \titlea{Numerical approach} \titleb{Numerical schemes} \titlec{Gas phase} The gas phase equations (1), are a hyperbolic system. We have used a high-resolution shock-capturing method, a class of total variation diminishing (TVD) scheme [10], and Roe's average [18]. This explicit scheme is second-order accurate both in time and in space coordinates. It has the form in the $\xi$ direction: % $$ Q_{j,k}^{n+1} = Q_{j,k}^{n}-\lambda _{\xi}[\hat F_{j+{1 \over 2},k}^n -\hat F_{j-{1 \over 2},k}^n] \eqno(16) $$ % where $\lambda _{\xi}=\Delta t/\Delta \xi$, and $Q_{j,k}^{n+1}$ is the numerical solution at space $\xi = j\Delta \xi$, $\eta = k\Delta \eta$ and time $t=(n+1)\Delta t$... Also, % $$\eqalignno{&\gamma_{j+{1 \over 2},k}^l = \hfill\cr &\quad\cases{ \sigma({c_\xi} _{j+{1 \over 2},k}^l) (g_{j+1}^l-g_{j}^l)/\alpha_{j+{1 \over 2},k}^l & if $\alpha_{j+{1 \over 2},k}^l \ne 0$ \cr 0& if $\alpha_{j+{1 \over 2},k}^l = 0$ \cr} &(20)}$$ % $$ \psi(z) = \cases{|z|&if\ \ $|z| \geq \delta_{1}$ \cr\cr (z^{2}+ \delta_{1}^2)/2\delta_{1}&if\ \ $|z| < \delta_{1}$ \cr} \eqno(21) $$ % The function $g_{j,k}^l$ is the limiter function and $\psi (z)$ is an entropy correction to $|z|$ where $\delta _1$ is a small positive parameter. More details can be found in [22]. The numerical approach in the $\eta$ direction is similar to the above procedures. % \titlec{Particle phase} The particle properties do not change discontinuously across a shock contrary to the gas phase. The MacCormack Scheme [14] is therefore suitable to sovle the particle phase equations. It also has second-order accuracy both in time and space and has already been successfully applied to steady two-phase transonic nozzle flow problems by Chang [5]. The particular scheme has the following predictor and corrector expressions: % $$ \eqalign{Q_{p \ k,j}^* &=Q_{p \ k,j}^n \cr &-\lambda_{\xi}\{(\xi_{x})_{k,j}(F_{p \ k,j}^n - F_{p \ k-1,j}^n)\cr &\quad\quad +(\xi_{y})_{k,j}(G_{p \ k,j}^n - G_{p \ k-1,j}^n)\} \cr &-\lambda_{\eta}\{(\eta_{x})_{k,j}(F_{p \ k,j}^n - F_{p \ k,j-1}^n)\cr &\quad\quad +(\eta_{y})_{k,j}(G_{p \ k,j}^n - G_{p \ k,j-1}^n)\} \cr &-\Delta t I_{p \ k,j}^n \cr} \eqno(22) $$ % $$ \eqalign{Q_{p \ k,j}^{n+1} &={1\over 2}[Q_{p \ k,j}^n +Q_{p \ k,j}^* \cr &-\lambda_{\xi}\{(\xi_{x})_{k,j}(F_{p \ k+1,j}^* - F_{p \ k,j}^*)\cr &\quad\quad +(\xi_{y})_{k,j}(G_{p \ k+1,j}^* - G_{p \ k,j}^*)\} \cr &-\lambda_{\eta}\{(\eta_{x})_{k,j}(F_{p \ k,j+1}^* - F_{p \ k,j}^*)\cr &\quad\quad +(\eta_{y})_{k,j}(G_{p \ k,j+1}^* - G_{p \ k,j}^*)\} \cr &-\Delta t I_{p \ k,j}^*] \cr} \eqno(23) $$ % \begfig 11.3cm \figure{3a,b}{Density distribution on the ramp for gas-only flow. {\bf a} present result, {\bf b} experimental result. Dashed line; Ben-Dor and Glass [2], Dotted line; Deschambault and Glass [7]} \endfig % \begfig 13.1cm \figure{4a,b}{Mach number contours. {\bf a} Gas-only flow, {\bf b} $\bar D_p$=1 $\mu$m ($\varphi$=0.23)} \endfig % \titlec{Boundary conditions} The flow data on the boundary CC', once swept by the shock wave, are obtained from the moving shock Rankine-Hugoniot relations: % $$\eqalign{ p_{1}/p_{0} &= [2 \gamma M_{s}-(\gamma -1)]/(\gamma +1)\cr \rho _{1}/\rho _{0} &= [\Gamma (p_{1}/p_{0})+1]/ [\Gamma +(p_{1}/p_{0})]\cr u_{1} &= M_{s}\{1-[(\gamma -1)M_{s}^2 +2]/[(\gamma +1)M_{s}^2]\}c_{0}\cr} \eqno(24) $$ % where $\Gamma =(\gamma +1)/(\gamma-1)$ and $c_0$ is the speed of sound in the stagnation state... % \titleb{Coupling of the gas and particle equations} Coupling of the two phase equations is possible using the method of fractional steps. The gas phase equation in the conservation from is split into two equations: % $$\eqalign{{\partial_{t}Q}+{\partial_{\xi}F} &= 0 \cr % {\partial_{t}Q}+{\partial_{\eta}G}+I &= 0 \cr} \eqno(25) $$ % ...At new time steps, (26) is solved using the particle phase properties of the previous calculation. (27) is then solved using the calculated gas phase information. % \titlea{Results and discussion} \titleb{Gas-only phase flow} To test the validity of the present computational procedure, a gas-only flow was first calculated for the same compression corner, with the perfect-gas assumption and the specific heat ratio $\gamma$=1.4. For the flow data $M_s$=2.03 and $\theta _w$ = 27$^\circ$, the shock wave... The shock wave configuration and the isopycnic curves plotted from the computed results, Fig. 3a, agreed well with the experimental interferogram presented by Deschambault et al. [7], shown in Fig. 3b. The slipline which is a weak discontinuity which differentiates the thermodynamic regions of different density, can be clearly seen... % \titleb{Particle-laden gas flow} The data base of particles, uniformly distributed in the region bounded by the two contact discontinuities, AA' and BB', is... \begtabfull \tabcap{1}{Here we transfered a small portion of the article into a table to demonstrate the use of the appropriate macros} \halign {#\hfill\quad&#\hfill\quad&#\hfill\cr \noalign{\hrule\smallskip} &Symbol&value\cr \noalign{\smallskip\hrule\smallskip} Particle diameter, &$\bar D_p$ & 1 $\mu m$, 3 $\mu m$, 5 $\mu m$, and 10 $\mu m$.\cr Mass fraction ratio, &$\varphi$ & 0.33, 0.23, 0.09.\cr Mass density, &$\bar \sigma _p$ & 4000 kg/m$^3$.\cr Specific heat, &$\bar C_s$ & 1380 J/kg-K.\cr &$Pr$ &0.75,\cr &$M_s$ &2.03\cr &$\theta _w$ &27$^\circ$.\cr \noalign{\smallskip\hrule} } \endtab The overall configuration appears to be somewhat similar to the double Mach reflection discussed by Ben-Dor and Glass [2], but the present case has the peculiar cross-section of the contact discontinuity and the reflected shock wave, a kind of weak triple point, without any second Mach stem emanated from it.... % It is observed that the particles are accelerated more rapidly for the smaller particles, and that the flow is therefore divided by the particle free zone, the relaxation zone, and the inactive particle zone... % \titlea{Conclusions} The numerical analyses of the progressive shock-wave reflection in the particle-laden gas medium, performed for various particle sizes and mass fraction ratios, led to the following conclusions: \medskip {\parindent=0pt {\it 1.} The numerical results agreed well with the experimental results for the case of gas-only phase flow. It exhibited supersonic flow in the delta region enclosed by the Mach stem and the slipline. {\it 2.} For the smaller particle sizes and higher mass fraction ratios, the relaxation zone can include an extended supersonic flow region generated by the reflected nearly straight local shock. {\it 3.} The contact discontinuity becomes very sharp in the relaxation zone for the reduced particle sizes and increased mass fraction ratios. {\it 4.} For the smaller particle sizes and higher mass fraction ratios, the shock wave is propagated with lower speed and the peak density in the relaxation zone grows very rapidly with time. } %end of list \begref{References}{19.} % \noindent For examples of the references please refer to the journal. The coding is discussed in detail in the documentation. \endref \bye