\def\Rey{{\rm Re}} % \HEADNOTE={This is a headnote} \MAINTITLE={Reflection of shock wave from a compression corner\newline in a particle-laden gas region} \SUBTITLE{Abridged and slightly altered version of an original article} \AUTHOR={Seung-Woo Kim\FOOTNOTE{Graduate Student of Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Tech\-nology}@{, }\PRESADD{Institute for Aerospace Studies, University of Toronto, Canada M3H 5T6}, Keun-Shik Chang} \MAIL{Seung-Woo Kim} \INSTITUTE={Department of Aerospace Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, P.O.Box 150, Cheongrtang,\newline Seoul, Republic of Korea} \DATE={Received 1 July 1990; in revised form 10 October 1990} \SUMMARY={We investigated in this paper the progression of a shock-wave reflected from a compression corner in a particle-laden gas medium using a TVD class numerical technique and a MacCormack scheme. For a gas-only flow, the numerical results agreed well with the existing experimental data, suggesting that the gas phase is correctively solved... } \KEYWORDS={Two phase compressible flow, Compression corner, Shock wave diffraction, TVD scheme, Particle parameters} % \maketitle