%% BEGIN pst-beta.bug % LAST MODIFIED: December 15, 1993 % The latest version of this file can be obtained from Princeton.EDU. % This file list some bugs and latebreaking news for the beta-release % features in the file pst-beta.tex, for use with PSTricks v0.93a. % pst-beta.tex has many bugs, and the following list is not meant to % be exhaustive. % % The order in which you input files is important with pst-beta tex: % % \input pstricks % \input pst-plot % Or any other extensions to pstricks % \input pstricks.bug % \input pst-beta % \input pst-beta.bug % PROBLEMS: % 1. Labels don't work right with \nccircle. % PATCH: Input this file. % % 2. nrot=: does not work when : is active. % PATCH: Input this file. % PATCHES: (Input this file, in the order given at top, to get these patches) \edef\TheAtCode{\the\catcode`\@} \catcode`\@=11 % 1. \pst@def{NCCircle}<% 0 0 NodesepA nodeA \tx@GetEdge pop xA sub 2 div dup 2 exp r r mul sub abs sqrt atan 2 mul /a ED r AngleA 90 add PtoC yA add exch xA add exch 2 copy /LPutVar [ 4 2 roll r AngleA ] cvx def /LPutPos { LPutVar t 360 mul add dup 5 1 roll 90 sub \tx@PtoC 3 -1 roll add /Y ED add /X ED /NAngle ED } def /HPutPos { LPutPos } def /VPutPos { LPutPos } def r AngleA 90 sub a add AngleA 270 add a sub tx@Dict begin /angleB ED /angleA ED /r ED /c 57.2957 r Div def /y ED /x ED> % 2. \begingroup \catcode`\:=13 \gdef\pst@activerot{\def:{\string:}} \endgroup \def\psset@nrot#1{% \begingroup \pst@activerot \pst@expandafter{\@ifnextchar:{\psset@@nrot}{\psset@@rot}}{#1}\@nil \global\let\pst@tempg\psk@rot \endgroup \let\psk@nrot\pst@tempg} \catcode`\@=\TheAtCode\relax \endinput %% END pst-beta.bug