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PLEASE SUBMIT A BUG REPORT! No files matched the pattern `%s'.Unable to open the TeX file `%s'.Renaming `%s' as `%s'.Could not rename `%s' to `%s'.Unable to open output file.You can specify output file only once.Unable to duplicate strings - no memory?Unable to create wordlist - no memory?Unable to create stack - no memory? Illegal warning number used.Illegal verbosity level.`%c' is not a %s digit - ignored!Unknown escape code `%c%c' - ignored!Unsupported control word (`%s') encountered in file `%s'."%s", line %d: Faulty format - unexpected %s found.Could not open `%s', may cause unwanted behaviour.The abbreviation `%s' requires slow abbreviation searching.Empty token isolated in `%s' - probably faulty formatAssertion failed. Please report bug.Could not find global resource file.Illegal quotestyle `%s'.Wrong template for wiping arguments, "%s"Specify a terminal type with `setenv TERM '.Could not access the termcap data base.Terminal type `%s' is not defined.Regular expressions not compiled in. Please recompile.`%s' can't be a member of both `%s' and `%s'.Could not open the directory `%s'.This version of doesn't support the -d flag. Please recompile.ChkTeX v1.5 - Copyright 1995-96 Jens T. Berger Thielemann. ChkTeX comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; details on this and distribution conditions in the GNU General Public License file. Type "ChkTeX -h" for help, "ChkTeX -i" for distribution info. Author: Jens Berger, Spektrumvn. 4, N-0666 Oslo, Norway. E-mail: Press Ctrl-\ to abort stdin input. If you like this program and use it frequently the author would like you to send him any gift that you feel would be an appropriate `payment' for `ChkTeX' --- thank you! 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For explanation of warning/error messages, please consult the main document ChkTeX.dvi or ChkTeX.ps. :*LOGICALTRADITIONALItalicNonItalicItalCmdLowDotsCenterDotsstdin .bakwName: %12s, MaxLen: %3ld, Entries: %3ld, Hash usage: %3ld.%02ld%%No hash table. %s There are %d warnings/error messages available: WarningErrorMessageIn useUser mutedSystem mutedNumber: %2ld, Type: %s, Status: %s Text: %s SilentLinkerIJAccentPostLinkWipeArgVerbEnvirMathEnvirMathRomanHyphDashNumDashWordDashOutFormatPrimitivesNotPreSpacedNoCharNextCmdLineTeXInputsAbbrevAbbrevCaseUserWarnUserWarnCase%s: %s VerbClearQuoteStyleTabSizeOutputformatCurrent flags include: Read global resource: %s Wipe verbose commands: %s Backup outfile: %s Quiet mode: %s Show license: %s Use stdin: %s \input files: %s Output header errors: %s |Traditional8helplocalrcoutputwarnonerroronmsgonnowarnverbositypipeverbdebugresetquietlicensesplitcharformatpseudonameinputfilesbackupglobalrcwipeverbtictocheadererrversionb::d:e:f:g::hH::I::il:m:n:o:p:qrs:t::v::V::w:Wx::all?WARNINGNOTEERROR%s: %s -- H4$o&I*H~|`0 m P"Ja&^Jg m/// /0hHxaORXeL,Nu H/4r/A"l*qxpC1g rt ҂`r l PCha#RXe~ ,g8 @C6a0JfBt`$ lC(a0Jg/,Hxa fPOp)@t ,Ng>gHx+HzHlaFO ~G +gSgSg`K`K` K`K +gSg SfE` E`E/+/ / /HzHlaFBORp,epNgzACaACaACaxARCalAXCa`ACaTACaHACaHlaD.HzBHz*HlaD.Hz:HzHlaDO(,Qg&/,BHz HzHlaDHzHlaDO zJl*g z/HzHlaDfO zJl,g z/HzHlaDFO zJl.g z/HzHlaD&O zJl0g z/HzHlaDO zJl2g z/HzHlaCO z~Jl4g zp/HzHlaCO z^Jl6g zP/HzHlaCO z>Jl8g z0/HzHlaCO HzHlACaHzHlACaHzHlACaO ,gr @C1g p a@t,?|. l:JgJl.gtaJ@gl l:"lf lCva2 laJ@g laP l:"laPJf/,/,:Hxa NO `/,/,:Hxa 8O p?@.Jo.g, l:CaJ)@pfHxa XOp?@.`A)HpJo.g  o(./$/H4pA\rQKR*B]r:B]K\*A\*BBhBlJl4g Jo8fhHl?A lta$B)@>f.HxaXOp/@$`ANCt <a,`9|2 ,tg @JgRt| @`|`9|0 ,tg @JgRt| @`|`x~`x~` x~`x~ ltHHC1gLA0Ctpa, /0o"r,l"偒ҁA!!`Rp/@$Hx aXO`>Ca&JfzG'D'GRp,m`p/@$Hx aXO`A*CtaV,Jl*fAaAaAaAaAaAaAaAa|A4atAJalA`adAva\AaTAaLAaDAaCa: z6Ca: zBCa:xBo`p?@Jog ,x/@ / L($Nu/ /orl"偒ҁAH 0gSgSg` K` K`K/ /,xHzHla9 /"偒ҁHoACH"qa8XAp a9O /"偒ҁpAHfpa7*_NuHoA"oa8XONuYOH*H0Vr/AJUWr Aa.JVr: L XONuYOH"o.,/lx`b*(,o,|ڇ`"҆ q І##Rm`(|`"҆ q ,І##Rmޅ"/ ,on ,xK"Ҁ*)AL XONuPOSIXLY_CORRECT--%s: option `%s' is ambiguous %s: option `--%s' doesn't allow an argument %s: option `%c%s' doesn't allow an argument %s: option `%s' requires an argument %s: unrecognized option `--%s' %s: unrecognized option `%c%s' %s: illegal option -- %c %s: invalid option -- %c %s: option requires an argument -- %c $H?4*oPG,&$oLBt/@(&&Jxfbr)AxBHzz)A)A/IHa2ZXO)@ oDt-f t)BRD` t+f BRD`JgB`p)@/oD4./(Jg lJf:pf\ ,",gxg //0aLXO` ",xg)A",x&o0`RxX ,xl"Sp-fJ)g ,x)@ ,xgPHz o4/0a0POJf8Rx ,",gxg //0aXO` f ,x)@ )@x)@ ,xf ,",g)@xp` o0&p/@$v-f "pJ)f$Jfp`Rx o0 /$)ptp`R g r-ft @t)K g ,x" o0&pRt-gFJ,g pJ(f4/o4DHH` oDHHf&H`RD oDJf fB@BJ|g ",x o0/0/HzHla3O/,a.VѬRxXOp?`H./(J@g(RxJgx o@Jg C)It`J|gH",x"o0$qp-*f//HzHla3O`HH///HzHla2O/,a-ѬXOp?`p o@fb",xlRx o0)pt`HJ|g  o0/0/HzbHla2O/,a-hXOѬp: o4fp:`Tp?`N/,a-DXOѬ g* o@ (g"( @ p`" o@ ( `J,gL",x o0 pp-(g6/o4D lHH` oDHHf$H`RD oDJf fdJ|gL",x o0$pp-*f/,/HzHla1O`HH/,//HzHla1OARx)Hp?``K U*/o4DHH@;*` oDHHf$H`RD oDJf lJfRx g /;r:f`J|gHJg"/;HH/"o4/Hz4Hla0O` /;HH/"o4/Hz,Hla0O/;HH)@p?`r:*f*f lg )HtRx`Bt)I`t lJg )HtRx`^",xfFJ|gHH/ o4/HzHla0^O/;HH)@p: o4f@;`p?@;`Rx o0)ptBHHL,$Nu/./"o o p/@r/A r.`|r`vr`pH/4Bo2~B pA)@ /H(Ca8 /@"gv?|2&l|p8?@0 g?D.Jg lJf(A"o" <a2"JgApa)@R $K ,g @pa)@gp lJg0r"g2Sg&rgrgUgrgfUg`B`b?|.R lRxp0Jg r!g SfBo.`Aaxg08/.fB|@܆Bo0`p* g2|`.p* g&|`"p* g| `p g|` p g| Sg Bo0R`Bo0, g`" lRpr2tA0g @xJDfS|@`` lRxp0Jg r!gUfBBo.`.Aaxg 0`p0A0f0`Bo.8/.f|@܆JfHxaRXO lJgRB`Bo0Jo0f* , f SghSg/H4`A8/H4`A2/H4//4/, //0HxaOBo2z SgSg\UgnYg8Qgbrgr g r@gh`tE`6 l"RaVJf$*JJVrpJ fpA )A `JfJf.//(/,HxaO Bo2z` gXSg8SgSgh`$m laB$fHxaXOzBo2~pA)@ ` l"m a J@fzBo2` l"maJ@fzBo2`HxaxXO`~JVrpJ fpp@ЀJfp)A `ZUf m ah~)| `BUf maP~)| `*JVrpJ fpA A@A~)A Sf o"a1`//(HxaPO0/2L,Nu|Traditional8SilentLinkerIJAccentItalicItalCmdPostLinkWipeArgVerbEnvirMathEnvirMathRomanHyphDashNumDashWordDashCenterDotsLowDotsOutFormatPrimitivesNotPreSpacedNonItalicNoCharNextCmdLineTeXInputsAbbrevUserWarnVerbClearQuoteStyleTabSizeritemword`='`{'`}'`['`]'EOFhexoctalH"H~ QR|A0hg r Ё @ r k" ^l@0;N            tttttttt                                                          ~"`^~!`X~#`R~ `L~ `F~`@~ `:~ `4~{`.~}`(~[`"~]`~=`~ `~z QRpA0g$0gr ހ0gp0`$p7`JgHz^/Hx aO ~`REp@e`.p0z QR|p0mr7nކ`JgHz/Hx aO ~`hREp@e`^z QRrA0g ЇЀЁ.r0`Jg2Hz/Hx a:O ~`REp@e`/Hx!Hx aO LNuNqYOH.z/HJk& JfSc @ SJof RfzB0LXONu.texrpaPJWDH0Nu/."H g$Jo n ` < I @Sd @p.NuH.` pfAzJfLNuH.&I*H` Ka!JfRpJfL(NuYOH"/H gdg`g$pcp bJgRpc p bJfg0Jg*Jg&*HRJfpSpcp b Jgb @B L @XONuQOH/H g("JfS.ހR a *@Jg  M"o a! 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