THIS RELEASE PREPARED FOR NETWORK 09/03/91 EVERYTHING UNDER THIS DIRECTORY IS EITHER A DIRECTORY OR A SPARKED ARCHIVE. Unpack any ARC files you find using !SparkPlug - most will unpack into a directory of the same name (eg you should rename LatexStyle to temp, and unpack temp to directory LatexStyle). Sorry if this gives you more work, but I've finally succumbed to pressure from users for a smaller distribution. (I used to distribute this unpacked, on 30 floppies) *** There seems to be a bug in the version of !SparkPlug I have - some of the files unpack to the wrong name. *** [If you find an archive with a file !UNPACKME in it, don't create a subdirectory for it -- unpack it the files into the same directory that contains the archive. Same applies to any archive files called UNPACKME] I'm in the process of getting the correct & official versions of all modules from Acorn (I coughed up the $250 for a licence...) so it's possible at the moment some programs (eg the previewer) may not run with the CLib you have, for instance. If this happens, you can always recompile everything yourself -- all sources are provided. This is a release for hackers I'm afraid; you don't get much support but you do get lots of code :-) Graham ========== See the files !Boot- and !DeskBoot- if you want to start up in the Wimp with TeX preloaded. Also, to run the previewer efficiently, you may prefer to alter some configuration parameters; these are what I use: FontSize 384K FontMax1 30 pixels FontMax2 34 pixels FontMax3 40 pixels FontMax4 3 pixels FontMax5 0 pixels FontMax 368k WimpFlags 255 WimpMode 12 ---- Late News 07-Aug-90: Current release has a problem with cmdunh10; the outline font file was corrupted & I've not been able to restore it yet. Also there is a known bug in output of pages to draw files, to do with positioning of rules. The previewer cannot display AMSfonts, or user-supplied fonts. 10-02-91 Thanks to Paul Allen, we've re-organized the Latex and AMSTeX style files to reflect more accurately the way they are used in the rest of the world :-) The standard 'by the book' files have been seperated from the user-contributed ones: Latexstyle is (mainly) the Lamport styles, Latexsty1/2/3 are additional styles from other sources. Userstyle allows you to substitute your own modified styles whilst retaining the originals. It is nearer the front of TeX's search path. 02/03/91 Ian Young has put a lot of work into the Previewer, especially in the area of exporting to !Draw files, so that printing via Risc Os's drivers works correctly. Unfortunately a small bug has been introduced which means that on a multi-synch monitor (and possibly hi-res?) the margins are set wrongly, and a lot of the text is missing from the display. However, Ian's improvements are so worthwhile that I've installed his version by default. So if you have problems, go into the !Preview directory, and rename !Runimage to !Run103, and rename !Run101 to !RunImage. This will restore the older copy. Late news: the margin problem only happens if you change mode *after* the previewer has been started. (And it doesn't appear to be limited to the multisynch) So if it happens to you, just quit the previewer and restart it; no problem. Meanwhile I'll try to fix it...