This is the common TeX for PCAT's,SUNS,VAXEN,3B,etc. Under UNIX, Makefiles control everything. For DOS, I have provided two batch files for making initex and virtex. However, replace tex.h with tex.doc found in INIT. TeX will look for files of three types: text files, font files, and format files. Formats files are the files ending in .fmt which are generated by a \dump command (see the TeXbook). Font files end in .tfm. And text files end in .tex, but TeX will input files of any extension including the null extension. To use the path searching facility, set environment variables: set texformats=/tex/lib:. set texinputs=/tex/lib:. set texfonts=/tex/tfm:. Notice that everything is still as they were inherited from UNIX. I have not bothered to change to DOS pathnames. Unfortunately this means you cant specify file system prefixes (e.g. c:) in pathnames. I will tell you how to do this if you need to. (I am working on it) Contact me. Also be sure to include . in the pathlist. Update: I think the subst command will alleviate the problem... There was a delay of two weeks in which I couldnt test TeX due to lack of a working dvi printer. Sorry. I have spent considerable effort examing the torture test results and am confident that it will perform well. Still it is a very new program. Let me know of any problems. You can reach me at (415) 327 - 8114 after 10:00AM till whenever. My address remains Pat Monardo 299 California Ave #205 Palo Alto, CA 94306 sincerley, pat