%%% pfonts.txt %% Part of fe-format-dumper-CK %% available from ftp matups.matups.fr %% Plain text font spec file based a selection of fonts %% %% First choice is DC. %% Second Adobe type1 set up in the form %% for roman %% I for italic %% B for bold %% BI for bold italic %% S for slant %% %% Future interface?? %% First DC adobe choice %% Then if Adobe, you are asked to specify during compilation %% The default is default KTimes, Cork-encoded native Adobe Times %% You are also asked for a scaling factor in mils. %% 1000 means 10 pt, and the default is 1000. %% Finally you specify the typewriter text font cmtt10 by default. \toks0={%% DC mechanisms \font\tenrm=dcr10 %% text roman \font\tenit=dcti10 %% text italic \font\tenbf=dcbx10 %% text bold %%\font\tenbi=dcbxi10 %% text bold italic %%%% \font\tensl=dcsl10 %% text slant \font\tentt=dctt10 %% text typewriter \hyphenchar\tentt=-1 %% suppress hyphenation } \toks2={% AK mechanism %%% DC is default font class and Tag mechanism not ready %%% so use some explicit class declarations. %%% Temporarily only defaults available \def\PSRoot{KTimes} \def\Scale{1000 } \def\TT{KCourierB } %Courrier?, dmtt10?, cmtt10? %% If cmtt10 want IK family or \noCaesar (in group) \def\Space{ } % \def\CaesarClassAK{-70 } % Adobe CorK class of CaesarCK.tex % \font\tenrm=\PSRoot \Space scaled \Scale % roman text \skewchar\tenrm=\CaesarClassAK % \font\tenit=\PSRoot I scaled \Scale % text italic \skewchar\tenit=\CaesarClassAK % \font\tenbf=\PSRoot B scaled \Scale % text bold \skewchar\tenbf=\CaesarClassAK % \font\tenbi=\PSRoot BI scaled \Scale % text bold \skewchar\tenbi=\CaesarClassAK % \font\tensl=\PSRoot O scaled \Scale % text oblique %% still missing % \font\tentt=\TT % text typewriter \skewchar\tentt=\CaesarClassAK \hyphenchar\tentt=-1 %% suppress hyphenation % \let\PSRoot\undefined \let\Scale\undefined \let\TT\undefined \let\Space\undefined } %%%% Choice between DC and AK mechanisms: \def\W@{\immediate\write16}\W@{}% \W@{ ** Hit return to get DC text fonts.} \W@{ * Hit any letter and return to get } \W@{ * Adobe-Cork type text fonts.} \newif\ifPSText@ \def\temp{\par} \read16 to \YourChoice \ifx\YourChoice\temp \def\Temp{\the\toks0\PSText@false}% DC choice \else \def\Temp{\the\toks2\PSText@true}% AK choice \fi \Temp \toks0{} \toks2{} \endinput