%% ft-mstr.cm %% for LaTeX only in May 1994 \ifx\undefined\ShowCaesar\expandafter\endinput\fi %%%% LateX Choice between CM and DM core fonts: \def\W@{\immediate\write16}% \W@{ ** Hit return to load CM core fonts} \W@{ * Hit \space d \space and return load DM core fonts} \W@{ * extended CM core fonts of Brouard and Sullivan.} \def\temp{\par} \read16 to \YourChoice \ifx\YourChoice\temp \def\dm@{cm} \else \def\dm@{dm} \fi \let\priminput\input %% next would see \input lfonts \input %% next reads latex.tex and dumps \def\input #1 {\priminput lfontsdm.tex %% replaces lfonts (not used) \let\input\priminput} \endinput