%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% hy-mstr.cm %%% will be input by (modified) hyphen.tex %%% which in turn is input by plain.tex %% part of fe-format-dumper-cm directory %% L. Siebenmann, 5-92 %% Documentation in fe-dump.doc \input fr-us.tex %%%% Choice between HyAcc-CM and CaesarCM mechanisms: \def\W@{\immediate\write16}% \W@{ ** Hit return to get accentuation by CaesarCM} \W@{ ** for possibly extended cm fonts.} \W@{ * Hit \space h \space and return to get} \W@{ * accentuation by HyAcc-CM for cm encoded fonts.} \def\temp{\par} \read16 to \YourChoice \ifx\YourChoice\temp \def\Temp{\input caesarcm.tex} \else \def\Temp{\input hyacc-cm.tex} \fi \Temp \endinput