---------------------- latexcad.txt ---------------------------------- Readme file for LaTeX-CAD Version 1.8 John W Leis November 1996 leis@usq.edu.au If you like this package or have some suggestions to improve it, please send me an email! This package contains LaTeX-CAD, a drawing program running under Windows which produces drawing commands for LaTeX. The resulting drawings may be incorporated into a .tex source file, edited, and viewed using a DVI viewer such as DVIWIN, or alternatively converted to PostScript using dvips. Please generate and print the file latexcad.ps (preferred) or latexcad.dvi for more extensive documentation, and a list of changes since previous versions. The documentation file latexcad.tex assumes A4 size paper - if using Letter paper, just remove the `a4paper' from the preamble. To typeset properly, the `lgrind' package for source code formatting is required. It's available on CTAN. if you don't have it present, one example (graph plotting) will be omitted, but the rest will compile satisfactorily. If all this is too hard, just use the PostScript documentation! LaTeX-CAD contains some 2e-specific macros. However, it is not yet fully 2e-compliant (one day.....) The distribution file is named latexcad__.zip, where `__' is the version number without the decimal point. When loading onto a DOS system, this should be truncated to latexcad.zip to fit within the normal 8+3 filename sizes. The package contains the following: latexcad.txt - this file latexcad.exe - executable file latexcad.ps - documentation in PostScript form vbrun300.dll - dynamic link library cmdialog.vbx - common dialog control commdlg.dll - Windows common dialog latexcad.sty - macro file latexcad.tex - documentation file latexcad.hlp - Windows help file lcadeg.lp - " " gnuplot.lp - " " linethic.lp - " " ploteg.lg - " " lgrind.sty - " " fancybox.* - box drawing macro package epic.* - picture macro package eepic.* - extended picture macro package epsf.* - PostScript macro package rotate.* - PostScript rotation package macros.tex - Example usage test.* - support for above ploteg.bas - example for data file plotting The documentation contains instructions on setting up the package and its operation. It requires LaTeX to compile and a dvi driver to print/preview. It is recommended to use a PostScript output device so as to be able to view the PostScript objects in the documentation. (Note, however, LaTeX-CAD will work without a PostScript output device, although shaded objects and rotated text may not be available). J Leis Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia November 1996 leis@usq.edu.au -----------------------------------------------------------------------