Release Notes TeX RunTime System Version 2.1aH Edition 1.0 Norbert Hesse Albert-Schweitzer-Str.45 2400 L"ubeck Tel.: (0451) 62 58 08 June 8,1993 Copyright 1993 Norbert Hesse and Dante e.V. 1 Contents ======== 1 Introduction 4 1.1 Conventions used in the Release Note . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2 Before installing your Software 6 2.1 Memory requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 2.2 Disk space requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 2.3 Special requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 3 Contents of the distribution tape 7 4 Structure of the TeX System 8 5 The installation of the TeX RunTime System 9 5.1 Installing your software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 5.2 Configuring your software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 5.2.1 Configuring TeX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 5.2.2 Configuring METAFONT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 5.3 End of the installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 6 Using the TeX RunTime System 13 6.1 Setting up the environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 6.2 Viewing and Printing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 6.2.1 Viewing the short documentation of LaTeX . . . . . . . 13 6.2.2 Printing the short documentation of LaTeX . . . . . . 14 7 Printers supported by this release 15 7.1 Setting up a new printer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 8 Creating character set for your printer 17 8.1 Selecting the right printer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 8.2 Building all fonts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 8.3 Building the fonts in steps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 8.4 Experimental alternative on building fonts . . . . . . . . . . 18 2 9 Overview of supported utilities 20 9.1 Ghostview and GhostScript . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 9.1.1 GhostView . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 9.1.2 GhostScript . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 9.2 Textprocessing System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 9.2.1 Generating dvi-files with troff . . . . . . . . . . . 21 10 Changing the system 21 10.1 Rebuilding the format files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 10.2 Rebuilding the base files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 11 Removing the TeX RunTime System 23 A UNIX System V Release 3.2 Version 2.x 24 A.1 Changing the kernel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 A.2 Compressed On Line Manuals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 References 26 Change Information 27 3 1 Introduction =================== This is the new Release of the TeX RunTime System for SCO UNIX. The purpose of making this distribution is to help people without a Development System to run and use the TeX-System. This release is distributed on a 60MB 1/4" cartridge tape labeled TeX RunTime System Version 2.1aH including this Release Note. This TeX RunTime System is ment to be ready and run. Therefore you need not to o buy a Development System* o get the source code (about 100 MB) from the server o spend hours of adapting the code to your machine before starting to compile the programs o spend more hours of testing and pre-compiling o get bored of searching night after night for errors before your have the TeX-System running. The only thing you have to do is to generate the character sets needed for your printer. (All the METAFONT- sources are included.) This Release Notes will give you information on following subjects o Overview of this Release. o How to install the distribution tape o How to generate the character sets for your printer o How to view and print documents o How to change the TeX RunTime System o How to get help on problems NOTE: Because this is a very complex system you should buy some books about TeX and LaTeX. You will find a list at the end of this Release Notes on page 26. ___________________________________________ *Even if you have one, it won't work because you need the GNU Compiler to compile the code. 4 1.1 Conventions used in the Release Note --------------------------------------------- Throughout this document we use the folling documentation conventions: -------------------------------------------------------- | Symbol | Description | |---------------|--------------------------------------| | boldface type | Everything you type | | | on your keyboard | | typewriter | Messages that appear on your screen | | slanted type | Namesof programs and files | | CTRL-D | While holding down the control | | | press the letter "d". | | ESC e | Keys you press sequentially. | |---------------|--------------------------------------| | RETURN | Press the RETURN or ENTER key. | -------------------------------------------------------- 5 2 Before installing your Software ========================================= If a cover letter was included with your distribution, please read it first. Your installation instructions will follow on page 9. Before you install the software a few notes on the minimum configuration of your system. 2.1 Memory requirements ---------------------------- This release requires a minimum of 4MB (megabytes) of system RAM. 2.2 Disk space requirements -------------------------------- This release will occupy approximately 50MB in the usr filesystem. You will need to allocate at least 10MB for building the METAFONT character sets for your printer and additional 10MB for work space.* 2.3 Special requirements ----------------------------- This release requires filenames up to 256 characters length. If you are running SCO UNIX System 3.2 Version 2.x or higher, you will need to change the kernel to install the software. See page 24 how to change the kernel. ___________________________________________ *Work space in this case means that you have enough room for compiling the TeX source files and printing the dvi files. 6 3 Contents of the distribution tape ============================================ Here is a short overview of programs in delivered with this TeX-RunTime System. ---------------------------------------------------------- | Item | Description | ========================================================== | tex | The TeX program Version 3.141 | | mf | The METAFONT program Version 2.71 | | xdvi | Previewer to look at the dvi-files | | texx | Previewer to look at the dvi-files | | GROFF | Textprocessing System (troff/nroff) | | GhostView | Xwindow utility to view PostScript files | | GostScript | Utility to print PostScript files | | dvixxx | Driver programs to print the dvi-files | | *.mf | METAFONT-Source files of character sets | | *.sty | Style files for TeX and LaTeX | | *.tex *.ltx | TeX and LaTeX sources | | *.doc | Documentation for TeX and LaTeX | ---------------------------------------------------------- Note: dvixxx = printer driver in /usr/local/bin. Also included makefiles and scripts to generate the character sets for your printer and to change the base and format files. See page 21 for changing the TeX RunTime System. Compiled characters (pk-files) of Computer Modern Fonts can also be found. There is a subset of 300dpi fonts available for the Xwindow previewer. Help on program and their parameters are available as On Line Manuals in this release. 7 4 Structure of the TeX System ================================== Here is a short overview were you will find special parts of this TeX RunTime System. o All programs and files reside under the directory /usr/local execpt for Xwindow programs which you will find in /usr/bin/X11 and /usr/lib/X11 o The binary programs you will find in /usr/local/bin o The METAFONT programs are below /usr/local/lib/mf o The TeX files are below /usr/local/lib/tex o The compiled fonts are below /usr/local/lib/tex/fonts o The GROFF Textprocessing System is below /usr/local/lib/groff o The compiled and compressed* On Line Manuals are in /usr/man/cat.TeX o The On Line Manual sources are in /usr/man/man.TeX ___________________________________________ *See page 25 for notes about compressed On Line Manuals. 8 5 The installation of the TeX RunTime System ================================================= The complete installation takes about an hour, you will have time to read through the entire Release Note. For now we will start the installation process. 5.1 Installing your software --------------------------------- Please insert the cartridge labeled TeX RunTime System in your tape drive. Login as root on your console. If you see the system prompt (#) you must invoke custom to install the software. You do it by entering custom -m /dev/rct0 RETURN From the custom menu select Install and then Entire Product. You will be informed to insert the tape to install from. Custom will now search the tape for the permission files to get to know what to install. After these files are found the installation product is identified and you must confirm with RETURN to start with the installation. Now you can continue to read this Release Note while the installation is in progress. 5.2 Configuring your software ---------------------------------- After all the software is read in, the system must be initialized. This is done by an initialization script. It will build format and base files for TeX and METAFONT. This primary configuration can later be changed from you.* All the necessary tools are coming with this system. 5.2.1 Configuring TeX The first step is to build the format files for different TeX-Environments shown in the table below. ___________________________________________ *See page 21 for datails. 9 --------------------------------------------------------------------- | No. | Format file | Program | Description | ===================================================================== | 1. | tex.fmt | tex | Plain TeX | | 2. | gtex.fmt | gtex | Plain TeX with german hyphenation | | 3. | etex.fmt | etex | Extended Plain TeX | | 4. | amstex.fmt | amstex | AMS-TeX | | 5. | slitex.fmt | slitex | Slide TeX | | 6. | gslitex.fmt | gslitex | Slide TeX with german hyphenation | | 7. | latex.fmt_ | latex | LaTeX | | 8. | glatex.fmt | glatex | LaTeX with german hyphenation | | 9. | amslatex.fmt | amslatex | AMS-LaTeX | | 10. | texinfo.fmt | texinfo | TeXInfo for GNU documents | --------------------------------------------------------------------- Format Files created during installation When the configuration is running you see a lot of messages running over your screen. You will see sometimes an error message which you can ignore. The process will stop on configuring AM S-TeX . When you see the following message: ! Too late for \patterns. l.3 \patterns {% just type if you're not using INITeX ? please hit RETURN. On items seven and eight (LaTeX and German LaTeX in the above table) the installation will stop again and wait for your input to continue. Here is what you see and how to act for both items. NOTE: Don't forget to type RETURN after each input!!! ! I can't find file `lfonts'. l.1346 \input lfonts Please type another input filename: You enter: lfonts.ori The process of configuration will continue until reaching item nine of the above table (AMS-LaTeX). Here is what you see and how to act. 10 ! I can't find file `lfonts'. l.1346 \input lfonts Please type another input filename: You enter: ! I can't find file `fontdef.tex' l.621 \input fontdef.tex Please type another input filename: You enter: fontdef.ams ! I can't find file `preload.tex'. l.622 \input preload.tex Please type another input filename: You enter: ! I can't find file `xxxlfont.sty'. l.770 \input xxxlfont.sty Please type another input filename: You enter: basefont or basefont.tex* ___________________________________________ *TeX assumes `.tex' as filename extension, this is the default. If for example you type basefont, TeX searches for a file named basefont.tex. 11 5.2.2 Configuring METAFONT Next the METAFONT base files are created. The table below will show you the METAFONT programs and base files which will be generated. Again you will see a lot of messages which you can ignore. ---------------------------------------------------------- | No. | Base file | Program | Description | ========================================================== | 1. | plain.base | mf | Plain_METAFONT | | 2. | cmbase.base | cmmf | Computer_Modern_METAFONT | ---------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: All messages you have seen so far are stored in the directories /usr/local/lib/tex/formats and /usr/local/lib/mf/bases. These files have the extension `.log'. The last step is the installation of the newly generated programs in the direction /usr/local/bin. This is the place of all binaries of the TeX RunTime System. 5.3 End of the installation -------------------------------- This concludes the installation process. The control is handled over to custom. You will be asked to press RETURN to continue. After setting the file per- mission the main menu of custom appears on the screen. Select QUIT and YES to finish the installation of the TeX RunTime System. Now remove the tape from the drive and store it in a save place. 12 6 Using the TeX RunTime System =================================== 6.1 Setting up the environment ----------------------------------- Before you can use TeX you must expand your path so the newly installed programs will be found by the system. If your are using the Bourne Shell you should enter: PATH=.:$PATH:/usr/local/bin; export PATH You should store the new path in the file .profile for the Bourne Shell in your home directory. 6.2 Viewing and Printing ----------------------------- If you never have seen TeX before you will have to print a short documentation about 80 pages long. (NOTE: This a german documentation!!!). If you have used TeX before you can skip this section. 6.2.1 Viewing the short documentation of LaTeX There are three different programs of xdvi available: o xdvi640 : For Xwindow resolution of 640x480 pixels. o xdvi800 : For Xwindow resolution of 800x600 pixels. This program is linked to xdvi. o xdvi1024 : For Xwindow resolution of 1024x768 pixels. If you installed your Xwindow system at another size, e.g. 1024x768 pixels, you have to relink the xdvi-program. Just enter: cd /usr/local/bin unlink xdvi link xdvi1024 xdvi 13 Now you can invoke xdvi in the normal way. The following steps are necessary to view the documentation: o Start the Xwindow System o Check the On Line Manual page xdvi by entering: man xdvi o Start the Xwindow System o Move to the directory /usr/local/lib/tex/doc. o To view the manual enter the following line on the keyboard: xdvi -l -S 30 ltexdoc 6.2.2 Printing the short documentation of LaTeX The following steps are necessary to get a printed manual: o Find a printer in the list. Look at page 15. o Find a driver program in /usr/local/bin that fits. o Check the On Line Manual page dvi by enterering: man dvi o Set the environment variable PKFONTS to the path where you can find the compiled fonts e.g. PKFONTS=/usr/local/lib/tex/fonts/hplaser/ export PKFONTS Don't forget the slash at the end of the first line!!! o Generate the fonts needed for the manual.* See page 17 for details. o Move to the directory /usr/local/lib/tex/doc. o To print the manual enter the following line on the keyboard: dvixxx ltexdoc ___________________________________________ *If you have a printer with resolution of 300 DPI, the fonts are the same used by xdvi. So you don't have to generate them. 14 7 Printers supported by this release ============================================= The following table is a list of printers supported by this release. There may be more printers, you have to look in the file /usr/local/lib/mf/inputs/ Search for lines starting with mode_def, the name behind is the name of the supported printer. The resolutions are in given in dpi.* There is a seperate directory which hold all the available printer mode files. The directory is named /usr/local/lib/tex/fonts/ALL_MODES Each mode file is an extraction of the main Each mode file appears also in a directory named with the mode name, which will also hold the compiled characters sets. (See the xdvi directory.) ----------------------------------------------------------------- | Mode_Name | Printer name | Resolution | DPI | ================================================================= | lqhires | NEC-P6 high resolution | 360x360 | 360 | ----------------------------------------------------------------- | lqmedres | LQ-1500, NEC-P6 | 360x180 | 360 | ----------------------------------------------------------------- | lqmedresl | LQ-1500, NEC-P6_(Landscape) | 180x360 | 180 | ----------------------------------------------------------------- | alw | Apple Laserwriter | 300x300 | 300 | | hplaser | HP LaserJet+, Deskjet etc. | | | | xdvi | Xwindow Previewer | | | | kyocera | Kyocera F-1010 | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------- | epsonfx | Epson FX-80 | 240x216 | 240 | ----------------------------------------------------------------- | epsonfxl | Epson FX-80 (Landscape) | 216x240 | 216 | ----------------------------------------------------------------- | fax | Fax | 204x196 | 204 | ----------------------------------------------------------------- | faxl | Fax (Landscape) | 196x204 | 196 | ----------------------------------------------------------------- | hpquiet | HP Quiet Jet | 192x192 | 192 | ----------------------------------------------------------------- | lqlores | LQ-1500, NEC-P6 low resolution | 180x180 | 180 | ----------------------------------------------------------------- | itoh | C.ITOH8510A | 160x144 | 160 | ----------------------------------------------------------------- | itohl | C.ITOH8510A (Landscape) | 144x160 | 144 | ----------------------------------------------------------------- | epsonmx | Epson MX-80 | 120x216 | 120 | ----------------------------------------------------------------- | sun | Screen Previewer | 120x120 | 120 | ----------------------------------------------------------------- | screen | Screen Previewer | 100x100 | 100 | ----------------------------------------------------------------- Available printers in this Release ___________________________________________ *dpi = dots per inch 15 7.1 Setting up a new printer --------------------------------- To setup a new printer, e.g. NEC-P6 with 360DPI just follow the steps given below: 1. Move do the directory /usr/local/lib/tex/fonts 2. Select a printer from the table and - if it doesn't already exits - make a new directory by entering: mkdir lqhires 3. Copy the corresponding mode file to the new generated directory. cp modes/ lqhires 4. Make a symbolic link to the main DPI directory ln -s lqhires 360pk 16 8 Creating character set for your printer =================================================== 8.1 Selecting the right printer ------------------------------------ To create the character fonts needed for your printer you must first find your printer name in the leftmost column in the table on page 15. In the same line in the rightmost column you find the dpi-value you need. 8.2 Building all fonts --------------------------- Now move to the directory /usr/local/lib/mf/inputs/cmfonts. To make all the fonts type in the following line: AllFonts 300 hplaser. That means you will create fonts for a Laser printer with a resolution of 300 dpi. NOTE: This is a very time consuming process and will take about 72 hours !!! 8.3 Building the fonts in steps ------------------------------------ There is a alternative way to build the fonts. It is separeted in three steps. 1. Build the LaTeX fonts by entering: tmake -s -f LaTeX.make 300 hplaser 2. Build the Computer Modern fonts by entering: tmake -s -f CMfonts.make 300 hplaser 3. Build the Special fonts by entering: tmake -s -f Special.make 300 hplaser All these three steps will automatically performed by using the script AllFonts. 17 8.4 Experimental alternative on building fonts --------------------------------------------------- If you're adventurous you can try to build fonts at special sizes which are not found in /usr/local/lib/mf/input. NOTE: Most of the fonts needed by LaTeX will not be created! Please move to the directory /usr/local/lib/mf/mfjobs and follow the steps below. We again choose hplaser as our printer: 1. Enter: make_standard_mf. This will create all necessary METAFONT sources in new dirctory mf. 2. Enter: make_all_natural hplaser. This will build a shell script which you must excute next. 3. Enter: make_gf_files. This will force mf (the METAFONT program) to create gf-files in the standard resolution for the selected printer (e.g. 300dpi). The resulting gf-files will be stored in a newly created direc- tory called gf. The resulting tfm-files will be stored in a newly created directory called tfm. 4. Enter: rm -f make_gf_files. This will remove the shell script. 5. Enter: make_all_magnified hplaser. This will build a shell script which you must excute next. 6. Enter: make_gf_files. This will force mf to create gf-files in different magnification for the selected printer. Again all resulting gf-files will be stored in the directory gf. The tfm-files will be stored in the directory tfm. 7. Enter: rm -f make_gf_files. This will remove the shell script. 8. Enter: make_all_pk. This will build a shell script which you must excute next. 9. Enter: make_pk_files. This will convert the gf-files in the directory gf to pk-files by using the program gftopk. The resulting files which will be stored in a newly created directory called pk. 10. Enter: rm -f make_pk_files. This will remove the shell script. 18 11. Enter: make_install. This will move all pk-files and tfm-files to the final location in /usr/local/lib/tex/fonts. 12. This is the final step. Enter: make_clean. This will remove all files you have created in the previous steps. Again, this is experimental! It might work for your printer, but I think you will have to correct some of the resolutions or scripts. NOTE: Don't install the fonts if you working fonts in the directory /usr/local/lib/tex/fonts. You should make a backup before and remove all directories which have names consisting of numbers. (See page 23 how to backup). Take a look at the scripts make_all_mf and make_missing_mf. There are a lot of sizes predefined. Edit for your needs and try out. To generate more fonts, look in the subdirectories below /usr/local/lib/mf where you will find a lot of METAFONT source files. If you find some inter- esting fonts you like you can use all the scripts we discussed before to generate the pk-files for your printer. Don't forget to look at the manual page for mf and gftopk. 19 9 Overview of supported utilities ========================================= 9.1 Ghostview and GhostScript ---------------------------------- Supplied with this release are the GhostView and GhostScript programs from the GNU system.* These programs allow you to view and print PostScript files. 9.1.1 GhostView The Ghostview program provides an X11R4 user interface for the ghostscript interpreter. To see how to invoke GhostView see the manual page ghostview. A complete manual can be found in usr/local/doc/ghostview. This manual is is in PostScript format so you will need either a PostScript printer or use gs to print it. 9.1.2 GhostScript The GhostScript program is a interpreter for the PostScript language. It reads a giving file in sequence and displays or prints it as a GhostScript file. To see how to invoke GhostScript see the manual page gs. 9.2 Textprocessing System ------------------------------ Supplied with this release is a GNU Version of the textprocessing system. All tools for GROFF 1.08 have OnLine Manual pages. To learn more about the Textprocessing system see [1 , 2]. All of the standard texprocessing system tools are included. These are the macro packages m, e, ms, an, the programs soelim, tbl, eqn, pic, refer, ptx, indxbib, lookbib and the X11 program gxditview. Also included is the support for the Xwindow system (resolutions 75 dpi and 100dpi), TeX , PostScript language and for ASCII output. ___________________________________________ *The GNU software is distributed by the Free Software Foundation and is absolutely free. A GNU RunTime system is available from the same place where you got this release or simply get in contract with the author of this release. 20 9.2.1 Generating dvi-files with troff Because the source codes of all manual pages e.g. for TeX are available in the directory /usr/man/man.TeX, you can generate dvi-files from the sources. An example for printing a manual page as dvi-file by using troff is given below: o Move to the right directory: cd /usr/man/man.TeX o Generate the dvi-file: groff -Tdvi -man tex.n > tex.dvi o Now print tex.dvi using the driver program for your printer, e.g. for an Epson FX80 printer: dvieps -t tex.dvi; lpr tex.dvi-eps 10 Changing the system ============================== The TeX RunTime System has been configured during the installation. 10.1 Rebuilding the format files -------------------------------------- Exept for AMS-TeX only the Computer Modern fonts will be used. If you want to use the NFSS* instead you must rebuild the format files. The easiest way is to rebuild all format files. Here are the steps to rebuild the format files: 1. Move to the directory /usr/local/lib/tex/formats. 2. Remove the old format files by entering: tmake clean. 3. Now rebuild the format files by entering: tmake formats 4. The last step is to install the newly generated formats and build the corresponding binaries. Therefore you have to enter: tmake install In general you would change positions seven, eight and nine of the table shown on page 9. Refer to page 10 where the format file of AMS-TeX will be generated. Which options available for these request you can find in [3, 4]. ___________________________________________ *NFSS = New Font Selection Scheme 21 10.2 Rebuilding the base files ------------------------------------ Normaly there will be no need to rebuild the METAFONT base files. The only cause is when you have defined a new printer* which you will add to the system. Here is what you have to do to rebuild the new METAFONT base files. 1. Move to the directory /usr/local/lib/mf/bases. 2. Remove the old base files by entering: tmake clean. 3. Now rebuild the base files by entering: tmake bases 4. The last step is to install the newly generated bases and build the corresponding binaries. Therefore you have to enter: tmake install ___________________________________________ *You will have to add a new printer in the file /usr/local/lib/mf/inputs/ This file will be automatically included when rebuilding the base files for METAFONT. 22 11 Removing the TeX RunTime System ======================================== To remove the TeX from your system you can use custom. If you have generated character sets for your printer you should make a backup of these files. If you not changed the path* you will find these files there. The directory names for the pk-files are numbers which represent the resolution in dpi for the fonts. NOTE: You must be in the root directory. To backup these files just enter the following line (the example below is given for the epsonfx printer ): tar cvbf 20 /dev/rct0 ./usr/local/lib/tex/fonts/epsonfx ./usr/local/lib/tex/fonts/tfm /dev/rct0 means the output device, in this case it is the streamer. You must type both lines on one single line. Once you have made a backup you can invoke custom to remove the TeX RunTime System. Select Remove from the main menu. You will then see a window with a list of of other previous installed software. Select the line with TeX RunTime System and confirm with RETURN. Just confirm the next questions custom will ask you. When the complete TeX system is removed from the system leave custom by selecting Quit and Yes. You can later install the whole system again and also later restore the backup you made. ___________________________________________ *Normaly /usr/local/lib/tex/fonts 23 A UNIX System V Release 3.2 Version 2.x =================================================== A.1 Changing the kernel ----------------------------- Before you can start the installation you must change the kernel. Because this release support filenames up to 256 character length, the installation will abort with an error. To avoid this error you must change the kernel parameter ETRUNC from 0 to 1. Please read throught the System Administration Guide how to change the kernel. All filenames will now automatically be truncated to the length of 14 with- out any warnings or error messages. Although it might be necessary to change some filenames which will be included when running TeX. Just write down the name including the pathname of the file TeX can't find. Find the truncated name, start TeX again and suply the new name if TeX stops on the same error. 24 A.2 Compressed On Line Manuals ------------------------------------ In earlier versions (2.x) of the SCO UNIX System Release 3.2 all manuals had been run through pack(C). You can identify these files because they have the extension .z wheras manual pages run through compress(C) have the extension .Z. To use these manuals for your system just type on your keyboard the fol- lowing short shell script. It is assumed that you use the Bourne Shell. Move to the directory /usr/man. Don't forget to type RETURN after each line. You must not enter the numbers and the colons (e.g. 1:), they are only for your information 1: for i in CT GNU HW FP 2: do 3: cd $i 4: for j in `ls *.Z` 5: do 6: A=`basename $j .Z` 7: uncompress $j 8: pack $A 9: done 10: cd .. 11: done Test the manual by entering the command: man tex and type RETURN. Normaly the manual page of the tex program will appear on the screen. 25 References ========== [1] D. W. Barron & M. J. Rees. Textprocessing and typesetting with the UNIX System. Addison-Wesley Co., Inc., Reading, MA, 1987 [2] Claus Schirmer. troff-Programmierung - Professionelle Textverarbeitung und Schriftsatz unter UNIX. Carl Hanser Verlag, 1990 [3] Helmut Kopka. LaTeX - Eine Einf"uhrung. Addison-Wesley Verlag, 1992 [4] Helmut Kopka. LaTeX - Erweiterungsm"oglichkeiten. Addison-Wesley Ver- lag, 1992 [5] Leslie Lamport. LaTeX - A Document Preparation System. Addison- Wesley Co., Inc., Reading, MA, 1985 [6] Donald E. Knuth. Computer and Typesetting Vol. A-E. Addison-Wesley Co., Inc., Reading, MA, 1984-1986 [6a] Vol. A: The TeXbook, 11. ed. , 1991 [6b] Vol. B: TeX: The program, 4. ed. , 1991 [6c] Vol. C: The METAFONTbook, 4. ed. , 1991 [6d] Vol. D: METAFONT: The program, 4. ed. , 1991 [6e] Vol. E: Modern Typefaces, 3. ed. , 1987 26 Change Information =================== This is a summary of the changes that have been made to the previous version of this Release Notes. The chapters, page numbers, and/or paragraphs mentioned in this summary refer to the previous manual. Title: Release Notes TeX RunTime System Version 2.1aH Edition: 1.0 Date: June 8, 1993 Changes: 27