The package consist of the files dot_nedit, dot_neditmacro and dot_Xdefaults. The actual macros are contained in dot_neditmacro (user-defined functions and global variables) and dot_nedit (menu definitions). The file dot_Xdefaults contains necessary X default settings (key bindings). The documentation is in the folder docs. There is the LaTeX source file of the manual and the documented source of the macros in the file latex_pack.nm. The folder nedata contains various data files, that the macros need. Installation o Unix/Linux: Copy the files dot_nedit and dot_neditmacro as .nedit and .neditmacro to your home directory, so that NEdit can find them. (E.g. cp dot_nedit HOME/.nedit) Also, copy the folder nedata to your home directory (or set the global variable $data in the file .neditmacro appropiately). If there are already .nedit and .neditmacro files of your own, you could temporarily rename these in order to see how the normal setup of the LaTeX-Pack looks like. Since you probably want to keep your NEdit preferences, you can do the following thereafter: Append the contents of dot_neditmacro to your .neditmacro file (if there should be functions or global variables with the same name you have to rename them.) Then import the dot_nedit file with the command nedit -import dot_nedit. The menu definitions will be placed on top of your definitions. You have to save defaults once now, since this is not done automatically (i.e. the imports would be lost if you restart NEdit). XDEFAULTS. In additon some Xdefaults have to be set. In order to do this, copy the contents of dot_Xdefaults to your .Xdefaults or .Xresources file. You probably have to log in again for the new settings to take effect. o WINDOWS (cygwin port): Open the files dot_nedit and dot_neditmacro in NEdit! The file dot_neditmacro needs to be edited as described there. Then save dot_nedit as nedit.ini (! yes !) to the NEdit home directory (confirm the installation of the cygwin port), thereby, AND THIS IS ESSENTIAL, choosing Unix format!! Dot the same procedure to dot_neditmacro, i.e. save it as neditmacro.nm in Unix format. (If you don't choose Unix format, it is likely that the files are interpreted as DOS format, so that NEdit can't read them when restarting. This will lead to a whole lot of error messages and a program stop.) Make sure to copy the folder nedata to your home directory, see installation of NEdit's cygwin port (standardly it is C:\nedit). Notice, that the LaTeX-Pack runs now under Windows with MiKTeX as well as under Unix with teTeX. If you already should have nedit.ini and neditmacro.nm files, then what is described under Unix applies here, too. XDEFAULTS. Under Windows the X defaults are set in the file .nedit, because there may be X servers that you use that don't read the file .Xdefaults (this is, by the way, the reason for renaming the preferences files, so that the X defaults won't be overwritten when preferences are changed). So save the contents of dot_Xdefaults as .nedit to the NEdit home directory.