#!/bin/sh SRCF="SQLTeX" TMPF="SQLTeX.tmp" SQLT="SQLTeX" RFIL="SQLTeX_r.dat" TAB="\011" PI=`which perl` || PI="" ## Is Perl installed ? if test -z "$PI" then echo "Perl is either not installed on this system, or not included in your path" echo "Please check and correct this error - you need Perl to use SQLTeX" exit fi ## Does the source file exist ? if ! test -f $SRCF then echo "Error - the file $SRCF does not exist in the current directory" exit fi ## Where should SQLTeX be installed ? CUSR=`whoami` if test $CUSR = "root" then DDIR="/usr/local/bin" else DDIR=`pwd` fi while test -z "$IDIR" do echo -n "Where should SQLTeX be installed [$DDIR] ? " read IDIR if test -z "$IDIR" then IDIR="$DDIR" fi if ! test -d $IDIR then echo "$IDIR does not exist or is not a directory" IDIR="" fi done echo "#!$PI -w" > $TMPF echo "" >> $TMPF cat $SRCF >> $TMPF chmod +x $TMPF mv $TMPF $IDIR/$SQLT Write_r_File () { echo -E -n "$1" >> $IDIR/$RFIL echo -e -n $TAB >> $IDIR/$RFIL echo -E "$2" >> $IDIR/$RFIL } if ! test -e $IDIR/$RFIL then touch $IDIR/$RFIL echo -e "; This file contains all characters or character sequences that" >> $IDIR/$RFIL echo -e "; will be be replaced by SQLTeX when the occur in the response" >> $IDIR/$RFIL echo -e "; of an SQL query." >> $IDIR/$RFIL echo -e "; It is mainly used for escaping the (La)TeX special characters," >> $IDIR/$RFIL echo -e "; but any value can be added here." >> $IDIR/$RFIL echo -e "; The first column is the character (sequence) that will be replaced." >> $IDIR/$RFIL echo -e "; The second column is the value to replace col 1 with." >> $IDIR/$RFIL echo -e "; Columns are sepated with one or more tab- characters." >> $IDIR/$RFIL echo -e ";" >> $IDIR/$RFIL echo -e "; Note all values are case sensitive; if you add the line:" >> $IDIR/$RFIL echo -e "; LaTeX \LaTeX\ " >> $IDIR/$RFIL echo -E "; the word \"latex\" will be untouched, but \"LaTeX\" will be replaced." >> $IDIR/$RFIL echo -e ";" >> $IDIR/$RFIL Write_r_File "$" '\$' Write_r_File "_" "\_" Write_r_File "%" "\%" Write_r_File "&" "\&" Write_r_File "<" "\texttt{<}" Write_r_File ">" "\texttt{>}" Write_r_File "{" "\{" Write_r_File "}" "\}" Write_r_File "#" "\#" Write_r_File '~' "\~{}" Write_r_File '\' "\ensuremath{\backslash}" fi echo "Installation complete---type $SQLT -h for help" exit