bmeps + dvips add-on




What is bmeps?
bmeps is a project to add bitmap graphics support to dvips.
It consists of three parts:

Which filetypes are supported?
The filetypes supported are:

PNG is the "native" file format because The PNG file format is a good choice for for "artificial" pictures such as logos, screenshots and computer drawings.
The JPEG file format uses DCT compression. Compression is lossy, typically the picture quality can be adjusted by the user during JPEG export in graphics applications.
The JPEG file format is a good choice for "natural scenes" such as photos.
DCT decompression output is not a good candidate for run-length or flate compression as used in bmeps so bmeps is not the best choice for JPEG to EPS conversion.
To convert JPEG images to EPS you should use imgtops2 or jpeg2ps.
Support for NetPBM filetypes was added because it allows to use a lot of image file types via the NetPBM tools.
One can convert other image types to EPS by
  xxxtopnm | bmeps > image.eps
The library can be extended to add support for further filetypes.



Where can I get it?
Source code and documentation can be found at under
Software / BMEPS + dvips add-on. From the Installation section download

What other software is required to install bmeps?
You need to install

before you can install bmeps.
Install the libraries in the given order, set the environment variables CPPFLAGS, CFLAGS and LDFLAGS so the header files and libraries are found.
CPPFLAGS: -I/usr/local/netpbm/include -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/include
CFLAGS:   -KPIC -xCC -v -I/usr/local/netpbm/include -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/include
LDFLAGS:  -L/usr/local/netpbm/lib -L/usr/local/lib -L/usr/lib

How do I install the bmeps library?
Unpack the bmeps.tgz file.
Change into the bmeps directory, run

	make install
Make sure to set the environment variable CFLAGS and LDFLAGS properly.

Should I build a modified dvips driver?
This depends on your situations.
The modified driver runs faster when converting pictures because it is not necessary to start background processes for each picture.

How do I build the modified dvips driver?
Unpack kpathsea-*.tar.gz and dvipsk-*.tar.gz from within the same directory.
Make sure the environment variables needed to run TeX are set.
Change into the kpathsea-* directory and run

	./configure ...
	make install
Now go into the dvipsk-* directory and run
	./configure ...
	make install
Possibly you want to make a backup copy of the unmodified dvips as dvips.original.
If you succeeded to build an unmodified dvips you can copy the contents of the .../bmeps/dvips-mods directory into the dvipsk source directory.
Now run
	./configure ...
	make install
again to build and install the modified dvips.

I'm on a Win32 system. Is there a binary?
Binaries are placed in the WIN32BIN subdirectory.
Copy the *.exe and *.dll files into a directory mentioned in the PATH environment variable.
Make sure not to overwrite or hide existing DLLs.

I'm on a Win32 system. How can I build bmeps.exe?
Building bmeps.exe is not trivial and requires practical skills in using your development software on Win32.
For normal users I recommend to use the binary package mentioned above.
The text below gives a general guideline how to build the executable and the libraries it depends on. Depending on library versions and depending on your development software the information below might be only partially valid.
First we need to create the zlib library.
Create a new project of type "Win32 static library".
Add the sources

to the project. Build the project.
Now we can create the libpng library.
Create a new project of type "Win32 static library".
Add the sources to the project and build the library.
If you want JPEG support we need to create the JPEG library. Create a new project of type "Win32 static library".
Add the sources to the project.
Create a file jconfig.h with contents as follows:
  #undef void
  #undef const
  #define HAVE_STDDEF_H 
  #define HAVE_STDLIB_H 
  /* Define this if you get warnings about undefined structures. */
  #define INLINE 
  /* These are for configuring the JPEG memory manager. */
  #undef NO_MKTEMP
  #endif /* JPEG_INTERNALS */
  #define BMP_SUPPORTED		/* BMP image file format */
  #define GIF_SUPPORTED		/* GIF image file format */
  #define PPM_SUPPORTED		/* PBMPLUS PPM/PGM image file format */
  #undef RLE_SUPPORTED		/* Utah RLE image file format */
  #define TARGA_SUPPORTED		/* Targa image file format */
  #undef DONT_USE_B_MODE
  /* Define this if you want percent-done progress reports from cjpeg/djpeg. */
  #endif /* JPEG_CJPEG_DJPEG */
and build the library.
If you want NetPBM support we need to create a pbm library. Create a new project of type "Win32 static library".
Add the sources
Add the following code to shhopt.c:
  char *rindex(char *s, int c)
   char *back = NULL;
   char *ptr;
   ptr = s;
   while(*ptr) {
    if(*ptr == c) {
     back = ptr;
   return back;
and build the library.
If there are error messages about an include file "unistd.h" not found, remove all occurances of
  #include <unistd.h>
  #include "unistd.h"


Now create a new project of type "Win32 Console Application" named bmeps.
Add the sources to the project.
Add the libraries created above to the project.
Now we need to edit the file bmepsco.h. By default all the libraries are enabled by HAVE_... contants. To disable libraries define the appropriate constants to 0:
Now you are ready to build the application.

Where can I get a Win32 binary of the modified dvips?
The MikTeX 2.1 distribution includes a dvips containing the bitmap support.



What must I do in my LaTeX source to use bitmap graphics?
If you use the modified dvips add

to your LaTeX source's preamble.
If you use an unmodified dvips add
	\DeclareGraphicsRule{.png}{eps}{.bb}{`bmeps <bmeps-options> #1}
instead. See below for bmeps options.
To include a graphics file, type
You can also specifiy additional options like

What's the .bb file for?
To calcaluate the documents layout LaTeX needs information about the bounding boxes of included graphics.
In EPS files this information is contained in a line like

	%%BoundingBox: 0 0 800 600
directly in the file.
Other file types do not allow text lines in the file, a separated file must contain this information.

How can I build the .bb file?

	bmeps -b file.png
to create the bounding box file for file.png.

Can I use PNGs with both latex/dvips and pdflatex?
Of course you can.
In your documents preamble (before \begin{document}) write

    \ifx\pdfoutput\undefined \newcount\pdfoutput \fi
    \ifcase\pdfoutput \DeclareGraphicsRule{.png}{eps}{.bb}{} \fi
for modified dvips or
    \ifx\pdfoutput\undefined \newcount\pdfoutput \fi
    \ifcase\pdfoutput \DeclareGraphicsRule{.png}{eps}{.bb}{`bmeps #1} \fi
for unmodified dvips.
If your document contains EPS graphics too, you should change
and provide both an EPS and a PDF version of the picture.
    ps2pdf xxx.eps xxx.pdf
or - for large pictures -
    cat xxx.eps | epsffit -c 87 92 487 363 | ps2pdf - xxx.pdf
to convert the EPS file to PDF.
The epsffit program is contained in the psutils.
The ps2pdf script is contained in the Ghostscript distributions.

Which options are recognized by bmeps?
bmeps can be used to do bitmap-to-EPS conversions from commandline.
The syntax is

	bmeps [ <options> ] [ <inputfile> [ <outputfile> ] ]
The following options can be used: Examples:

How can I use bitmap graphics with the modified dvips?
Options for bitmap-to-EPS-conversion can be specified on the command line. Use

	dvips -I <conversion-options> ...
where <conversion-options> is a string containing of the following: Examples:

I don't want to specifiy EPS output configuration on the command line each time. Can I configure default settings?
Both bmeps and the modified dvips retrieve default settings from the EPSOUTPUT environment variable before processing command line options.
The contents of the variable must be the same as the argument to the -I option of the modified dvips as explained in the section above.
This variable can be set in your login scripts, i.e.
	setenv EPSOUTPUT 2gr8
in .cshrc or
        export EPSOUTPUT
in .profile or
	set EPSOUTPUT=2gr8

Is there a template to see how things work? [Last Update: 2002/04/30]
Here I show a template how to use the bmeps with an unmodified dvips.

%	%Z% %G% %I% %M%
% scaled=.92 requires PSNFSS 8.0
% for older PSNFSS versions try \usepackage{helvet}
% - The epstopdf package requires the write18 feature to invoke
%   eps -> pdf conversion from pdfLaTeX. To enable it use
%   - write18=enable in miktex.ini or
%   - shell_escape=1 in texmf.cnf or
%   - -shell-escape command line option
% - on Windows there are errors if epstopdf is invoked by pdfLaTeX
%   (possibly the epstopdf program does not set stdout to binary mode?)
  pdfauthor={Dipl.-Ing. D. Krause},
\DeclareGraphicsRule{.png}{eps}{.bb}{`bmeps #1}
\DeclareGraphicsRule{.jpg}{eps}{.bb}{`bmeps #1}
\DeclareGraphicsRule{.jpeg}{eps}{.bb}{`bmeps #1}
\DeclareGraphicsRule{.pgm}{eps}{.bb}{`bmeps #1}
\DeclareGraphicsRule{.pbm}{eps}{.bb}{`bmeps #1}
\DeclareGraphicsRule{.pnm}{eps}{.bb}{`bmeps #1}
\DeclareGraphicsRule{.ppm}{eps}{.bb}{`bmeps #1}
\title{Test mit Bildformaten}
Dies ist ein Test für das Einfügen von Graphiken.
\caption{Delicate Arch}

This template allows to use latex+dvips and pdflatex (latex+dvipdfm was not testet).
It is the template I use when writing new documents, maybee you need other packages and options.
The DeclareGraphicsRule is used only when not running pdftex/pdflatex/.



Why do I get dvips: ... Counldn't find ... file ...errors?
The dvips driver uses the kpathsea library to locate files.
This library assumes a directory structure having a so called BASEDIR. Executable files are expected to be in BASEDIR/bin/<architecture>.
When searching for a file the library estimates the directory where the executable for the current process was taken from, goes up two directory levels and treats that directory as BASEDIR.
In BASEDIR/share/texmf there is a file ls-R containing the file name database. This file is needed by kpathsea to find files.

	which dvips
to find where your dvips is located. If it is in a directory
BASEDIR/bin move it to BASEDIR/bin/<architecture>.

Why are pictures not converted?
Probably the original dvips is used. Type

	dvips --version
If the first output line looks like
	dvips(k) 5.86
you are using an unmodified dvips. If it looks like
	dvips(k) 5.86 modified for bitmap graphics support
the dvips version is correct.

Dirk Krause     2002/09/03