/* * libbmeps - Bitmap to EPS conversion library * Copyright (C) 2000 - Dirk Krause * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * In this package the copy of the GNU Library General Public License * is placed in file COPYING. */ /* Usage short: ============ oetest [ -{afr}+ ] -a ASCII85 -r Run length -f flate compression -af, -ar, -afe ... algorithms combined */ #include #include #include #include $(trace-include) $(trace-off) #define RL_RUNLENGTH(i) (257 - (i)) #define RL_STRINGLENGTH(i) ((i) - 1) #define RL_MAXLENGTH (127) #define FINALOUTPUT(c) fputc((c),o->out) void oe_init(Output_Encoder *o, FILE *out, int mode, int rate, int *buf, Bytef *flib, size_t flis, Bytef *flob, size_t flos ) { $? "+ oe_init %s %s %d", TR_PTR(o), TR_PTR(out), mode o->out = out; o->mode = mode; o->textpos = 0; o->a85_value = 0UL; o->a85_consumed = 0; o->a85_0 = 1UL; o->a85_1 = 85UL; o->a85_2 = 85UL * 85UL; o->a85_3 = 85UL * o->a85_2; o->a85_4 = 85UL * o->a85_3; o->rl_lastbyte = 0; o->rl_buffer = buf; o->rl_bufused = 0; o->rl_state = 0; o->bit_value = 0; o->bit_consumed = 0; o->flate_rate = rate; if(o->flate_rate < 0) { o->mode &= (~OE_FLATE); } if(o->flate_rate > 9) { o->flate_rate = 9; } if((o->mode & OE_FLATE) && flib && flis && flob && flos) { (o->flate_stream).zfree = (free_func)0; (o->flate_stream).zalloc = (alloc_func)0; (o->flate_stream).opaque = (voidpf)0; if(deflateInit((&(o->flate_stream)),o->flate_rate) != Z_OK) { o->mode &= (~OE_FLATE); } } o->fl_i_buffer = flib; o->fl_o_buffer = flob; o->fl_i_size = flis; o->fl_o_size = flos; o->fl_i_used = 0; $? "- oe_init" } static char hexdigits[] = { "0123456789ABCDEF" }; static void asciihex_add(Output_Encoder *o, int b) { $? "+ asciihex_add %s %d %d", TR_PTR(o), (b/16), (b%16) FINALOUTPUT(hexdigits[(b/16)]) ; FINALOUTPUT(hexdigits[(b%16)]) ; o->textpos = o->textpos + 2; if(o->textpos >= 64) { FINALOUTPUT('\n') ; o->textpos = 0; } $? "- asciihex_add" } static void asciihex_flush(Output_Encoder *o) { $? "+ asciihex_flush %s", TR_PTR(o) if(o->textpos > 0) { FINALOUTPUT('\n') ; o->textpos = 0; } $? "- asciihex_flush" } char ascii85_char(unsigned long x) { unsigned u; int i; char back; back = (char)0; u = (unsigned)x; i = (int)u; i += 33; back = (char)i; return back; } static void ascii85_output(Output_Encoder *o) { int i; char buffer[6], c, *ptr; unsigned long value; value = o->a85_value; buffer[0] = ascii85_char(value / (o->a85_4)); value = value % (o->a85_4); buffer[1] = ascii85_char(value / (o->a85_3)); value = value % (o->a85_3); buffer[2] = ascii85_char(value / (o->a85_2)); value = value % (o->a85_2); buffer[3] = ascii85_char(value / (o->a85_1)); value = value % (o->a85_1); buffer[4] = ascii85_char(value); buffer[5] = '\0'; i = o->a85_consumed + 1; ptr = buffer; o->textpos = o->textpos + i; while(i--) { c = *(ptr++); FINALOUTPUT(c) ; } if(o->textpos >= 64) { FINALOUTPUT('\n') ; o->textpos = 0; } } static void ascii85_add(Output_Encoder *o, int b) { unsigned u; unsigned long ul; $? "+ ascii85_add %s %d", TR_PTR(o), b u = (unsigned)b; ul = (unsigned long)u; o->a85_value = 256UL * (o->a85_value) + ul; o->a85_consumed = o->a85_consumed + 1; if(o->a85_consumed >= 4) { ascii85_output(o); o->a85_value = 0UL; o->a85_consumed = 0; } $? "- ascii85_add" } static void ascii85_flush(Output_Encoder *o) { int i; $? "+ ascii85_flush %s", TR_PTR(o) if(o->a85_consumed > 0) { i = o->a85_consumed; while(i < 4) { o->a85_value = 256UL * o->a85_value; i++; } ascii85_output(o); o->a85_value = 0UL; o->a85_consumed = 0; } if(o->textpos > 0) { FINALOUTPUT('\n') ; o->textpos = 0; } $? "- ascii85_flush" } static void after_flate_add(Output_Encoder *o, int b) { $? "+ after_flate_add %s %d", TR_PTR(o), b if(o->mode & OE_ASC85) { ascii85_add(o,b); } else { asciihex_add(o,b); } $? "- after_flate_add" } static void do_flate_flush(Output_Encoder *o, int final) { Bytef *iptr, *optr, *xptr; uLong is, os, xs; int err, must_continue; $? "+ do_flate_flush final=%d", final iptr = o->fl_i_buffer; optr = o->fl_o_buffer; is = o->fl_i_size; os = o->fl_o_size; $? ". used= %lu / %lu", o->fl_i_used, o->fl_i_size if(iptr && optr && is && os) { is = o->fl_i_used; if(is) { (o->flate_stream).next_in = iptr; (o->flate_stream).avail_in = is; if(final) { $? ". final" must_continue = 1; while(must_continue) { (o->flate_stream).next_out = optr; (o->flate_stream).avail_out = os; must_continue = 0; err = deflate(&(o->flate_stream), Z_FINISH); switch(err) { case Z_STREAM_END: { $? ". stream end" xptr = optr; $? ". in %lu -> %lu out %lu -> %lu", o->fl_i_used, (o->flate_stream).avail_in, o->fl_o_size, (o->flate_stream).avail_out xs = os - ((o->flate_stream).avail_out); while(xs--) { after_flate_add(o, (*(xptr++))); } } break; case Z_OK : { must_continue = 1; xptr = optr; $? ". in %lu -> %lu out %lu -> %lu", o->fl_i_used, (o->flate_stream).avail_in, o->fl_o_size, (o->flate_stream).avail_out xs = os - ((o->flate_stream).avail_out); while(xs--) { after_flate_add(o, (*(xptr++))); } } break; default : { $? "! never" } break; } } } else { $? ". non-final" must_continue = 1; while(must_continue) { must_continue = 0; (o->flate_stream).avail_out = os; (o->flate_stream).next_out = optr; err = deflate(&(o->flate_stream), 0); switch(err) { case Z_OK: { if((o->flate_stream).avail_in) { must_continue = 1; } $? ". in %lu -> %lu out %lu -> %lu", o->fl_i_used, (o->flate_stream).avail_in, o->fl_o_size, (o->flate_stream).avail_out xptr = optr; xs = os - ((o->flate_stream).avail_out); while(xs--) { after_flate_add(o, (*(xptr++))); } } break; default : { $? "! never" } break; } } } } } $? "- do_flate_flush" } static void flate_add(Output_Encoder *o, int b) { Byte bt; Bytef *btptr; $? "+ flate_add %d" btptr = o->fl_i_buffer; if(btptr) { $? ". ptr ok" bt = (Byte)b; $? ". byte %d", b btptr[(o->fl_i_used)] = bt; o->fl_i_used += 1UL; if(o->fl_i_used >= o->fl_i_size) { do_flate_flush(o, 0); o->fl_i_used = 0UL; } } $? "- flate_add %d", b } static void after_flate_flush(Output_Encoder *o) { $? "+ after_flate_flush %s", TR_PTR(o) if(o->mode & OE_ASC85) { ascii85_flush(o); } else { asciihex_flush(o); } $? "- after_flate_flush" } static void flate_flush(Output_Encoder *o) { do_flate_flush(o,1); deflateEnd(&(o->flate_stream)); after_flate_flush(o); } static void after_rl_add(Output_Encoder *o, int b) { $? "+ after_rl_add %s %d", TR_PTR(o), b if(o->mode & OE_FLATE) { flate_add(o,b); } else { after_flate_add(o,b); } $? "- after_rl_add" } static void rl_add(Output_Encoder *o, int b) { int lgt, i; int *buffer; /* ##### */ $? "+ rl_add %s %d", TR_PTR(o), b buffer = o->rl_buffer; lgt = o->rl_bufused; if(buffer) { $? ". %d %d %d %d", o->rl_state, o->rl_bufused, o->rl_lastbyte, b if(lgt > 0) { if(o->rl_lastbyte == b) { switch(o->rl_state) { case 2: { buffer[lgt++] = b; o->rl_bufused = lgt; o->rl_state = 2; o->rl_lastbyte = b; if(lgt >= RL_MAXLENGTH) { after_rl_add(o, RL_RUNLENGTH(lgt)); after_rl_add(o, b); o->rl_bufused = 0; o->rl_state = 0; o->rl_lastbyte = b; } } break; case 1: { buffer[lgt++] = b; o->rl_bufused = lgt; o->rl_state = 2; o->rl_lastbyte = b; lgt = lgt - 3; if(lgt > 0) { after_rl_add(o, RL_STRINGLENGTH(lgt)); for(i = 0; i < lgt; i++) { after_rl_add(o, buffer[i]); } buffer[0] = buffer[1] = buffer[2] = b; o->rl_bufused = 3; o->rl_state = 2; o->rl_lastbyte = b; } } break; default: { buffer[lgt++] = b; o->rl_bufused = lgt; o->rl_state = 1; o->rl_lastbyte = b; if(lgt >= RL_MAXLENGTH) { lgt = lgt - 2; after_rl_add(o, RL_STRINGLENGTH(lgt)); for(i = 0; i < lgt; i++) { after_rl_add(o, buffer[i]); } buffer[0] = buffer[1] = b; o->rl_bufused = 2; o->rl_state = 1; o->rl_lastbyte = b; } } break; } } else { if(o->rl_state == 2) { after_rl_add(o, RL_RUNLENGTH(lgt)); after_rl_add(o, (o->rl_lastbyte)); buffer[0] = b; o->rl_bufused = 1; o->rl_lastbyte = b; o->rl_state = 0; } else { buffer[lgt++] = b; o->rl_bufused = lgt; o->rl_lastbyte = b; if(lgt >= RL_MAXLENGTH) { after_rl_add(o, RL_STRINGLENGTH(lgt)); for(i = 0; i < lgt; i++) { after_rl_add(o, buffer[i]); } o->rl_bufused = 0; } o->rl_state = 0; } } } else { buffer[0] = b; o->rl_bufused = 1; o->rl_lastbyte = b; } o->rl_lastbyte = b; $? ". %d %d %d", o->rl_state, o->rl_bufused, o->rl_lastbyte } else { $? ". kein Puffer" after_rl_add(o,0); after_rl_add(o,b); } $? "- rl_add" } static void after_rl_flush(Output_Encoder *o) { $? "+ after_rl_flush %s", TR_PTR(o) if(o->mode & OE_FLATE) { flate_flush(o); } else { after_flate_flush(o); } $? "- after_rl_flush" } static void rl_flush(Output_Encoder *o) { int lgt; int *buffer; int i; $? "+ rl_flush %s", TR_PTR(o) buffer = o->rl_buffer; lgt = o->rl_bufused; if(lgt > 0) { if(o->rl_state == 2) { i = o->rl_lastbyte; after_rl_add(o,RL_RUNLENGTH(lgt)); after_rl_add(o,i); } else { after_rl_add(o,RL_STRINGLENGTH(lgt)); for(i = 0; i < lgt; i++) { after_rl_add(o,buffer[i]); } } } after_rl_flush(o); $? "- rl_flush" } static void internal_byte_add(Output_Encoder *o, int b) { $? "+ internal_byte_add %s %d", TR_PTR(o), b if((o->mode) & OE_RL) { rl_add(o,b); } else { after_rl_add(o,b); } $? "- internal_byte_add" } static void internal_byte_flush(Output_Encoder *o) { $? "+ internal_byte_flush %s", TR_PTR(o) if((o->mode) & OE_RL) { rl_flush(o); } else { after_rl_flush(o); } $? "- internal_byte_flush" } void oe_bit_add(Output_Encoder *o, int b) { $? "+ oe_bit_add %s %d", TR_PTR(o), b o->bit_value = 2 * o->bit_value + (b ? 1 : 0); o->bit_consumed = o->bit_consumed + 1; if(o->bit_consumed >= 8) { o->bit_consumed = 0; internal_byte_add(o, (o->bit_value)); o->bit_value = 0; } $? "- oe_bit_add" } void oe_bit_flush(Output_Encoder *o) { $? "+ oe_bit_flush %s", TR_PTR(o) if(o->bit_consumed) { int v, i; v = o->bit_value; i = o->bit_consumed; while(i < 8) { i++; v = v * 2; } internal_byte_add(o,v); o->bit_value = 0; o->bit_consumed = 0; } internal_byte_flush(o); $? "+ oe_bit_flush" } void oe_byte_add(Output_Encoder *o, int b) { $? "+ oe_byte_add %s %d", TR_PTR(o), b if(o->bit_consumed) { int testval,i; testval = 128; for(i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if(b & testval) { oe_bit_add(o,1); } else { oe_bit_add(o,0); } testval = testval / 2; } } else { internal_byte_add(o,b); } $? "- oe_byte_add" } void oe_byte_flush(Output_Encoder *o) { $? "+ oe_byte_flush %s", TR_PTR(o) oe_bit_flush(o); $? "- oe_byte_flush" } #ifdef OE_TEST_MAIN int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { Output_Encoder o; int methods; int number; int rlbuffer[129]; char buffer[512]; $(trace-init oe.deb) methods = 0; if(argc > 1) { char *ptr; ptr = argv[1]; while(*ptr) { switch(*ptr) { case 'a' : { methods |= OE_ASC85; } break; case 'f' : { methods |= OE_FLATE; } break; case 'r' : { methods |= OE_RL; } break; } ptr++; } } oe_init(&o, stdout, methods, 9, rlbuffer); methods = 1; while(methods) { number = read(0, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); if(number > 0) { char c, *ptr; int i; ptr = buffer; for(i = 0; i < number; i++) { c = *ptr; oe_byte_add(&o, c); ptr++; } } else { methods = 0; } } oe_byte_flush(&o); $(trace-end) } #endif #ifndef LINT static char sccs_id[] = { "@(#) 07/03/01 1.7 bmepsoe.ctr\t(krause) - GD to EPS Output encoder" }; #endif