Read me file of the eps2pdf Name: eps2pdf Author: Nikola Jaksic (in LaTeX code: Nikola Jak\v{s}i\'{c}) E-mail: Purpose: It converts EPS file(s) to PDF file(s) Version: OS: Win32 Home page: CTAN: /tex-archive/support/eps2pdf License: Free - Public Domain Manual: eps2pdf.pdf Needs: GhostScript The eps2pdf: * is GUI application that calls GhostScript! * makes everything 'clickable'! * enables you to search for eps files and add them into the list! * enables you to select directory and add all eps files into the list! * enables you to edit the list of eps files prior conversion! * enables you to convert all files in the list! * alerts you if conversion failed! * doesn't need GhostScript exe file in the PATH variable! * can search for GhostScript exe file! * can handle long filenames with spaces! * enables you to edit and store configuration, see the manual! * code is available, if requested!