RELEASE DESCRIPTION This release (3.1) of the CGMGen and DrawCGM software differs from 3.0 mainly in bug fixes. The most prominent of these is that an incompatibility between CGMGen 3.0 and GPlot 4.2 has been eliminated, so that CGM files generated by DrawCGM or CGMGen are no longer drawn very small by GPlot. This bug may also have shown up as output do device drivers other than binary and clear text CGM being way too large. Text handling has also been improved, so that bugs involved in passing text strings to DrawCGM (for example on Silicon Graphics machines) have been eliminated. INTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS This software is designed to run on VMS systems, and Unix systems including UNICOS and Ultrix. To install the software under VMS, move all the files (including the GPlot source on which CGMGen depends) to a single directory. Edit the descrip.mms file to include the device drivers and GPlot controllers you want. Use the following command to cause VAX MMS to create the DrawCGM library and the three test routines cgmgen_test.exe, drawcgm_test.exe, and drawcgm_tst2.exe: $ mms On Unix systems, move all the files (including the GPlot source on which CGMGen depends) to one directory. Edit the Makefile as needed for your machine and choice of device drivers and controllers; instructions for doing so are in the Makefile itself. The following command will cause make to create the DrawCGM library and the three test programs listed above: $ make drawcgm tests The descrip.mms and Makefile files are also used to make GPlot. There is also a Makefile in the drawcgm directory which you might need to edit. HINTS The most trouble-prone part of the current implementation is the system used to cause pauses at the end of frames when DrawCGM is used interactively. In general, if STPAUS has been called, at the end of each frame (in response to NEWFRM or GRFCLS) the terminal bell will ring and the program will wait for the user to hit return before continuing. This works fine in most cases, but two exceptions are the following: If you are using the X Window System driver, the driver will pause at the end of each frame and wait for a mouse click all by itself. Calling STPAUS will result in a second bell and wait after the mouse click. This is a consequence of the way event handling is done in the X driver. When using the X driver, simply don't use STPAUS. If you are running DrawCGM on the Cray under UNICOS, a carriage return is not sufficient to continue at the end of a frame. Use a space followed by a carriage return instead. This is a consequence of the behavior of Cray CFT77 Fortran.