The perlscript is a utility for extracting one or more voices from a mtx score. It may be used for extracting single parts including lyrics where the pmx part extraction utility would fail caused by the MusiXLyR statements inserted by prepmx. Another use of is to prepare a new score containing a subset of parts from the original score. Usage: -opt .. -i input file -o output file -v voice numbers to extract a:b-b+n:c ... An example of the subset score is a baroque chamber music score containing a setting of the basso continuo for the right hand harpsichord. You might want to afterwards to create an 'urtext' score without the harpsichord setting. For example if the original score is a solo sonata with basso continuo named 'sonata.mtx' with the solo instrument in the upper staff, the right hand harpsichord in the middle staff (having two voices) and the basso part in the lower staff then the command line to produce the urtext score 'urtext.mtx' would be: -i sonata.mtx -o urtext.mtx -v 1:4 The extraction utility copies every non-music line from the original score to the new score and makes no attempts to adapt the mtx style preamble clauses. Therefore it is adviseable to create within the original score alternative clauses (if necessary comment out) for the new score. After having run the extraction utility you'll need to edit the new source by replacing the original preamble clauses with the alternative ones by commenting out the original clauses. There are some limitations as for extraction from mtx scores with lyrics: will not handle lyrics lines correctly if they are placed (as labeled lyrics lines) elsewhere than immediately below the voices lines to be extracted. Lyrics inserted through lyrics paragraphs should be handled correctly provided the initial lyrics line are placed immediately below the voices to be extracted. The script may be used as is on all computers with perl5 installed, see the perl home page ( or your nearest CPAN mirror for ports of perl to your operating system. Opposite to unix DOS doesn't allow the so-called shebang call of a script's own interpreter. The file exmtx.bat is a wrapper script compensating for that. You'll need to adapt the path to in the line calling perl.