December 16 2000 ---------------- Zsolt Szabo, solfa_names should be "ltdrmfs" in prepmx/globals.c October 9 2000 -------------- In order to circumvent a bug with the mtx processing of xtuplets function checkOctave has been patched. The scanning of a music word is stopped when the character 'x' ist met. The remaining chars of that word belong to an xtuplet and may be handed unchanged to pmx. June 18 1999 ------------ This release of prepmx contains patches for problems arising with scores having more than 9 staves. The patches consist in adding braces around arguments to a few MusiXTeX and MusiXLyr commands: \groupbottom \grouptop \setsongraise \assignlyrics The only other change is that the maximum number of lines in an mtx music paragraph has been raised from 24 to 32. The purpose is primarily to allow room for adding in-line MusiXTeX expressions to scores with a high number of staves ( >7 ). The DOS binary prepmx.exe has been compiled with the cygwin gcc compiler. This implies that the dll file cygwin1.dll must be in a directory encompassed by the PATH environment. Christian Mondrup, Computer Programmer Scandiatransplant, Skejby Hospital, University Hospital of Aarhus