PostScript (Type 1) Fonts for MusiXTeX Notes for installation in MikTeX (Christof K. Biebricher Thanks to Takanori Uchiyama,, we have PostScript fonts for musixtex. The most recent fonts package can be downladed from CTAN under /fonts/musixtex/ps-type1. Read his README file. For MikTeX, the installation procedure is slightly different from the UNIX procedure described by Takanori Uchiyama: 1) Download the musixtex font package to a temporary directory and unpack. 2) It is a good idea to load all packages not included in the MikTeX distribution to a local texmf tree, designated here as %LOCALTEXMF. %LOCALTEXMF must not be a subdirectory of the normal texmf tree. The simplest solution is to adopt the path proposed by the MikTeX installation procedure. The directory tree structure of the local texmf tree should be identical to the texmf tree. The musixtex macros belong thus into %LOCALTEXMF\tex\generic\musixtex. 3) Make a directory %LOCALTEXMF\fonts\type1\musixtex and copy all files contained in .\pfb to it. 3) Copy .\dvips\ to %TEXMF\dvips\config\ or %LOCALTEXMF\dvips\config\. 4) Add the line p to %[LOCAL]TEXMF\dvips\config\ and %[LOCL]TEXMF\dvips\config\config.pdf 5) Copy .\dvipdfm\ to %[LOCAL]TEXMF\dvipdfm\config\. 6) Add the line f to the config file %TEXMF\dvipdfm\config\config. 7) Regenerate the TeX database and the postscript data base. There are several possibilities to do so, e.g. by running %TEXMF\miktex\bin\initexmf.exe --verbose --update-fndb=%TEXMF %TEXMF\miktex\bin\initexmf.exe --verbose --update-fndb=%LOCALTEXMF %TEXMF\miktex\bin\initexmf.exe --verbose --search -mkpsres mkpsres does not make a new file, but attaches the new files to the PostScript data base. If you moved or deleted type1 font files it is thus necessary to rename or delete the old PostScript database. 8) You may edit the batch file musixfnt.bat to fill in the paths of %TEXMF and %LOCALTEXMF and run it to do the installation. When the musixtex type1 fonts are used, type1 fonts should also be used for non-music text; for example, type1 versions of the Computer Modern fonts are available in the MikTeX distribution in the directory %TEXMF\fonts\type1\bluesky\cm\ You can use the musixtex type1 fonts for producing pdftex. To do so, run pdftex musixflx pdftex (Assuming that the program files pdftex.exe and musixflx.exe are in the PATH) The pfb files bound into the pdf-file are listed by the pdftex program. Alternatively, make a dvi file and convert it to pdf by running dvipdfm The first method gives often a smaller pdf-file.