TIFF2PS ver. 0.63. Public domain AUTHORS: Bogu\l{}aw Jackowski, Piotr Pianowski, Piotr Strzelczyk Mail: BOP s.c., ul. Piastowska 70, 80-363 Gda\'nsk, Poland Email: B.Jackowski@GUST.org.pl TIFF2PS is a PostScript program for the conversion of TIFF files (ver. 6.0) to EPS ones. Compression (LZW, RLE, Flate) and ASCII85 encoding is available. The package may be used for generating colour-separated EPSes, ``EPS thumbnails,'' and, moreover, little header EPSes, containing only a pointer to a source TIFF file. Employing Ghostscript guarantees efficient processing. Usage: gs [-dNODISPLAY] [-q] -- tiff2ps.ps TIFF_name [EPS_name] [options] Options: -f# -- output filtering, #=[compression][encoding], where currently implemented compressions: f -- Flate, l -- LZW, r -- RLE, n -- none, or empty (default is n) currently implemented encodings: 8 -- ASCII85, h -- HEX, or empty (default is 8) -r# -- reduction (scaling) factor, 0<#<=1 -s# -- separation, #=1, 2, 3, 4, or c, m, y, k -o* -- overwrite existing output file -h* -- write ``header'' EPS (which reads and interpretes TIFF) -i* -- set /Interpolate entry to true in EPS image -b* -- use exact (non-integer) BoundingBox comment format (default is +) where asterisk denotes a switch: on: + or 1 (or empty); off: - or 0