============================================================================= REFERENCES Bibliographic Software Version 3.6 Installation (c) V. Kiefel, 1995-2000 ============================================================================= Table of contents 1 General remarks 2 Standard installation 2.1 Installation of program files and default databases 2.2 Transfer of data from a REFERENCES v3.5 database 3 Modified installation 4 Disclaimer, Bugfixes 5 Problems 1.....General remarks The following files are required to work with REFERENCES: r36exe.zip Executable files and AWK script files r36db.zip Empty and TUTORIAL databases r36doc.zip Documentation r36var.zip Additional material (described in VARIOUS.ENG) r36src.zip Source code (not required by the normal user of this software) install.ger Installationsanleitung (deutsch) install.eng Installationsanleitung (English) unzip.exe Program for decompressing ZIP archives sh_desc.eng Short description readme readme.txt 2.....Standard installation 2.1.....Installation of program files and default databases It is recommended to install this version on drive c: in the directory c:\refs36. Installation on another drive and in another directory is also possible but requires some `manual' changes with a text editor in batch files and configuration files as described in the chapter "Modified installation" (the "Modified installation" chapter may otherwise be ignored). If you use MS-Windows, please open a DOS-prompt (command line). If you received the REFERENCES distribution on a single archive file REFS_36.ZIP you should copy the files after decompression into a temporary installation directory, e. g. `c:\refsinst' or `c:\temp'. After the installation procedure, this directory may be deleted. If you received the files r36exe.zip, r36db.zip etc. on a diskette, copy them also into the installation directory: c: cd c:\refsinst xcopy a:*.* 1. Please create the REFERENCES working directory c:\refs36 and make this directory the current directory: cd \ md c:\refs36 cd c:\refs36 2. Unpack the archives from the installation directory: c:\refsinst\unzip c:\refsinst\r36exe c:\refsinst\unzip c:\refsinst\r36db c:\refsinst\unzip c:\refsinst\r36doc R36EXE contains the program files, R36DB.ZIP contains the sample database files, the complete program documentation files are in R36DOC.ZIP. 3. You will only be able to call the programs of REFERENCES from all directories of your computer if you add the REFERENCES working directory to the `path' environment variable. Therefore you have to modify the line beginning with `PATH=' or `SET PATH=' in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file in the root directory of your computer's hard disk. The path-variable string should contain: cd \ edit autoexec.bat (Instead of MS-DOS's EDIT you can use another text editor). Insert ;c:\refs36; into the line beginning with `set path=' oder `path='. The path-entries should always be separated by a `;'. If you have a computer with a color screen, you may wish to use the program with a colored screen. White characters on a blue background is the default of the installed version. Please read the chapter on the REFS.CFG configuration file in REFSDOK.ENG for changing screen colors. After completed installation, you can call the program with the sample databases by typing DBASE1 or (using another database) TUTORIAL More details on configuration of the program will be found in the REFSDOK.ENG file. If this is your first installation of REFERENCES you may build your database using DBASE1. 4. The documentation is in the English and German text files in the DOC-directory. 2.2.....Transfer of data from a REFERENCES v3.5 database If you used REFERENCES v3.5 so far, you may wish to transfer the database(s) you have built up so far into the new REFERENCES installation. Please call REFERENCES v3.5 with the `old' database (it is assumed that this database is in the directory `c:\refs35\data' and that it is `c:\refs35\data.bat'): c: cd c:\refs35 data Now you should create a BBT-file with all reference numbers of the database: "BatchT" "More" "AllReferences" Please assign the name `ALL.BBT', please enter ALL into the text field. Confirm overwriting with "Overwrite" if a file with the name `ALL.BBT' already exists in the database directory. Please create an archive file with the command: "Transfer" "Export" "Complete" [DATA] (i. e. you create an archive file with the name `DATA.ARR') In the following menu please select "OriginalRefno" then the archive file will be built. If you wish to copy it (`DATA.ARR') into the `new' database DBASE1 directory: c:\refs36\dbase1 Call REFERENCES v3.6 with the database and import `DATA.ARR' it with the command: "Transfer" "Import" [number assigned with DATA.ARR] If you wish to transfer bibliographic format definition into the new database, open again the `old' database with the filename extension FD. Please select: "RefFormatD" "Export" [number assigned to the format definition to be transferred] [DATA] (this creates the file DATA.FD). More bibliographic format definitions are appended with the same command. Now copy the file `DATA.FD' into the `new' database file and import the bibliographic format definitions into the new database with: "RefFormatD" "Import" [number assigned to DATA] 3.....Modified installation If you install the program on another drive or in another directory, you have to adjust some entries in the script files and in the configuration file REFS.CFG. The following explanations assume that REFERENCES is installed on drive c: in the directory `\re': 1. Create the directory \re and make this the current directory: cd \ md e:\re cd e:\re 2. First copy the archives of the distribution into a temporary directory, e. g. `c:\refsinst'. Uncompress the archives with the program files and the additional material: cd e:\re c:\refsinst\unzip c:\refsinst\r36exe c:\refsinst\unzip c:\refsinst\r36db c:\refsinst\unzip c:\refsinst\r36doc 3. You will only be able to call the programs of REFERENCES from all directories of your computer if you add the REFERENCES working directory to the `path' environment variable. Therefore you have to modify the line beginning with `PATH=' or `SET PATH=' in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file in the root directory of your computer's hard disk. The path-variable string should contain: cd \ edit autoexec.bat (Instead of MS-DOS's EDIT you can use another text editor). Insert ;e:\re; into the line beginning with `set path=' oder `path='. The path-entries should always be separated by a `;'. Please note that this line in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file must not be longer than 127 characters. 4. Using an editor, please change the path entries in the DBASE1.BAT batch file: @echo off set SAVE_LFN=%LFN% set LFN=N cd e:\re\dbase1 e:\re\bin\refs36.exe %1 set LFN=%SAVE_LFN% cd e:\re and TUTORIAL.BAT: @echo off set SAVE_LFN=%LFN% set LFN=N cd e:\re\tutorial e:\re\bin\refs36.exe %1 set LFN=%SAVE_LFN% cd e:\re 5. Then please change in the configuration file REFS.CFG the lines with `help_files' and with `call_editor_command_file': colors=4 help_files=e:\re\doc call_editor_command_file=e:\re\e.bat editor=edit Further details are dicussed in the previous section. Transfer of your data from previous installations is described in the TRANSFER.DOC file. Then you will have to edit the pertinent lines in the batch files calling GAWK on the scripts, in EXCITE.BAT please change the line: c:\refs\bin\gawk -f c:\refs\script\excite.awk %1 %2 % %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 into e:\re\bin\gawk -f e:\re\script\excite.awk %1 %2 % %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 In the same manner you should edit the third line in the batch file `EXHARV.BAT' and in `MERGEHAR.BAT' c:\refs\bin\gawk -f c:\refs\script\mergehar.awk %1 %2 should be converted into e:\re\bin\gawk -f e:\re\script\mergehar.awk %1 %2 4.....Disclaimer, Bugfixes This software has been developed and evaluated carefully. However, `bugs' and inconsistencies cannot be excluded in complex software. The program author is therefore grateful for any information about bugs or inconsistencies within the program. The author is grateful for any recommendations for future development of the software and for reports on bugs and problems. 5.....Problems If you have installed the DJGPP-Version of REFERENCES V. 3.5 on a computer without hardware coprocessor, the system may crash after calling the program. If this happens, tell the program to look for the emulator via two environment variables: set 387=N set emu387=c:/refs36/bin/emu387.dxe These two lines are best entered into the AUTOEXEC.BAT file or into all batch files calling REFERENCES for all databases. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This software package includes GAWK (version 3.0.6), an implementation of the AWK programming language: Copyright (C) 1989, 1991-2000 by the Free Software Foundation. It is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. Source code for GAWK may be found on any server that "mirrors" the files from the main GNU distribution site in the file ../gnu/gawk-3.0.6.tar.gz (2000, by the time of writing of this documentation). The distribution also contains the excellent documentation in an electrinic document ('Effective AWK programming' by Arnold D Robbins). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- THIS SOFTWARE IS DISTRIBUTED IN THE HOPE THAT IT WILL BE USEFUL FOR YOUR WORK, BUT WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; WITHOUT EVEN THE IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTIBILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE PROGRAM AUTHOR THEREFORE DOES NOT ASSUME ANY LIABILITY FOR ANY ALLEGED ACTUAL DAMAGES ARISING FROM THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: REFERENCES is packaged for distribution using Info-ZIP's compression utility. The installation procedure uses UnZip to read zip files. Info-ZIP's software (Zip, UnZip and related utilities) is free and can be obtained as source code or executables from Internet/WWW sites, including http://www.cdrom.com/pub/infozip/. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation MS-DOS is a trademark of Mircosoft Corporation Word is a trademark of Mircosoft Corporation PostScript is a trademark of Adobe Systems, Incorporated -----------------------------------------------------------------------------