Release 1.0 final candidate 1 (26. Nov 2000) ============================================ - bug fixes - run-time compatibility support for Scientific Workplace Release 1.0 beta 3 (21. Aug 2000) ================================== - bug fixes - resolved compatibility issues with Scientific Workplace - added TeX-map.german and TeX-map.latin1 files (Thanks, Hermann Lauer) Release 1.0 beta 3 (11. June 2000) ================================== - hyperlink translation bug fixed - Some new RTF destinations were added, so that they can be recognized and ignored. - added a new preference to specify output map file other than TeX-map file. This can be done in the r2l-pref file. A different output map file can also be specified by the "-t" command line option. Packages specific to the output mapfile, eg. \usepackage[applemac]{inputenc} can be specified in the output mapfile itself so that they are always loaded when that map is used. See the TeX-map.applemac file as an example. Release 1.0 beta 2 (20. May 2000) ================================= - first wave of bugs fixed - jpeg2eps put back in since it was more reliable than ImageMagick on JPEGs Release 1.0 beta (1. May 2000) ============================== - equation support added by Steve Swanson, Mackichan Software - ImageMagick support added bu Ujwal S. Sathyam - bug fixes Release 0.3 beta (18. March 2000) ==================================== - Added cole support: cole is a free C library for reading OLE objects. It will be used to read and translate equations (hopefully soon). - Added wmf2pict conversion for the Mac version. - Updated the documentation - Fixed bugs in footnote and hyperlink conversion code that may have caused some StarOffice RTF documents to crash rtf2latex2e. - Footnotes now work in tables too. - Unix/Linux and DOS command-line versions have support for two very useful command line options: -h for help -v version Release 0.263 beta (26. Sept. 1999) =================================== - added support for hyperlinks using the hyperref package. Translation of hyperlinks can be turned off in the r2l-pref file or from the Preferences menu in the Mac application. - fixed bugs in the translation of subscripts and superscripts. Release 0.262 beta (2. Sept. 1999) ================================== - Corrections to character map files,, and - Improved translation of text styles such as bold, italic, etc. - Added characters to ansi-sym symbol map file. - Added recognition of more rtf control codes. - Minor code corrections to LaTeX2e-writer.c - added code to ControlClass () to ignore sn and sv. - added code to ignore first character in a footnote if it is a space. - added CheckForCharAttr () before InitializeTextStyle () for rtfPlain. - Minor code correction to reader.c - commented out RTFMsg about unknown token in ReadStyleSheet () - Added smallcaps and documentclass customization to r2l-map. - All TeX-maps - changed '"' to {\textquotedbl} - added Thorn to map to {\TH} - changed th to thorn mapping {\th} - enclosed \AE and \AA in {}. - standard-names - added "powern" character. Release 0.261 beta (3. July 1999) ================================= - Fixed a problem that erroneously caused the Mac character set to become active under certain circumstances. European users particularly may have wondered about the sometimes weird and totally incorrect character translation. I had inadvertently followed some outdated documentation on character set IDs. - Added a feature to read a file called r2l-map where you can customize how certain features such as bold, italic, heading1, are mapped into LaTeX. For example, the default mapping for bold is \textbf{}. Instead, you could override this in the r2l-map file by specifying: bold "{\it " Similarly, default mapping for heading1 is \section*{}. Instead, you could say: heading1 \chapter{ # provide only opening braces! The r2l-map file will be used only if present. Otherwise default mappings are used. Release 0.26 beta (28. June 1999) ================================= - Fixed a problem that generated unreadable WMF files on Windows systems. I was not specifying the bounding box correctly, and I had not accounted for byte-swapping issues between big-endian and little-endian systems. - Added a feature to read a file called "r2l-head". In it, you can specify any additional packages you want rtf2latex2e to insert into the header of the output ".tex" file before \begin{document}. For example, Italian users may want to use the Italian babel package. You would then insert "\usepackage[italian]{babel}" in the r2l-head file. If the r2l-head file is not found, nothing happens. Thanks to Riccardo Lucchetti for the suggestion. - Many European users wanted the inputenc feature back that I had dropped to implement auto-switching of character sets. Using standard LaTeX notation makes editing of files that have lots of \`{a}'s and \`{e}'s difficult, not to mention spell-checking. There is a much more elegant method of using the inputenc package than the one previously implemented. Earlier, I had hard-coded the input encoding stuff into the program. This approach was inflexible and made it difficult to add support for more encodings. The much easier method is to appropriately edit the TeX-map file. This file determines how a character is mapped in the output ".tex" file. For example, the character Agrave is mapped to Agrave \`{A} using the standard LaTeX notation. People wishing to use inputenc can change the mapping to Agrave À # this is \'{A} on the Mac character set. in the TeX-map file. The appropriate command "\usepackage[]{inputenc}" can then be inserted into the r2l-head file, so that rtf2latex2e produces a ".tex" file that uses the inputenc package. In this distribution, I have provided sample TeX-map files for applemac, cp1252 (ansi, latin1), and cp1250 (Eastern European, latin2) encodings called TeX-map.applemac, TeX-map.cp1252 and TeX-map.cp1250 respectively. To use any of them, rename the file to "TeX-map". For example, on a Macintosh, you rename the file "TeX-map.applemac" to "TeX-map" and insert the line "\usepackage[applemac]{inputenc}" in your "r2l-head" file. I did this on my Mac, so please check the TeX-map.cp1252 and TeX-map.cp1250 for accuracy. Thanks again to Riccardo Lucchetti for the suggestion. - rtf2latex2e has been successfully compiled on a DEC Alpha, thanks to Chris Rennie. Some issues involved make barfing on the supplied Makefile: - there was an extra line containing just a tab character, and this resulted in make aborting with the message 'null command'. - Also the macro $^ is not available on DEC Alphas, nor is it mentioned in 'Unix in a Nutshell'. It should be replaced with $(OBJ). - In the Unix and DOS versions, rtf2latex2e now first searches for its associated files in the current working directory and then in the directory specified by the RTF2LATEX2E_DIR variable. Useful for overriding files. - more miscellaneous stuff tweaked. Release 0.252 beta (22. June 1999) ================================== - I found that Macintosh PowerPC systems running MacOS < 8.5 need to have the "Navigation" shared library in the Extensions folder. Otherwise, rtf2latex2e will not launch complaining about "NavigationLib" not found. In this update, I have included the file "Navigation" in the folder called "-> put into Extensions folder". PowerPC systems running MacOS 8.5 or later should not need this. 68k systems are not affected either (unless I hear otherwise). Release 0.251 beta (21. June 1999) ================================== - I had added a feature to ignore stuff marked invisible by RTF. Didn't quite work out the way I wanted it to. So I disabled it again. I will look into it further if I find the time. - another minor bug in function CheckForParagraph () fixed. Release 0.25 beta (18. June 1999) ================================= - Scott Prahl ( has joined the development effort. He will be working on routines to convert various image formats to eps, and hopefully the two of us can figure out how the hell to read embedded equations in RTF. However, I will still be the main point of contact for rtf2latex2e, and all bug reports and feature requests should be sent to me. - RTF allows use of multiple character sets, say latin1 and latin2. For example, the default character set may be latin1, but to produce a Hungarian letter, RTF might switch to latin2. rtf2latex2e now supports automatic switching of character sets. However, this feature is not compatible with the inputenc feature, so I had to drop support of the inputenc package. All characters wiil be represented by standard LaTeX commands. rtf2latex2e now supports two additional character sets: code page 1250 (Eastern European/latin2) and code page 1254 (Turkish/latin5). Other character sets can be easily added. - I have added an option to specify the use of the fontenc package in the preference file. All acceptable values for the fontenc package, eg. T1, LY1, etc. can be specified. Basically I got tired of LaTeX bitching about things just because it was using the default encoding. - In the Mac version, Scott has added support for converting PICT files to EPS format. It requires that you have the Laserwriter 8 driver installed on your system, and that your current printer uses that Laserwriter driver. The conversion process looks a little weird. Printer dialog windows pop up and buttons get automatically pressed. Some user interaction is required for choosing directory where the EPS file will get saved. You can also choose the type of preview and fonts to be written into the EPS file. The pict2eps conversion option is turned off by default. The conversion code is still in alpha stage and may not be stable; you can choose to enable that option in preferences dialog. - In the Mac version, Scott has also added support to use Apple's new File Navigation Services. Navigation Services will be used only when available, otherwise standard File dialogs will be used. - Also in the Mac version, you can now specify the creator for your output LaTeX file. For example, you can specify OTEX to get QzTeX files, or you could specify *TEX to get Textures files. Other values include R*ch for BBEdit and ALFA for Alpha. I use OzTeX with Alpha and Scott uses Textures with BBEdit. Had to keep both of us happy. - And yet again in the Mac version, I fixed a bug in the DropUnix framework that provides the Mac user interface. Under certain circumstances, that bug would cause menu bar to disappear and the application becomes unresponsive requiring a force quit to exit the application. That bug has been fixed. Can you tell that both Scott and I are Mac users? - Internal table routines have been revamped. Table processing should be a lot more robust and cleaner. - More miscellaneous bugs have been fixed. Release 0.232 beta (17. May 1999) ================================= - rtf2latex2e didn't compile on Redhat Linux 6.0. New version of gcc? I had to make minor changes to Paul Du Bois' reader code reader.c - Adding preferences dialog for the Mac version screwed up reading the preference file reading routine on the other platforms. Stupid, stupid,... I have fixed it. Just shows how much testing I do on Unix and Windows :-) Sorry... Release 0.231 beta (15. May 1999) ================================= - The Mac application now has a preferences dialog that can be accessed from the file menu. It is basically a graphical interface to edit the r2l-pref file. - Fixed a stupid bug that prevented converting multiple files. - Fixed another bug related to processing text style (bold, italic,...) Release 0.23 beta (1. May 1999) =============================== - Got a fairly serious bug report that warranted an immediate fix. Following up on it, I found an inexcusible bug in the code that caused an infinite while loop while trying to read an object under certain conditions. I am amazed that this problem didn't surface before now. While reading an object, rtf2latex2e looks for specfication of the object class. I had made the foolish assumption that RTF always specifies the object class. It turns out that it doesn't, and under those circumstances, rtf2latex2e keeps looking for an object class for ever causing the infinite while loop. I have put in an escape mechanism. I should have done so in the first place. I hang my head in shame. - I also found that RTF sometimes encodes tables in a very nonsensical manner that defies logic. I came across a table where two adjacent cells in a table had been specified to have the same right border position. In its defence, RTF also specifies the two cell to be merged, but it still does not conform to the standard manner of encoding tables. As a result, rtf2latex2e translated the table, but produced slightly incorrect LaTeX in the longtable environment. I have provided a hack to fix it, so that the tex file runs through latex without errors, but the result will not look very pretty. The table will definitely require some manual editing. - I have also provided another preference in the r2l-pref file to ignore spacing. In combination with other preferences, you can get a tex file almost completely free of visual formatting. Release 0.221 beta (30. April 1999): ==================================== - When an unknown Word97 object was encountered, rtf2latex2e would complain and exit the program entirely. This is unnecessary. I changed the complaint to a simple warning so that rtf2latex2e continues on its merry way. Release 0.22 beta (26. April 1999): =================================== - added support for use of the inputenc package. You can now specify various encodings such as ansinew, latin1, latin2, etc in the r2l-pref preference file. If a valid encoding is specified, rtf2latex2e will insert characters between 128-255 directly into the LaTeX file and specify \usepackage[]{inputenc} into the preamble of the LaTeX file. However, not all characters between 128-255 are defined in some of the corresponding .def file that LaTeX reads. I had to dig through all the .def files and figure out the characters that are defined. The ones that are not defined are translated in the standard way using the TeX-map file. Also, the .def files do not ensure mathmode for certain characters, so I had to fix rtf2latex2e to care of that. - Embedded JPEG images in the RTF file are internally converted to EPS format. I adapted the jpeg2ps code (with the author's permission) for this. The jpeg->eps conversion is equivalent to running "jpeg2ps -h", ie. the conversion uses hex encoding. If I ever learn how to convert other graphic file formats found in RTF to EPS, I will add those too. - Some minor internal bugs were fixed. - Changed default preferences in the r2l-pref file: ignoreRulerSettings is set to true; causes indentation to be ignored. ignoreColor is set to true; color information is ignored. Release 0.211 beta ================== - as usual, when I fixed something, I lost something: this time objects of type Equation.3; I put it back in. Release 0.21 beta: ================== - added a feature to read a preference file r2l-pref where you can specify options to ignore ruler settings, color, and to give values of paper size and margins. - fixed a minor bug in a Word97 object reading routine. - added feature to read fields under certain circumstances: Sometimes, Word and maybe other word processors decide to insert symbols as fields rather that switching fonts. Version 0.21 reads those fields only if they contain symbols. - \tab characters in RTF are translated into \tab commands in LaTeX. I initially define \tab as \newcommand{\tab}{\makebox[4em]{}}. The definition of a tab command is convenient when translating a table built with tabs, eg: A B e1 e2 e3 e4 e5 e6 will get translated into \tab A\tab B\\ \tab e1\tab e2\\ \tab e3\tab e4\\ \tab e5\tab e6\\ Manual insertion of \begin{tabular}{lll} and \end{tabular} nd redefinition of \tab to & will result in a proper tabular environment. - All packages except color are loaded only when needed. Use of color package is specified in the preference file. Release 0.20 beta: ================== - corrected some path separator stuff. - In Unix and DOS versions, added capability to run rtf2latex2e from directories that do not contain the auxiliary files. This required setting an environment variable RTF2LATEX2E_DIR that points to the directory that contains the auxiliary files. Release 0.19 alpha: =================== - In the Mac version, added type and creator for output files. Output tex file has OzTeX creator (OTEX). PICT files are of type 'PICT' and 'ttxt' (Simpletext), PNG files have type 'PNGf' and creator 'ogle' (Quicktime Picture Viewer), WMF files have type 'WMF ' and creator 'GKON' (Graphic converter), and JPEG files have type 'JPEG' and creator 'JVWR' (JPEGView). - Added support for - line spacing - multicolumn - minipage - small caps - Fixed minor bugs with closing environments properly - Fixed minor bug in a table routine - used proper path separator for specific operating systems. It is inexcusible that C does not provide this. Or does it? - Comand-line versions of rtf2latex2e can actually spaces in file names if the command line argument is enclosed in double quotes. I did not do anything special to incorporate this, but it was pointed out to me, and I thought it was useful to pass it along. - However, some TeX systems do not like spaces in file names, eg. OzTeX on Mac. rtf2latex2e now scans the file name and internally converts any spaces into non-breaking space characters (ASCII 202). Original input RTF file name is not affected; only output t ex and image files will have spaces substituted. Of course, the path information is left untouched, otherwise it might result in an invalid (non-existing) directory. Release 0.18 alpha: =================== Fixed a bug in a table routine. Made table and graphicx packages dynamically loadable into the output tex file. Created two sets of ansi-gen and ansi-sym character map files. RTF seems to have changed its ansi encoding somewhere between Word 5.1 and Word 97/98. Even the new versions of Word themselves (Word 97/98) do not correctly interpret some characters (beyond ASCII range 127) from RTF files produced by older versions (say Word 5.1). I have therefore included in the directory "for-older-rtf-files" the files ansi-gen and ansi-sym for older verions of RTF files. Experiment with your RTF file to determine whether you need the new set or the old set. Be sure to safely back up the versions you are not using for later use. At some point, I will write code to make the reader dynamically read the appropriate character map files. RTF files with Mac character encoding do not seem to suffer from this malaise. Release 0.1 alpha: ================== Initial test release.