;config.dat ;Data to help configuration process for SLaTeX ;(c) Dorai Sitaram, Rice U., 1991, 1994 ;Important: Answer this questionnaire before attempting ;to configure SLaTeX. The answers already inserted ;here should be considered as place-holders only. They ;may not reflect what suits your system. ;If you are Matthias Felleisen or some other ;Rice PLT user installing SLaTeX on a typical Rice ;research machine running Chez, please choose ;the answers flagged PLT ;Answer _all_ the questions. If you don't know an ;answer, simply use #f as a default answer. ;Questionnaire begins... ; *** Questionnaire *** ;Identify your Scheme dialect. To do this, change ;the symbol immediately following this comment into one ;of the following: ; ;(chez cl cscheme elk pcsge schemetoc scm umbscheme other) ; ;They stand for ; ;chez = Chez Scheme (Kent Dybvig) ;cl = Common Lisp ;cscheme = MIT C Scheme ;elk = Elk (Oliver Laumann) ;pcsge = PCScheme/Geneva (L. Bartholdi and M. ; Vuilleumier) [not checked thoroughly yet] ;schemetoc = Scheme-to-C (Joel Bartlett) ;scm = SCM (Aubrey Jaffer) ;umbscheme = UMB Scheme (William Campbell) ;other = None of the above ; ;cl ; scm ;chez ;PLT ;Identify your operating system. ;Change the symbol immediately following this comment ;into one of: ; ; (os2 unix dos os2fat other) ; ;os2 = OS/2 with HPFS (i.e., long filenames) ;unix = Unix ;dos = MS-DOS or PC-DOS ;os2fat = OS/2 with FAT (i.e., 8.3 filenames) ;other = None of the above ;os2 ; unix ;PLT ;Identify the name or command (e.g., "scheme") by ;which you invoke your Scheme/CL on your operating ;system command line. Supply it as a Scheme string. ;This is the name of the executable/batfile/shellscript ;that you use to invoke Scheme/CL. If it is not in ;your PATH, supply full pathname. Important (for DOS ;users): If using pathname and if using DOS, use \\ for ;\ ; ;"lisp" ;"xlisp" ;"scm" ; "chez" ;PLT (or is it "scheme" now?) ;Supply the full pathname (as a Scheme string) that you ;intend to give to the generated file slatex.scm. ;Initially, the file slatex.scm will be created by the ;configuration process in the current directory. ;Typically, you could move it to a convenient lib/ ;directory, so the shellscript/batfile can refer to it. ;Important slashification note for DOS users: If you ;need \ in the string, type \\\\ (four for one). ;"c:/tex/slatex/slatex.scm" ; "/home/dorai/tex/slatex/slatex.scm" ;"/home/scheme/SLaTeX/slatex.scm" ;PLT ??? ;Type a Scheme expression that returns your TEXINPUT(S) ;environment variable. (Some TeX's use TEXINPUT, other ;TEXINPUTS.) ; ;One way is to type the TEXINPUT(S) value as a Scheme ;string. As usual, the various directories are ;separated by ";" in DOS and ":" in Unix. E.g.: ; ; "c:/bin;c:/lib/emtex/texinput" ;in DOS ; "/home/dorai/tex:/usr/local/lib/tex/macros" ;in Unix ; ;Slashification: use \\\\ for \ (However note that most ;Schemes accept / as a directory marker even on DOS, so ;you don't need bother with \\\\.) ; ;Alternatively, if your Scheme has a procedure that ;extracts environment variables as strings, e.g., Scm's ;getenv, you may use (getenv "TEXINPUT") or (getenv ;"TEXINPUTS") here instead. (DOS uses TEXINPUT, Unix ;uses TEXINPUTS.) ; ;If you are on a Unix system, and your TEXINPUTS is a ;fairly regular list of directories, i.e., doesn't use ;Karl Berry's // notation for your own style ;directories, simply use #f. The script will take care ;of TEXINPUTS. ;(getenv "TEXINPUT") ;"c:/tex" ;"c:/tex/slatex" ;(getenv "TEXINPUTS") ; #f ;PLT ;If your TEXINPUTS path list is complicated, i.e., ;employs abbreviations, you may set the previous field ;and enter for the following field the list of TeX ;directories you wish to have searched. The form: a ;Scheme list of Scheme strings. If your TEXINPUTS is ;not complicated, then you have an appropriate entry ;for the previous field -- this field you may leave (). () ;PLT ;Does your Scheme accepts echo'd s-expressions? ;I.e., does ; ;echo | ; ;cause to be evaluated? Answer #t or #f. ;(For chez/unix, answer #t.) ;nil ; #f ;#t ;PLT ;Does your Scheme load files mentioned on the ;command line? I.e., does ; ; ; ;load into Scheme? Answer #t or #f. ;t ; #t ;PLT ;Does your Scheme test if an init file exists and ;load it? If so, type the full pathname of the init ;file as a string. Slashification: use \\\\ for \. If ;init files are not supported, type #f. ;nil ; #f ;PLT ;Does your Scheme have a "system" procedure, i.e., ;a procedure that takes a string as argument and sends ;it to the surrounding operating system. (E.g., ;(system "dir") on a DOS machine should list the files ;in the current directory.) If yes, type the name of ;the "system" procedure -- usually "system", without ;the quotes. If your Scheme does not have such a ;procedure, type #f. system ;PLT