install SLaTeX Version 2.4 (c) Dorai Sitaram Installation instructions for SLaTeX 1. Configuring SLaTeX for your system ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Go to the directory slatex. 2. Edit the file config.dat as suggested in the comments there. 3. Invoke your Scheme interpreter. (If you're using Common Lisp, invoke the Common Lisp interpreter.) Load the file config.scm into Scheme (or Common Lisp). This is done by typing (load "config.scm") at the Scheme (or Common Lisp) prompt. This will configure SLaTeX for your Scheme dialect and operating system, creating an appropriate slatex.scm file. (For Chez, slatex.scm is a compiled version.) A script file (DOS or OS/2 batch file, or Unix shell script) is also created for convenient invocation on your operating system command line. A Scheme/Common Lisp file callsla.scm is also created to provide access to SLaTeX from Scheme/Common Lisp. 4. Exit Scheme (or Common Lisp). 2. Setting paths and modifying script file ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Copy or move or link slatex.scm into a suitable place, e.g., your bin or lib, or the system bin or lib. 2. Copy or move or link slatex.sty into a suitable place, e.g., somewhere in your TEXINPUT(S) path. For installing on system, place in directory containing the LaTeX style files (on mine this is /usr/local/lib/tex/macros). 3. Copy or move or link the shellscript slatex or batfile slatex.bat to a suitable place in your PATH, e.g., your bin or the system bin. Note that slatex(.bat) sets SLaTeX.*texinputs*. If you're making the same shellscript/batfile available to multiple users, you should change the line (set! SLaTeX.*texinputs* "...") to (set! SLaTeX.*texinputs* ) (But see scripts/readme.) 4. Run slatex on slatxdoc.tex for documentation. (This also checks that slatex does indeed work on your machine.) Refer to slatxdoc.dvi when befuddled. 3. Other ways of invoking SLaTeX ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The configuration process creates shellscript/batfile slatex(.bat) for a standard invoking mechanism for SLaTeX. The shellscript/batfile is created to exploit the way your Scheme is called, e.g., matters like whether it accepts echo'd s-expressions (e.g., Chez) , whether it loads command line files (e.g., SCM) , and whether it always checks for an "init" file (e.g., MIT C Scheme). 1. If your Scheme doesn't fall into either of these categories, you may have to write your own shellscript/batfile or devise some other mechanism. 2. The shellscript/batfile invokes Scheme. If, however, you are already in Scheme and spend most of the time continuously at the Scheme prompt rather than the operating system prompt, you may want to avoid some of the delays inherent in the shellscript/batfile. The file callsla.scm, which contains just one small procedure named call-slatex, and which is created by the configuration process, provides a simple calling mechanism from Scheme/Common Lisp, as opposed to the operating system command line. You may use it as an alternative to the slatex shellscript/batfile. The usage is as follows: load callsla.scm into Scheme/Common Lisp (load "callsla.scm") and type (call-slatex ) when you need to call SLaTeX on the (La)TeX file . This invokes the SLaTeX preprocessor on . If your Scheme has a "system" procedure that can call the operating system command line, call-slatex will also send your file to TeX or LaTeX. If your Scheme does not have such a procedure, call-slatex will simply prod you to call TeX or LaTeX yourself. The outline of the shellscript/batfile or callsla.scm or of any strategy you devise for using SLaTeX should include the following actions: 1. Load the file slatex.scm (created by the configuration process) into Scheme. 2. Set the variable SLaTeX.*texinputs-list* to the list of directories in which TeX looks for \input files. If you have a a "regular" TEXINPUTS, you could set SLaTeX.*texinputs-list* to (SLaTeX.path-to-list ) (In shell scripts, can be obtained with some for unquoting. In Schemes with getenv, you could use (getenv "TEXINPUTS").) 3. Call the procedure process-main-tex-file on the .tex file to be processed. 4. Call either latex or tex on the .tex file. You may devise your own way of calling process-main-tex-file, provided your method makes sure that slatex.scm has been loaded, SLaTeX.*texinputs* set appropriately _before_ the call and latex/tex is called _after_ the call. Note that if you prefer to stay in Scheme most of the time, it is a good idea to pre-load the procedure call-slatex, perhaps through an init file. Call-slatex is just a "one-liner" "call-by-need" hook to SLaTeX and does not take up much resources. (Global name clashes between your own code and SLaTeX code won't occur unless you use variable names starting with 'SLaTeX.') If you made no calls to call-slatex, the bigger file slatex.scm is not loaded at all. If you make several calls to call-slatex, slatex.scm is loaded only once, at the time of the first call.