readme SLaTeX Version 2.4 (c) Dorai Sitaram Read me first 1. A brief description of SLaTeX ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SLaTeX is a Scheme program that allows you to write program code (or code fragments) "as is" in your LaTeX or TeX source. SLaTeX is particularly geared to the programming languages Scheme (R4RS) and other Lisps, e.g., Common Lisp. The formatting of the code includes assigning appropriate fonts to the various tokens in the code (keywords, variables, constants, data), at the same time retaining the proper indentation when going to the non-monospace (non-typewriter) fonts provided by TeX. SLaTeX comes with two databases that recognize the identifier conventions of Scheme and CL respectively. While it is certainly possible to get by with a minimal knowledge of SLaTeX commands, the package comes with a variety of features for manipulating output positioning, modifying/enhancing the database, changing the fonting defaults, adding special symbols, and selective disabling of SLaTeX. For a detailed documentation of SLaTeX, run slatex on the file slatxdoc.tex in the SLaTeX distribution after finishing the installation process. 2. Obtaining SLaTeX ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SLaTeX is available via anonymous ftp from (or Login as anonymous, give your userid as password, change to the directory public/dorai, convert to bin mode, and get the file slatex??.tar.gz (where ?? is some number). Ungzipping and untarring produces a directory slatex, containing the SLaTeX files. (The file "manifest" lists the files in the distribution -- make sure nothing is missing.) 3. Requisites for installing SLaTeX ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SLaTeX is implemented in R4RS-compliant Scheme -- macros are not needed. The code uses the non-standard procedures delete-file, file-exists? and flush-output, but a Scheme without these procedures can also run SLaTeX. The configuration defines the corresponding variables to be dummy procedures, since they are not crucial. The distribution comes with code to allow SLaTeX to run also on Common Lisp. The dialects that SLaTeX has run successfully on are: Chez Scheme, Ibuki Common Lisp, MIT C Scheme, Elk, Scheme-to-C, Scm and UMB Scheme on Unix; and MIT C Scheme, Scm (compiled using djgpp gcc), Austin Kyoto Common Lisp and CLisp on MSDOS. (All trademarks.) 4. Installing SLaTeX ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Refer to the file "install" for configuring SLaTeX to your dialect and ways of invoking it on your (La)TeX files. 5. Using SLaTeX ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The file slatxdoc.tex is a manual describing "How to Use SLaTeX". A version of the corresponding .dvi file, slatxdoc.dvi, is included in the distribution, but you could create your own (and thereby check that SLaTeX works on your system). Save the provided slatxdoc.dvi file in case your setup doesn't work, and type slatex slatxdoc You may create a file slatxdoc.ind that arranges the index information from the file slatxdoc.idx generated by LaTeX. Run LaTeX on slatxdoc another time to sort out the index and the citations. If you have run Scheme (or CL) on config.scm (Sec. 1 of install) but haven't been able to decide how to set up the paths or the shell/bat script or the most suitable invoking method (Sec. 2 and 3 of install), perform the following actions (in the directory where you unpacked the distribution) to get slatxdoc.dvi: 1. Start up Scheme (or CL). 2. Type (load ""). 3. Type (SLaTeX.process-main-tex-file "slatxdoc"). 4. Exit Scheme (or CL). 5. Call latex on slatxdoc.tex. (Use makeindex to generate slatxdoc.ind, if possible. Call latex a second time to get the citations right and to generate an index if available.) 6. Bugs etc. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bug reports, flames, criticisms and suggestions are most welcome -- send to Dorai Sitaram