#----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Makefile for troff-to-TeX translator using MS-DOS # Make targets: # (none) same as tr2latex # tr2latex build translator # lint run lint on sources # clean remove object and executable files # share make ../ttr.sh for mailing # # Author: Nelson H.F. Beebe 25-Oct-86 # choose compiling options in CFLAGS: # -DMSC *must* be given! # The -O flag causes long compilation time but experience has shown that it is # unnecessary for this package; time saved in running time is extremely small # in the computers I used. # Add -DDEBUG for some additional debugging code. CFLAGS = -O -DMSC CFILES = tr2latex.c tr.c subs.c version.c LINTFLAGS = -abchnpux # BINDIR is the path where the executable should be placed BINDIR = . # TEXDIR gives the path where the tex library resides (fonts, macros ...) TEXDIR = tex # MANSECTION gives the section number of the online manual pages where to # place the tr2latex manual page. Should be 1 or l (``ell''). # MANDIR gives the path of your online manual pages. MANSECTION = l MANDIR = man tr2latex: tr2latex.o tr.o subs.o version.o cc $(CFLAGS) tr2latex.o tr.o subs.o version.o -o tr2latex share: make clean makescript ../ttr.sh * tr2latex.o: tr2latex.c setups.h cc $(CFLAGS) -c tr2latex.c tr.o: tr.c setups.h cc $(CFLAGS) -c tr.c subs.o: subs.c setups.h similar.h greek.h flip.h troff_mac.h mathcom.h cc $(CFLAGS) -c subs.c version.o: version.c cc $(CFLAGS) -c version.c lint: lint $(LINTFLAGS) $(CFILES) > lint.lst clean: \rm -f *.o core *junk* tr2latex lint.lst install: copy tr2latex $(BINDIR)/tr2latex copy troffman.sty $(TEXDIR)/macros/troffman.sty copy troffms.sty $(TEXDIR)/macros/troffms.sty copy tr2latex.man $(MANDIR)/man$(MANSECTION)/tr2latex.$(MANSECTION)