# Makefile for tr2latex on *NIX machines # $Id: Makefile,v 2.2 1992/04/27 15:13:26 Christian_Engel Dist krischan $ # CC chooses the compiler CC = gcc # choose compiling options in CFLAGS: # The -O flag causes long compilation time but experience has shown that it is # unnecessary for this package; time saved in running time is extremely small # in the computers I used. # The -g flag produces symbolic information for debugging. # Add -DUCB if you're running under Berkley UNIX. # Add -systype bsd43 on MIPS M/2000, running RISCos # (recommended by David Osborne, cczdao@mips.ccc.nottingham.ac.uk). # Add -Dtops20 to CFLAGS if you're running it under tops20. # Add -DDEBUG for some additional debugging code. CFLAGS = -O -DDEBUG LINTFLAGS = -abchnpux CFILES = tr2latex.c tr.c subs.c version.c HFILES = protos.h setups.h simil.h greek.h macros.h maths.h flip.h forbid.h STYFILES = troffman.sty troffms.sty OTHERS = Makefile.msc Makefile.unix Makefile.tc Makefile.vms Makefile.mms \ make_tr2latex.com README diffs.tex testfile \ tr2latex.man tr2latex.hlp vaxcrtl.opt SOURCES = $(CFILES) $(HFILES) $(STYFILES) $(OTHERS) DISTRIB = $(SOURCES) tr2latex.man.tex-orig testfile.tex-orig History # BINDIR gives the path where the executable should be placed after # installation. BINDIR = /sys/tex/bin # TEXDIR gives the path where the tex library resides (fonts, macros ...) TEXDIR = /sys/tex/lib # MANSECTION gives the section number of the online manual pages where to # place the tr2latex manual page. # MANDIR gives the path of your online manual pages. # If you have a directory for local manual pages, for instance /usr/local/man, # then set MANDIR to this path and MANSECTION to 1. Otherwise you should # place the manual page into the local section by giving MANSECTION as # l (``ell'') and setting MANDIR to /usr/man MANSECTION = 1 MANDIR = /sys/tex/man tr2latex: tr2latex.o tr.o subs.o version.o $(CC) $(CFLAGS) tr2latex.o tr.o subs.o version.o -o tr2latex tr2latex.o: tr2latex.c setups.h protos.h tr.o: tr.c setups.h protos.h subs.o: subs.c $(HFILES) version.o: version.c lint: lint $(LINTFLAGS) $(CFILES) > lint.lst install: tr2latex install -c -m 0755 tr2latex $(BINDIR)/tr2latex install -c -m 0444 tr2latex.man \ $(MANDIR)/man$(MANSECTION)/tr2latex.$(MANSECTION) install -c -m 0444 troffman.sty troffms.sty $(TEXDIR)/macros clean: \rm -f *.o core *junk* tr2latex lint.lst *~ TAGS tags rm: \rm -f *.o core *junk* tr2latex lint.lst *~ \ *.c* *.h Makefile.* *.sty* README* *.tex testfile* *man*