Please read this file before you install the program. Troff-to-TeX translator version .93, March 4, 1987. Copyright (C) by 1987 Kamal Al-Yahya. This directory contains programs that were developed at the Stanford Exploration Project, Geophysics Department, by Kamal Al-Yahya. Copying them to any other machine is permitted without prior permission provided that copyright messages are kept, no profit is made by copying the files, and modifications are clearly documented. I would very much appreciate any comments or suggestions. My e-net address is ^^^^^ ||||| \\\\\---- SORRY! Kamal graduated 2 years ago now. He's back in Saudia Arabia and cut off from e-mail completely. Nobody on Hanauma knows anything about this software anymore! Fri Mar 31 23:16:15 PST 1989 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS In short, type ``make'' and then run it on the document (try the testfile): tr2tex testfile > testfile.tex In details: - Use makefile.msc if you're running MS-DOS. - In the makefile, define the destination of the executable (default is current directory). Also, add the -O flag if you want to (and the optimizer in your machine is not buggy). The -O flag causes long compilation time but experience has shown that it is unnecessary for this package; time saved in running time is extremely small in the computers I used. - If the limit on your unsigned int is not 65535, change MAXLEN in setups.h accordingly. - In tr2tex.c, change the document type if you want. The default is article. Also, change the style options to suit your taste. The default is [troffms,11pt] if no flag is used and [troffman] if the -m flag is used. - Add necessary -D's to CFLAGS if you need them. The program recognizes the following compiler-time definitions: -Dtops20, -DANSI, -DMSC, -DNO_SGTTY - type ``make'' to produce the executable, called ``tr2tex''. - Modify troffms.sty and troffman.sty to suit your taste but keep the necessary macro definitions as they will be needed when running latex. Make sure the font names exist on your site. Change them if necessary. - Move troffms.sty and troffman.sty to your macros directory. - Install and read the manual page. - Run the translator on ``testfile'' and the manual page as follows tr2tex testfile > testfile.tex tr2tex -m tr2tex.9 > tr2tex.9.tex and compare ``testfile.tex'' with ``testfile.tex-orig'' and ``tr2tex.9.tex'' with ``tr2tex.9-tex-orig''. If they are not identical, you have not installed it properly. USING THE TRANSLATOR You can run the program either by tr2tex < file > file.tex or tr2tex file > file.tex You are most likely to get messages on the standard error telling you about things it encounters and cannot do. Now you have the translated document. Look at it and see if you can spot a major error. Run it through latex. If it runs and produces the dvi file, then print it. If you get latex error messages modify the translated document accordingly and repeat the latex run, and so on. I usually get away with one or two iterations.