LIST OF COMMANDS: -msep ======================== .1C Return to single column format .2C Start double column format *AB Begin abstract*: not available .Ac Centers and prints 'ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS' .AAC 1 prints 'ACKNOWLEDGEMENT' *AE End abstract*: not available *AI Specify author's institution*: not available .AU Specify author .B Begin boldface .bp Begin new page .br Break input text lines .ce Center following text line .DA Provide the date on each page .DE End display .DS Start display (also .CD, .LD, .ID) .EN End equation .EQ Begin equation [initialize: .EQ / delim $$ / .EQ are first 3 lines] .FE End footnote .FS Begin footnote .I Begin italics .IP Begin indented paragraph .KE Release keep .KF Begin floaing keep .KS Start keep .Ic N Start of figure or table caption .Ie End of illustration N = number of figure or table .LG Increase type size .LP Left aligned block paragraph .Is [F] [T] Start of an illustration F = full page reserved for illustration T = illustration is a table (default=figure) (use .sp ni = space n inches for illustration) .na Don't adjust right margins .ND Change or cancel date .NH Specify numbered heading .NL Return to normal type size .PP Begin paragraph .R Return to regular font (usually Roman) .RE End one level of relative indenting .Re prints following text as a reference *RP Use released paper format*: not available .RS Relative indent incresed one level .SG Insert signature line .SH Specify section heading .SM Change to smaller type size .sp Space one line .TL Specify title .UL Underline one word VS Vertical spacing = 18 (1.5 spacing) VS=12 for single; VS=24 for double reset using .nr VS 18 to run: eqn filename | vtroff -msep (or -msepn) [ -1 nonie.r -3 nonie.b]