It has been recognized that \TeX\ is a better text formatter
than {\bf troff}. This program helps people who
want to convert from troff to \LaTeX, which is a set of
macros for \TeX. It can be used to convert documents from
troff to \LaTeX, so that the work can be continued in \LaTeX.
It can also be used as a tutor where a troff input is given to the
program and the output tells the user the equivalent \LaTeX commands.

The program may not do 100\% translation, but it relieves the user
from most of the tedious manual translation.
If it cannot translate a troff command, it will comment that line
(by preceding it with a percent sign).
After translating the document, run it through {\bf latex}.
If there is an error or the printed document is not
what you expect, use a text editor to modify the translated document.

The level of the translation is as follows:
\item[] {\bf ms} macros: very good.
\item[] {\bf man} macros: very good.
\item[] plain troff: fair.
\item[] {\bf eqn} preprocessor symbols: excellent.
\item[] {\bf tbl} preprocessor symbols: only the simplest tables are translated.

There are two .sty files in the package that are needed when the document
is processed with {\bf latex}. They can either be in the user's home directory
or in the common macro area.