.TH XET 1 "12/19/91" "Version 1.0" .de BP .sp .ti -.2i \(** .. .SH NAME xet \- a detexifier .SH SYNOPSIS .B xet [ options ] [ files ] .SH DESCRIPTION .I XET removes all commands and mathematical formulas from tex and latex files. If no files are specified, xet reads from its standard input. Xet can also be used to perform elementary syntax checks on tex files. It recognizes some basic tex and latex commands. .P .SH OPTIONS .TP .B \-a character Don't remove accents. Accents will be preceded by "character". .TP .B \-A Don't remove accents. Don't put escape character before accents. .TP .B \-b Replace consecutive blanks by one blank. .TP .B \-c Don't remove commands. .TP .B \-C Don't remove comments. .TP .B \-d Debugging mode. Don't try ! .TP .B \-e label1,label2,...,last_label Handle environnements label1, label2, ... as mathematical environnements. .TP .B \-E Disable error messages. .TP .B \-f character Replace deleted words and formulas with "character". Default is space. .TP .B \-F Don't replace deleted commands and formulas. .TP .B \-g Replace deleted '{' and '}' by blank or specified replacement character. .TP .B \-i Don't execute \include and \input commands. .TP .B \-m Don't remove mathematical formulas. .TP .B \-n number Numerotate output text every "number" lines. Use -n0 to remove numerotation. Default is -n0. .TP .B \-N Write filename only for the first line of each file. .TP .B \-o Display macros definitions. .TP .B \-p Remove punctuation. .TP .B \-r Generate a succint report for the job done. .TP .B \-S Silent mode: no output is produced. This option overrides every other output option. .TP .B \-t Remove text. .TP .B \-u Output unknown (non-mathematical) commands. .TP .B \-w Disable warning messages. .TP .B \-z Display text after \\end. .sp .SH WARNING .TP Macros definitions are read, but they are not interpreted by xet. Here is the kind of things xet won't appreciate : .sp \\documentstyle[\\docsty} .sp {\\obeyspaces\\global\\let =\\ } .sp Error handling is very crude. In particular, line numbers in error \ messages aren't very reliable. .sp .SH BUGS Bugs should be reported to cerf (e_mail: cerf@ens.ens.fr).