NTeX Version 2 - Changes ======================== NTeX V2.3.2, AUG-23-1998 released at AUG-23-1998. This is just to update LaTeX2e as the version in 2.3.1 is totally outdated. See README-2.3.2 for more details. NB-LTX2E V2.3.2, AUG-23-1998 * Updated LaTeX2e and the main packages. NB-LTXPG V2.3.2, AUG-23-1998 * Updated LaTeX2e and the main packages. NB-DVIPS V2.3.2, AUG-23-1998 * Updated LaTeX2e and the main packages. NB-AMST V2.3.2, AUG-23-1998 * Updated LaTeX2e and the main packages. NS-LTX2E V2.3.2, AUG-23-1998 * Updated LaTeX2e and the main packages. NS-LTXPK V2.3.2, AUG-23-1998 * Updated LaTeX2e and the main packages. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ InstallNTeX V2.3.1b: added warning that directories might be removed. (suggested by James G. Feeney ) InstallNTeX V2.3.1a: does no longer delete main directories during the initial installation. (suggested by James G. Feeney ) NTeX V2.3.1, FEB-10-1997 release at FEB-14-1997. updated packages: InstallNTeX, ntex, * nb-amstx, nb-auct, nb-cm, nb-dvips, nb-hyph, nb-index, nb-ltx2e, nb-ltxc, nb-ltxma, nb-ltxpg, nb-tex, nb-tools, nb-xdvi, nb-bin-i486-linux, * nf-lams, * nl-greek, * nx-docs, nx-mitoc, nx-ps2f, nx-xypic, * ns-dvips, ns-ltx2e, ns-ltxct, ns-ltxpk, ns-txsrc new packages: * nb-ec obsolete packages: * nb-dc NB-TOOLS V2.3.1, FEB-10-1997 * FontsYouNeed updated (Volker B"orchers ) NB-XDVI V2.3.1, FEB-10-1997 * Fixed typos of xdvi Hush* resources (Matthias Grimsel ) NB-AMSTX V2.3.1, FEB-09-1997 * updated AMSLaTeX. (FL) NB-AUCT V2.3.1, FEB-09-1997 * new latexbug.el (FL) NB-BIN-I486-LINUX V2.3.1, FEB-09-1997 * fixed -x option bug of dvips. (FL) NB-CM V2.3.1, FEB-09-1997 * renamed sauter fd files to lower case. (FL) NB-DC V2.3.1, FEB-09-1997 * As the EC fonts are released this package is now obsolete. (FL) NB-DVIPS V2.3.1, FEB-09-1997 * removed old xypic prologues. (FL) NB-EC V2.3.1, FEB-09-1997 * New package, replaces the DC fonts from nb-dc. (FL) NB-HYPH V2.3.1, FEB-09-1997 * updated italian hyphenation. (FL) NB-INDEX V2.3.1, FEB-09-1997 * fixed typo in pki file. (FL) NB-LTX2E V2.3.1, FEB-09-1997 * Updated LaTeX2e. (FL) * Updated Babel. (FL) NB-LTXC V2.3.1, FEB-10-1997 * updated ifacmtg, aguplus. (FL) NB-LTXMA V2.3.1, FEB-10-1997 * updated custom-bin, program, objectz, pb-diagram, qsymbols. (FL) * updated natbib, supertabular. (FL) NB-LTXPG V2.3.1, FEB-09-1997 * updated graphics, mfnfss, tools. (FL) NB-TEX V2.3.1, FEB-10-1997 * check for /sbin/ldconfig under linux (suggested by Michael Patra ) * updated MakeTeXMF, special.map. (FL) * updated TDS. (FL) NF-LAMS V2.3.1, FEB-09-1997 * updated lams fonts. (FL) NL-ARAB V2.3.1, FEB-10-1997 * updated. (FL) NL-GREEK V2.3.1, FEB-09-1997 * updated greek fonts for babel. (FL) NS-DVIPS 2.3.1, FEB-09-1997 * fixed -x dvips option. (FL) NS-LTX2E V2.3.1, FEB-09-1997 * updated LaTeX2e. (FL) NS-LTXCT V2.3.1, FEB-10-1997 * updated custom-bib, objectz, psfrag. (FL) * updated natbib, supertabular. (FL) NS-LTXPK V2.3.1, FEB-09-1997 * updated amslatex, babel, graphics, mfnfss, tools. (FL) NS-TXSRC V2.3.1, FEB-10-1997 * added xypic sources. (FL) * updated amsppt.doc. (FL) NX-DOCS V2.3,1, FEB-10-1997 * updated font FAQs, catalogue. (FL) * updated TDS. (FL) NX-MITOC V2.3.1, FEB-09-1997 * updated minitoc. (FL) NX-PS2F V2.3.1, FEB-09-1997 * updated psfrag. (FL) NX-XYPIC V2.3.1, FEB-09-1997 * updated XYPic. (FL) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NTeX V2.3.0, DEC-19-1996 released. updated packges: InstallNTeX, ntex.pkg, nb-amstx, nb-auct, nb-bibtx, nb-cm, nb-dvilj, nb-dvips, nb-index, nb-ltx2e, nb-ltxc, nb-ltxma, nb-ltxpg, nb-plain, nb-ps, nb-tex, nb-xdvi, nf-bbold, nb-bin-alpha-dec-osf3, nb-bin-hppa1.1-hp-hpux9.03-X11R5, nb-bin-hppa11.1-hp-hpux9.03-X11R6, nb-bin-i486-linux, nb-bin-m68k-hp-hpux8, nb-bin-mips-dec-ultrix4, nb-bin-mips-sgi-irix5, nb-bin-powerpc-ibm-aix3, nb-bin-rs6000-ibm-aix3 nf-cmbri, nf-gothc, nf-maths, nf-ocr, nf-pand, nf-bin-alpha-dec-osf3, nf-bin-i486-linux, nj-jltx, nj-jtex nj-bin-alpha-dec-osf3, nj-bin-i486-linux nl-bngl, nl-eiad, nl-germn, nl-greek, nl-hebrw, nl-kling, nl-polis nl-bin-alpha-dec-osf3, nl-bin-i486-linux ns-bibt, ns-dvilj, ns-dvips, ns-gloix, ns-hiero, ns-itran, ns-kpse, ns-ltxct, ns-ltxpk, ns-mftoo, ns-mkidx, ns-texi, ns-texto, ns-tib, ns-tools, ns-trfi, ns-w2cb, ns-w2ct, ns-w2cx, ns-xdvik, ns-xfig, ns-xltx nx-bibl, nx-bibt, nx-docs, nx-etex, nx-feynm, nx-figmf, nx-html, nx-ltx20, nx-mp, nx-mtex, nx-music, nx-plftx, nx-ps2f, nx-texi, nx-tib, nx-txxet, nx-xfig, nx-xtem, nx-xypic, nx-bin-alpha-dec-osf3, nx-bin-hppa11.1-hp-hpux9.03-X11R5, nx-bin-hppa11.1-hp-hpux9.03-X11R6, nx-bin-i486-linux, nx-bin-m68k-hp-hpux8, nx-bin-mips-dec-ultrix4, nx-bin-mips-sgi-irix5, nx-bin-powerpc-ibm-aix3, nx-bin-rs6000-ibm-aix3 NL-GERMN V2.3.0, DEC-17-1996 updated g-brief. (FL) NF-OCR V2.3.0, DEC-17-1996 added mode_setup to ocrbmac.mf (reported by Kiriakos Georgiou kg@mykonos.rc.rit.edu) NL-BNGL V2.3.0, DEC-14-1996 added graphbase.mf. (FL) NX-FEYNM V2.3.0, DEC-10-1996 updated feynmf. (FL) NF-BIN-I486-LINUX V2.3.0, DEC-07-1996 recompiled. (FL) NL-BIN-I486-LINUX V2.3.0, DEC-07-1996 recompiled. (FL) NJ-BIN-I486-LINUX V2.3.0, DEC-07-1996 recompiled. (FL) NX-BIBT V2.3.0, DEC-05-1996 updated to bibtool 2.38. (FL) NS-BIBT V2.3.0, DEC-05-1996 updated to bibtool 2.38. (FL) NL-POLIS V2.3.0, DEC-05-1996 updated ogonek style. (FL) NB-LTXC V2.3.0, DEC-07-1996 Added DOCDIR/latex2e/seminar/semhelv.sty-bug.gz describing a bug in semhelv.sty reported my Frederic Raimbault . The copyright notice forbids to distriubte changed versions of seminar under the same name. (FL) updated koma-script. (FL) NL-EIAD V2.3.0, DEC-05-1996 added LaTeX2e style. (FL) NX-FIGMF V2.3.0, DEC-05-1996 updated mfpic to (FL) NL-KLING V2.3.0, DEC-05-1996 added pIqM - the pIq font with a modified ligtable. (FL) NF-CMBRI V2.3.0, DEC-04-1996 udpated cmbright fonts. (FL) NB-BIN-ALPHA-DEC-OSF3.2 V2.3.0, DEC-04-1996 new binary package. (provided by James LewisMoss ) NJ-BIN-ALPHA-DEC-OSF3.2 V2.3.0, DEC-04-1996 new binary package. (provided by James LewisMoss ) NX-BIN-ALPHA-DEC-OSF3.2 V2.3.0, DEC-04-1996 new binary package. (provided by James LewisMoss ) NF-BIN-ALPHA-DEC-OSF3.2 V2.3.0, DEC-04-1996 new binary package. (provided by James LewisMoss ) NL-BIN-ALPHA-DEC-OSF3.2 V2.3.0, DEC-04-1996 new binary package. (provided by James LewisMoss ) NF-BBOLD V2.3.0, DEC-01-1996 updated mathbbol styles. (FL) NL-GREEK V2.3.0, DEV-10-1996 tfm file. (FL) NF-MATHS V2.3.0, DEC-01-1996 updated mathrsfs styles. (FL) NS-LTXCT V2.3.0, DEC-17-1996 updated g-brief. (FL) updated koma script added eiad. (FL) updated cmbright. (FL) updated niceframe and psfrag sources. (FL) NX-PS2F V2.3.0, DEC-01-1996 updated to psfrag 3.0. (FL) NX-BIBL V2.3.0, DEC-01-1996 updated some bibliohgraphies. (FL) moved AMS bibs to nb-amstx. (FL) NS-LTXPK V2.3.0, DEC-01-1996 updated to AMS-LaTeX 1.2, 1996/10/29. (FL) NS-DVILJ V2.3.0, DEC-05-1996 updated to autoconf 2.12. (FL) applied patch for manual feed option from John Fontanilla . (FL) NS-DVIPS V2.3.0, DEC-05-1996 updated to dvips 5.62.1N. (FL) updated to autoconf 2.12. (FL) NS-GLOIX V2.3.0, DEC-05-1996 updated to autoconf 2.12. (FL) NS-HIERO V2.3.0, DEC-05-1996 updated to autoconf 2.12. (FL) NS-MFTOO V2.3.0, DEC-05-1996 updated to autoconf 2.12. (FL) NS-MKIDX V2.3.0, DEC-05-1996 updated to autoconf 2.12. (FL) NS-TEXTO V2.3.0, DEC-05-1996 updated to autoconf 2.12. (FL) NS-TIB V2.3.0, DEC-05-1996 updated to autoconf 2.12. (FL) NS-TOOLS V2.3.0, DEC-05-1996 updated to autoconf 2.12. (FL) NS-TRFI V2.3.0, DEC-05-1996 updated to autoconf 2.12. (FL) NS-W2CB V2.3.0, DEC-05-1996 updated to autoconf 2.12. (FL) NS-XFIG V2.3.0, DEC-05-1996 updated to autoconf 2.12. (FL) NS-XLTX V2.3.0, DEC-05-1996 updated to autoconf 2.12. (FL) NS-KPSE V2.3.0, DEC-05-1996 updated to autoconf 2.12. (FL) applied patch from James LewisMoss for alpha-dec-osf3.2. (FL) NS-TEXI V2.3.0, DEC-05-1996 updated to autoconf 2.12. (FL) made install-info read compressed files by using a modfied version of infoīs filesys.c. (FL) NJ-JLTX V2.3.0, NOV-22-1996 added warning that it might take some time to create format. (FL) use NTEX_TMPDIR instead of TMPDIR. (Andreas Koeppenhofer) NJ-JTEX V2.3.0, NOV-21-1996 added warning that it might take some time to create format. (FL) use NTEX_TMPDIR instead of TMPDIR. (Andreas Koeppenhofer) NL-HEBRW V2.3.0, NOV-21-1996 use NTEX_TMPDIR instead of TMPDIR. (Andreas Koeppenhofer) NX-DOCS V2.3.0, DEC-17-1996 updated catalog. (FL) updated companion.ctan. (FL) use NTEX_TMPDIR instead of TMPDIR. (Andreas Koeppenhofer) NX-ETEX V2.3.0, NOV-21-1996 added warning that it might take some time to create format. (FL) use NTEX_TMPDIR instead of TMPDIR. (Andreas Koeppenhofer) NX-LTX20 V2.3.0, NOV-21-1996 added warning that it might take some time to create format. (FL) use NTEX_TMPDIR instead of TMPDIR. (Andreas Koeppenhofer) NX-MP V2.3.0, DEC-01-1996 updated mp to 0.631. (FL) added warning that it might take some time to create format. (FL) use NTEX_TMPDIR instead of TMPDIR. (Andreas Koeppenhofer) NX-MTEX V2.3.0, NOV-21-1996 added warning that it might take some time to create format. (FL) use NTEX_TMPDIR instead of TMPDIR. (Andreas Koeppenhofer) NX-MUSIC V2.3.0, DEC-10-1996 updatex MusicTeX. (FL) added warning that it might take some time to create format. (FL) use NTEX_TMPDIR instead of TMPDIR. (Andreas Koeppenhofer) NX-PLFTX V2.3.0, NOV-21-1996 added warning that it might take some time to create format. (FL) use NTEX_TMPDIR instead of TMPDIR. (Andreas Koeppenhofer) NX-TIB V2.3.0, NOV-21-1996 use NTEX_TMPDIR instead of TMPDIR. (Andreas Koeppenhofer) NX-TXXET V2.3.0, NOV-21-1996 added warning that it might take some time to create format. (FL) use NTEX_TMPDIR instead of TMPDIR. (Andreas Koeppenhofer) NX-XTEM V2.3.0, NOV-21-1996 applied patch 961024. (FL) use NTEX_TMPDIR instead of TMPDIR. (Andreas Koeppenhofer) NB-BIN-HPPA1.1-HP-HPUX9.03-X11R5 V2.3.0, DEC-17-1996 recompiled dvips, dvilj*, install-info. (FL) removed fig2ps2tex link. (FL) NB-BIN-MIPS-DEC-ULTRIX4.4 V2.3.0, DEC-17-1996 recompiled dvips, dvilj*, install-info. (FL) removed fig2ps2tex link. (FL) NB-BIN-HPPA1.1-HP-HPUX9.03-X11R6 V2.3.0, DEC-17-1996 recompiled dvips, dvilj*, install-info. (FL) removed fig2ps2tex link. (FL) NB-BIN-MIPS-SGI-IRIX5.3 V2.3.0, DEC-17-1996 recompiled dvips, dvilj*, install-info. (FL) removed fig2ps2tex link. (FL) NB-BIN-I486-LINUX V2.3.0, DEC-07-1996 recompiled. (FL) recompiled dvilj*. (FL) recompiled install-info. (FL) removed fig2ps2tex link. (FL) NB-BIN-M68K-HP-HPUX8.00 V2.3.0, DEC-17-1996 recompiled dvilj*. (FL) recompiled install-info. (FL) removed fig2ps2tex link. (FL) removed fig2ps2tex link. (FL) NB-BIN-POWERPC-IBM-AIX3.2.5 V2.3.0, DEC-17-1996 recompiled dvips, dvilj*, install-info. (FL) removed fig2ps2tex link. (FL) NB-BIN-RS6000-IBM-AIX3.2.5 V2.3.0, DEC-17-1996 recompiled dvips, dvilj*, install-info. (FL) removed fig2ps2tex link. (FL) NX-BIN-HPPA1.1-HP-HPUX9.03-X11R5 V2.3.0, DEC-17-1996 recompiled bibtool, mp. (FL) made fig2ps2tex a link to ADMDIR/script. (FL) NX-BIN-MIPS-DEC-ULTRIX4.4 V2.3.0, DEC-17-1996 recompiled bibtool, mp. (FL) made fig2ps2tex a link to ADMDIR/script. (FL) NX-BIN-HPPA1.1-HP-HPUX9.03-X11R6 V2.3.0,DEC-17-1996 recompiled bibtool, mp. (FL) made fig2ps2tex a link to ADMDIR/script. (FL) NX-BIN-MIPS-SGI-IRIX5.3 V2.3.0, DEC-17-1996 recompiled bibtool, mp. (FL) made fig2ps2tex a link to ADMDIR/script. (FL) NX-BIN-I486-LINUX V2.3.0, DEC-07-1996 recompiled. (FL) recompiled bibtool. (FL) recompiled mp. (FL) made fig2ps2tex a link to ADMDIR/script. (FL) NX-BIN-M68K-HP-HPUX8.00 V2.3.0, DEC-08-1996 recompiled bibtool. (FL) recompiled mp. (FL) made fig2ps2tex a link to ADMDIR/script. (FL) NX-BIN-POWERPC-IBM-AIX3.2.5 V2.3.0, DEC-17-1996 recompiled bibtool, mp. (FL) made fig2ps2tex a link to ADMDIR/script. (FL) NX-BIN-RS6000-IBM-AIX3.2.5 V2.3.0, DEC-17-1996 recompiled bibtool, mp. (FL) made fig2ps2tex a link to ADMDIR/script. (FL) NX-XYPIC V2.3.0, NOV-15-1996 added warning that it might take some time to create format. (FL) added provides for debian. (FL) NX-XFIG V2.3.0, NOV-15-1996 added provides for debian. (FL) NX-TEXI V2.3.0, NOV-15-1996 added provides for debian. (FL) NX-HTML V2.3.0, NOV-15-1996 added provides for debian. (FL) NX-BIBT V2.3.0, NOV-15-1996 updated to bibtool 2.38. (FL) added provides for debian. (FL) NF-PAND V2.3.0, NOV-15-1996 added provides for debian. (FL) NF-GOTHC V2.3.0, NOV-15-1996 added provides for debian. (FL) NB-XDVI V2.3.0, NOV-14-1996 config script: use mfmode cfg_var option for allowed mfMode resource values. (FL) config script: set dpi from mfmode. (FL) config script: set mfMode and not mfmode in resources. (reported by Werner Muehlpfordt ) added provides for debian. (FL) NB-TEX V2.3.0, NOV-21-1996 updated ntex-guide. (FL) added warning that it might take some time to create format. (FL) added provides for debian. (FL) NB-PS V2.3.0, NOV-15-1996 added provides for debian. (FL) NB-PLAIN V2.3.0, NOV-15-1996 added warning that it might take some time to create format. (FL) added provides for debian. (FL) NB-LTXMA V2.3.0, DEC-10-1996 updated qsymbols. added jknappen. (FL) updated niceframe. (FL) added provides for debian. (FL) NB-LTX2E V2.3.0, NOV-15-1996 added missing hyphen.cfg-std (FL, reported by Derick van Heerden ) added warning that it might take some time to create format. (FL) added provides for debian. (FL) NB-INDEX V2.3.0, NOV-15-1996 added provides for debian. (FL) NB-DVIPS V2.3.0, NOV-24-1996 dvips updated to 5.62.1N. (FL) moved psfrag stuff to nx-ps2f. (FL) config script: use mfmode cfg_var option for allow values of M option. (FL) config script: use mfmode to determine default resolution. (FL) removed config.ps from pki. (FL) added provides for debian. (FL) NB-DVILJ V2.3.0, NOV-15-1996 added provides for debian. (FL) NB-CM V2.3.0, DEC-07-1996 added symbolic links for b-cmbcsc and b-cmssbi. (reported by Ryurick M. Hristev , FL) added provides for debian. (FL) NB-BIBTX V2.3.0, DEC-01-1996 moved AMS bibs and bst to nb-amstx. (FL) added provides for debian. (FL) NB-AUCT V2.3.0, DEC-17-1996 updated to auctex 9.6m. (FL) removed abbreviate-file-name from TeX-master-directory in tex.el as ~ is not correctly used when in input file name. (FL, reported by Eythan Weg ) added provides for debian. (FL) NS-BIBT V2.3.0, DEC-05-1996 updated to autoconf 2.12. (FL) cleaned sources. (FL) NS-ITRAN V2.3.0, DEC-05-1996 updated to autoconf 2.12. (FL) cleaned sources. (FL) NS-W2CT V2.3.0, NOV-13-1996 cleaned sources. (FL) NS-W2CX V2.3.0, NOV-13-1996 updated metapost to 0.631 cleaned sources. (FL) NS-XDVIK V2.3.0, DEC-05-1996 updated to autoconf 2.12. (FL) cleaned sources. (FL) NB-AMSTX V2.3.0, DEC-01-1996 updates to AMS-LATeX 1.2, 1996/10/29. (FL) added warning that it might take some time to create format. (FL) added provides for debian. (FL) pki: added entry for ams/symbol/source directory. (FL, reported by Matthias Mikuletz ) NB-LTXPG V2.3.0, NOV-15-1996 added provides for debian. (FL) config-script: create correct graphics.cfg (reported by Matthias Mikuletz ) NTEX Install V2.3.0, DEC-14-1996 X-menu: use -Adobe-times-medium-i-normal--*-180* instaed of Adobe-times-medium-i-normal--*-240-100* (reported by Volker Boerchers ) Removed " from some pki files as they cause problems with the Tcl/Tk scripts. (reported by Volker Boerchers ) NTeX-check newfiles: fixed some problems filtering files. (FL) InstallNTeX: don't create installed/ntex.pki. (FL) TTY-install: added NTeX-install binary option. (FL) X-install: combined output of NTeX-install. (FL) X-install: added NTeX-install binary option button. (FL) X-display: open DONE button also for NTeX-install. (FL) NTeX-install: added binary option to install all necessary binaries. (FL) renamed GZIP variable to NTEX_GZIP as GZIP is also used by gzip (FL, reported by Rob Turner ) add-info-menu: don't uncompress info files since install-info can read compressed files now. (FL) X-config: added mfmode as cfg_var allowed values option. (FL) TTY-config: added mfmode as cfg_var allowed values option. (FL) NTeX-config: function added to determin dpi from mfmode. (FL) Fix a small bug in get_ntex. (reported by Guido Buerger - 2826 ) renamed base installation to initial installlation. (FL) warn if gzip version is less or equal to 1.2.2. (FL) exchanged TMPDIR by NTEX_TMPDIR in all scripts. (Andreas Koeppenhofer) NTeX-remove: donīt remove cfg file. (FL) NTeX-changed: fixed dependency problem in pending mode. (FL) NTeX-install: add Provides: to debian databases. (FL) fixed `echo 1 | cut -d- -f2` problem with cut in all config scripts. (FL) configure: avoid error message when kpsewhich binary is not found and script has to be used. (FL) NTeX-ftp: fixed NTeX directory on CTAN and a missing \" (reported by Volker B"orchers ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NTeX V2.2.2, NOV-04-1996 released. updated packages: nb-tex, nb-auct, nb-ltxma, nb-ltxc, nb-dvips, nb-index, nb-ltx2e, nb-xdvi, nb-hyph, nb-ltx2e, nb-plain, nx-tib, nx-ltx20, nx-docs, nx-bibl, nx-texi, nx-etex, nx-xfig, nx-xltx, nx-bibt, nx-xtem, nl-hebrw, nl-germn, nl-fc, ns-kpse, ns-ltxct, ns-bibt, ns-jpeg, ns-texi, ns-dvips, ns-xdvik, nf-genea, InstallNTeX, ntex.pkg nb-bin-hppa1.1-hp-hpux9.03-x11r5, nb-bin-hppa1.1-hp-hpux9.03-x11r6, nb-bin-mips-dec-ultrix4.4, nb-bin-mips-sgi-irix5.3, nb-bin-powerpc-ibm-aix3.2.5, nb-bin-rs6000-ibm-aix3.2.5, nb-bin-m68k-hp-hpux8.00, nb-bin-i486-linux, nx-bin-hppa1.1-hp-hpux9.03-x11r5, nx-bin-hppa1.1-hp-hpux9.03-x11r6, nx-bin-mips-dev-ultrix4.4, nx-bin-mips-sgi-irix5.3, nx-bin-powerpc-ibm-aix3.2.5, nx-bin-rs6000-ibm-aix3.2.5, nx-bin-m68k-hp-hpux8.00, nx-bin-i486-linux, NB-PLAIN V2.2.2, NOV-01-1996 fixed symbolic link command in config script. (FL) NL-HEBRW V2.2.2, NOV-01-1996 added RF *.elc to pki. (FL) NX-TIB V2.2.2, NOV-01-1996 added RF *.elc to pki. (FL) NB-BIN-HPPA1.1-HP-HPUX9.03-X11R5 V2.2.2, NOV-01-1996 removed texindex program. (FL) recompiled xdvi for new True color antialiasing. (FL) recompiled dvips for EPSF / splitting patch. (FL) NB-BIN-HPPA1.1-HP-HPUX9.03-X11R6 V2.2.2, NOV-01-1996 removed texindex program. (FL) recompiled xdvi for new True color antialiasing. (FL) recompiled dvips for EPSF / splitting patch. (FL) NB-BIN-MIPS-DEC-ULTRIX4.4 V2.2.2, NOV-01-1996 removed texindex program. (FL) recompiled xdvi for new True color antialiasing. (FL) recompiled dvips for EPSF / splitting patch. (FL) NB-BIN-MIPS-SGI-IRIX5.3 V2.2.2, NOV-01-1996 removed texindex program. (FL) recompiled xdvi for new True color antialiasing. (FL) recompiled dvips for EPSF / splitting patch. (FL) NB-BIN-POWERPC-IBM-AIX3.2.5 V2.2.2, NOV-01-1996 removed texindex program. (FL) recompiled xdvi for new True color antialiasing. (FL) recompiled dvips for EPSF / splitting patch. (FL) NB-BIN-RS6000-IBM-AIX3.2.5 V2.2.2, NOV-01-1996 removed texindex program. (FL) recompiled xdvi for new True color antialiasing. (FL) recompiled dvips for EPSF / splitting patch. (FL) NX-BIN-HPPA1.1-HP-HPUX9.03-X11R5 V2.2.2, NOV-01-1996 recompiled bibtool for bibtool V2.37.1N recompiled/added info, install-info, texindex, deref and makeinfo for TeXInfo 3.9. (FL) NX-BIN-HPPA1.1-HP-HPUX9.03-X11R6 V2.2.2, NOV-01-1996 recompiled bibtool for bibtool V2.37.1N recompiled/added info, install-info, texindex, deref and makeinfo for TeXInfo 3.9. (FL) NX-BIN-MIPS-DEV-ULTRIX4.4 V2.2.2, NOV-01-1996 recompiled bibtool for bibtool V2.37.1N recompiled/added info, install-info, texindex, deref and makeinfo for TeXInfo 3.9. (FL) NX-BIN-MIPS-SGI-IRIX5.3 V2.2.2, NOV-01-1996 recompiled bibtool for bibtool V2.37.1N recompiled/added info, install-info, texindex, deref and makeinfo for TeXInfo 3.9. (FL) NX-BIN-POWERPC-IBM-AIX3.2.5 V2.2.2, NOV-01-1996 recompiled bibtool for bibtool V2.37.1N recompiled/added info, install-info, texindex, deref and makeinfo for TeXInfo 3.9. (FL) NX-BIN-RS6000-IBM-AIX3.2.5 V2.2.2, NOV-01-1996 recompiled bibtool for bibtool V2.37.1N recompiled/added info, install-info, texindex, deref and makeinfo for TeXInfo 3.9. (FL) NS-KPSE V2.2.2, OCT-28-1996 fixed /dev/null in config.guess. (FL) NX-LTX20 V2.2.2, OCT-27-1996 changed texinfo manual for install-info. (FL) NB-AUCT V2.2.2, NOV-01-1996 added RF *.elc to pki. (FL) changed texinfo manual for install-info. (FL) NX-BIN-M68K-HP-HPUX8.00 V2.2.2, OCT-27-1996 recompiled bibtool for bibtool V2.37.1N recompiled/added info, install-info, texindex, deref and makeinfo for TeXInfo 3.9. (FL) NB-BIN-M68K-HP-HPUX8.00 V2.2.2, OCT-27-1996 removed texindex program. (FL) recompiled xdvi for new True color antialiasing. (FL) recompiled dvips for EPSF / splitting patch. (FL) NL-GERMN V2.2.2, OCT-23-1996 added akletter. (FL) NX-DOCS V2.2.2, NOV-01-1996 added RF *.elc to pki. (FL) updated CTAN.site, LitProg-FAQ. (FL) NX-BIBL V2.2.2, OCT-23-1996 updated some bibliographies. (FL) NS-LTXCT V2.2.2, OCT-23-1996 updated natbib, tugboat. (FL) NS-BIBT V2.2.2, OCT-23-1996 updated bibtool to V2.37. (FL) NL-FC V2.2.2, OCT-23-1996 updated fc fonts. (FL) NB-LTXMA V2.2.2, OCT-23-1996 updated carlisle, natbib. (FL) NB-LTXC V2.2.2, OCT-23-1996 updated aguplus, vita, tugboat. (FL) NS-JPEG V2.2.2, OCT-19-1996 added some support for building libjpeg.so.6a.0.0 on Linux; see SRCDIR/jpeg-6a/README.shared-linux. (FL) NX-TEXI V2.2.2, NOV-01-1996 added RF *.elc to pki. (FL) changed texinfo manual for install-info. (FL) updated to TeXInfo 3.9. (FL) NS-TEXI V2.2.2, NOV-01-1996 used xstrdup instaed of strdup. (FL) added deref target to utils/Makefile.in. (FL) updated to TeXInfo 3.9. (FL) NX-BIN-I486-LINUX V2.2.2, NOV-01-1996 recompiled bibtool for bibtool V2.37.1N recompiled/added info, install-info, texindex, deref and makeinfo for TeXInfo 3.9. (FL) NB-BIN-I486-LINUX V2.2.2, OCT-24-1996 removed texindex program. (FL) recompiled xdvi for new True color antialiasing. (FL) recompiled dvips for EPSF / splitting patch. (FL) NB-DVIPS V2.2.2, OCT-27-1996 changed texinfo manual for install-info. (FL) changed texinfo manual entry in config script. (FL) NB-INDEX V2.2.2, OCT-27-1996 changed texinfo manual for install-info. (FL) changed texinfo manual entry in config script. (FL) NB-LTX2E V2.2.2, NOV-01-1996 Fixed standard hyphenation table error. (reported by Habibie Sumargo ) changed texinfo manual for install-info. (FL) changed texinfo manual entry in config script. (FL) NS-DVIPS V2.2.2, OCT-20-1996 applied Marek Rouchalīs patch for EPSF generation (Marek.Rouchal@btfmd1.fs.uni-bayreuth.de) allow EPSF generation together with splitting. (K. Berry , Marek.Rouchal@btfmd1.fs.uni-bayreuth.de, FL) NB-XDVI V2.2.2, OCT-24-1996 verbose config script. (FL) added color app-defaults option. (FL) fixed topmargin default. (FL) NS-XDVIK V2.2.2, OCT-26-1996 changes from xdvi 20.54. (FL, patched version send in by Henrik Seidel ) applied patches for True color antialiasing with overstrike from Lee Hetherington with minor changes for NTeXīs xdvik. (FL) NB-HYPH V2.2.2., OCT-16-1996 renamed hyphen.portuguese to hyphen.protuges. (reported by Nuno Liveira ) NB-LTX2E V2.2.2, OCT-15-1996 marked hyphen.cfg-babel as original NTeX configuration NX-ETEX V2.2.2, OCT-27-1996 changed texinfo manual for install-info. (FL) changed texinfo manual entry in config script. (FL) removed eplain.tex from archive since itīs automatically created. (FL) NF-GENEA V2.2.2, OCT-12-1996 fixed SN entry in pki file (reported by Joerg Brandt ) NX-XFIG V2.2.2, OCT-22-1996 added config script for language. (FL) fig2ps2tex script sets NTEX_NO_WRITE_CONFIG to ture. (FL) NX-XLTX V2.2.2, OCT-10-1996 verbose config script. (FL) renamed dist app-defaults files. (FL) fixed xlatex.dessiner bitmap. (FL) NX-BIBT V2.2.2, OCT-10-1996 updated bibtool. (FL) bibview README updated. (FL) bibviewrc changed. (FL) changed app-defaults colors. (FL) fixed BibView app-defaults. (FL) verbose config script. (FL) NB-TEX V2.2.2, NOV-01-1996 added RF *.elc to pki. (FL) changed texinfo manual for install-info. (FL) updated modes.mf. added umrand to fontnames/special.map. (FL) changed texinfo manual entry in config script. (FL) MakeTeX* scripts set NTEX_NO_WRITE_CONFIG to true. (FL) corrected html/ntex/ntex-bugs.html filename in pki file. (FL) fixed okdgr path in special.map. (FL) NX-XTEM V2.2.2, OCT-10-1996 updated tp xtem V5.23. (FL) corrected locals_german link. (FL) NTEX Install V2.2.2, OCT-28-1996 TTY-remove/complete: donīt remove .elc files. (reported by Dan Weiskopf ) TTY-configure: --pending menus. (FL) InstallNTeX: Check for other libkpathsea.so under i486-linux. (FL) InstallnNTeX: set SHAREDLIBDIR separately. (FL) add-info-menu uses install-info. (FL) Changed master arcchive to web.mathematik.uni-stuttgart.de and mail addresses to @poolb.matheamtik.uni-stuttgart.de. (FL) WHICH and cut check in InstallNTeX and cut changed due to a report by Danny Holstien . (FL) NTeX-check newfiles: donīt double check the directories. (FL) add-info-menu: verbose. (FL) NTeX-check: added programs check. (FL) InstallNTeX: check the location of some essential programs for the configuration of NTeX. (FL) X-menu: fixed -mfmodes typo when calling NTeX-fonts. (reported by Peter Biechele ) NTeX-config: use aliases for package names as set by aliases.pkg. (FL) NTeX-config: --pending option added. (FL) NTeX-config: allow to configure multiple packages. (FL) NTeX-check: added fontnames check form check-fontnames. (FL) NTeX-config/NTeX-install: mark non-configured packages. (FL) X-menu: added NTeX installation package to install menu. (FL) TTY-install: added NTeX installation package to install menu. (FL) NTeX-install: install ntex.pkg / update NTeX. (FL) InstallNTeX. added --base-auto option. (FL) InstallNTeX: renamed --basic option to --base option. (FL) InstallNTeX: added --ntexpkg option. (FL) Added InstallNTeX and release to ntex.pkg. (FL) NTeX-create ntex: update release information automatically and create ntex-guide.*ps.gz. (FL) NTeX-config: --config-only option. (FL) NTeX-config: recheck script config files; added option to disable this. (FL) configure: NTEX_NO_WRITE_CONFIG option, creating cfg- as default. (FL) cfg- system default script configuration file created by InstallNTeX. (FL) removed ADMDIR/pki/nb-texi.pki from ntex.pkg. (FL) NTeX-check environment: checking if ypcat is available, 600 mode for EnvironmentChek file. (FL) NTeX-check updates: checking for missing files, speedup, MULTI_BINDIRS checking, etc. (FL) NTeX-check newfiles: speedup, MULTI_BINDIRS checking, etc. (FL) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NTeX V2.2.1, OCT-11-1996 released. updated packages: nb-ltxma, nb-tex, nb-ltxpg, nl-greek, nl-hebrw, ns-ltxct, nx-docs, nx-ltx20, nx-texi, nx-xfig, nb-bin-hppa1.1-hp-hpux9.03-X11R5, nb-bin-mips-dec-ultrix4.4, nb-bin-hppa1.1-hp-hpux9.03-X11R6, nb-bin-mips-sgi-irix5.3.pki, nb-bin-i486-linux, nb-bin-powerpc-ibm-aix3.2.5, nb-bin-m68k-hp-hpux8.00, nb-bin-rs6000-ibm-aix3.2.5, nx-bin-hppa1.1-hp-hpux9.03-X11R5, nx-bin-mips-dec-ultrix4.4, nx-bin-hppa1.1-hp-hpux9.03-X11R6, nx-bin-mips-sgi-irix5.3, nx-bin-i486-linux, nx-bin-powerpc-ibm-aix3.2.5, nx-bin-m68k-hp-hpux8.00, nx-bin-rs6000-ibm-aix3.2.5.pki NB-BIN-HPPA1.1-HP-HPUX9.03-X11R6 V2.2.1, OCT-10-1996 removed nb-xfig and nb-texi binaries. (FL) NB-BIN-HPPA1.1-HP-HPUX9.03-X11R5 V2.2.1, OCT-10-1996 removed nb-xfig and nb-texi binaries. (FL) NB-BIN-RS6000-IBM-AIX3.2.5 V2.2.1, OCT-10-1996 removed nb-xfig and nb-texi binaries. (FL) NB-BIN-POWERPC-IBM-AIX3.2.5 V2.2.1, OCT-10-1996 removed nb-xfig and nb-texi binaries. (FL) NB-BIN-M68K-HP-HPUX8.00 V2.2.1, OCT-10-1996 removed nb-xfig and nb-texi binaries. (FL) NB-BIN-MIPS-DEC-ULTRIX4.4 V2.2.1, OCT-10-1996 removed nb-xfig and nb-texi binaries. (FL) NB-BIN-MIPS-SGI-IRIX5.3 V2.2.1, OCT-10-1996 removed nb-xfig and nb-texi binaries. (FL) NB-BIN-I486-LINUX V2.2.1, OCT-10-1996 removed nb-xfig and nb-texi binaries. (FL) NX-BIN-HPPA1.1-HP-HPUX9.03-X11R6 V2.2.1, OCT-10-1996 added nx-xfig and nx-texi binaries. (FL) NX-BIN-HPPA1.1-HP-HPUX9.03-X11R5 V2.2.1, OCT-10-1996 added nx-xfig and nx-texi binaries. (FL) NX-BIN-RS6000-IBM-AIX3.2.5 V2.2.1, OCT-10-1996 added nx-xfig and nx-texi binaries. (FL) NX-BIN-POWERPC-IBM-AIX3.2.5 V2.2.1, OCT-10-1996 added nx-xfig and nx-texi binaries. (FL) NX-BIN-M68K-HP-HPUX8.00 V2.2.1, OCT-10-1996 added nx-xfig and nx-texi binaries. (FL) NX-BIN-MIPS-DEC-ULTRIX4.4 V2.2.1, OCT-10-1996 added nx-xfig and nx-texi binaries. (FL) NX-BIN-MIPS-SGI-IRIX5.3 V2.2.1, OCT-10-1996 added nx-xfig and nx-texi binaries. (FL) NX-BIN-I486-LINUX V2.2.1, OCT-10-1996 added nx-xfig and nx-texi binaries. (FL) NB-LTXMA V2.2.1, OCT-09-1996 updated monster. (FL) NB-TEX V2.2.1, OCT-08-1996 updated NTeX WWW pages. (FL) NB-LTXPG V2.2.1, OCT-08-1996 fixed pki file. (FL) NL-GREEK V2.2.1, OCT-08-1996 fixed pki file. (FL) NL-HEBRW V2.2.1, OCT-08-1996 fixed pki file. (FL) NS-LTXCT V2.2.1, OCT-09-1996 updated monster LaTeX sources. (FL) fixed pki file. (FL) NX-DOCS V2.2.1, OCT-09-1996 updated LitProg-FAQ, CTAN.sites. (FL) fixed pki file. (FL) NX-LTX20 V2.2.1, OCT-08-1996 fixed pki file. (FL) NX-TEXI V2.2.1, OCT-08-1996 move from base nb-texi to extras nx-texi. (FL) changed texinfo dir entries. (FL) NX-XFIG V2.2.1, OCT-08-1996 fixed app-defaults files. (FL) config script: create app-defaults link correctly. (FL) move from base nb-xfig to extras nx-xfig. (FL) NTEX Install V2.2.1, OCT-08-1996 configure with NTEX_NO_RECHECK reads config file. (FL) changed NTeX-check updates checking. (FL) NTeX-create ntex: donīt copy README. (FL) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NTeX V2.2.0, SEP-30-1996 fixed in beta4: (SEP-22-1996) ns-dvips, ns-w2ct, nx-bibl, nx-docs, nx-mitoc, nb-hyph, nb-tex, ntex, tfm:dc, pk/cx:dc, pk/ljfour:dc, tfm:mtex, pk/cx:mtex, pk/ljfour:mtex, tfm:musictex, pk/ljfour:musictex, pk/cx:musictex nl-bngl, tfm:bengali, pk/cx:bengali, pk/ljfour:bengali fixed/new in beta3: (SEP-14-1996) nj-bin-hppa1.1-hp-hpux9.03-X11R5, nj-bin-rs6000-ibm-aix3.2.5, nj-bin-powerpc-ibm-aix3.2.5, nj-bin-m68k-hp-hpux8.00, nj-bin-mips-dec-ultrix4.4, nj-bin-mips-sgi-irix5.3, nj-bin-i486-linux, nb-bin-hppa1.1-hp-hpux9.03-X11R6 nj-bin-hppa1.1-hp-hpux9.03-X11R6, nb-bin-i486-linux, nb-bin-hppa1.1-hp-hpux9.03-X11R5, nb-bin-rs6000-ibm-aix3.2.5 nb-bin-powerpc-ibm-aix3.2.5, nb-bin-m68k-hp-hpux8.00, nb-bin-mips-dec-ultrix4.4, nb-bin-mips-sgi-irix5.3 nl-arab, nl-bngl, nl-russ, ns-ltxct, ns-xfig, nx-feynm, nx-ltx20, nx-music, nx-ps2f, nx-xtem, nb-amstx, nb-auct, nb-dc, nb-dvips, nb-hyph, nb-ltxc, nb-ltxma, nb-plain, nb-tex, ntex fixed in beta2: (AUG-23-1996) nj-wadat, nl-hebrw, nx-docs, nx-mp, nx-tib, nb-auct, nb-cm, nb-tex, nb-texi, ntex, tfm:cmsauter, pk/cx:cmsauter, pk/ljfour:cmsauter beta release. NJ-BIN-HPPA1.1-HP-HPUX9.03-X11R6 V2.2.0, SEP-27-1996 created. (FL) recompiled. (FL) fixed jlatex link. (FL) NJ-BIN-HPPA1.1-HP-HPUX9.03-X11R5 V2.2.0, SEP-27-1996 created. (FL) recompiled. (FL) fixed jlatex link. (FL) NJ-BIN-RS6000-IBM-AIX3.2.5 V2.2.0, SEP-27-1996 created. (FL) recompiled. (FL) fixed jlatex link. (FL) NJ-BIN-POWERPC-IBM-AIX3.2.5 V2.2.0, SEP-27-1996 created. (FL) recompiled. (FL) fixed jlatex link. (FL) NJ-BIN-M68K-HP-HPUX8.00 V2.2.0, SEP-24-1996 created. (FL) recompiled. (FL) fixed jlatex link. (FL) NJ-BIN-MIPS-DEC-ULTRIX4.4 V2.2.0, SEP-28-1996 created. (FL) recompiled. (FL) fixed jlatex link. (FL) NJ-BIN-MIPS-SGI-IRIX5.3 V2.2.0, SEP-28-1996 created. (FL) recompiled. (FL) fixed jlatex link. (FL) NJ-BIN-i486-LINUX V2.2.0, SEP-23-1996 created. (FL) recompiled. (FL) fixed jlatex link. (FL) NJ-JLTX V2.2.0, AUG-09-1996 Updated configuration scripts. (FL) NJ-JTEX V2.2.0, AUG-09-1996 added contents of nj-jpln to this package. (FL) NJ-WADAP V2.2.0, AUG-09-1996 replacement for nj-wada1, nj-wada2, nj-wada3. (FL) NJ-WADAT V2.2.0, AUG-22-1996 replacement for nj-wada1, nj-wada2, nj-wada3. (FL) added missing symbolic links. (FL) NL-ARAB V2.2.0, SEP-12-1996 added some missing files (FL, reproted by David Hanlon ) NL-BASHK V2.2.0, AUG-09-1996 new package organisation. (FL) NL-BNGL V2.2.neta, SEP-11-1996 created. (FL) NL-BIN-HPPA1.1-HP-HPUX9.03-X11R6 V2.2.0, SEP-27-1996 created. (FL) recompiled. (FL) NL-BIN-HPPA1.1-HP-HPUX9.03-X11R5 V2.2.0, SEP-27-1996 created. (FL) recompiled. (FL) NL-BIN-RS6000-IBM-AIX3.2.5 V2.2.0, SEP-27-1996 created. (FL) recompiled. (FL) NL-BIN-POWERPC-IBM-AIX3.2.5 V2.2.0, SEP-27-1996 created. (FL) recompiled. (FL) NL-BIN-MIPS-DEC-ULTRIX4.4 V2.2.0, SEP-28-1996 created. (FL) recompiled. (FL) NL-BIN-MIPS-SGI-IRIX5.3 V2.2.0, SEP-28-1996 created. (FL) recompiled. (FL) NL-BIN-M68K-HP-HPUX8.00 V2.2.0, SEP-24-1996 created. (FL) recompiled. (FL) NL-BIN-I486-LINUX V2.2.0, SEP-23-1996 created. (FL) recompiled. (FL) NL-CHERO V2.2.0, AUG-09-1996 new package organisation. (FL) NL-CYPRI V2.2.0, AUG-09-1996 new package organisation. (FL) NL-EIAD V2.2.0, AUG-09-1996 new package organisation. (FL) NL-FC V2.2.0, AUG-09-1996 new package organisation. (FL) NL-FUTHO V2.2.0, AUG-09-1996 new package organisation. (FL) NL-GEORG V2.2.0, AUG-10-1996 georgian updated. (FL) NL-GERMN V2.2.0, AUG-09-1996 new package organisation. (FL) NL-GREEK V2.2.0, SEP-29-1996 moved binaries to bin archive. (FL) corrected Ulevy.fd filename (Kiriakos Georgiou ). updates for babel3.6beta (FL, suggest by Kyriakos Georgiou ) NL-HEBRW V2.2.0, AUG-22-1996 moved binaries to bin archive. (FL) udpated Hebrew fonts and macros. (FL) config script TMPDIR fixed. (FL) config script elisp stuff fixed. (FL) NL-HIERO V2.2.0, AUG-09-1996 new package organisation. (FL) NL-ICELA V2.2.0, AUG-09-1996 moved binaries to bin archive. (FL) NL-INDIA V2.2.0, AUG-13-1996 moved binaries to bin archive. (FL) move dvnp to devanagari. (FL) added sanskrit. (FL) NL-KLING V2.2.0, AUG-09-1996 new package organisation. (FL) NL-KOREA V2.2.0, AUG-09-1996 new package organisation. (FL) NL-OGHAM V2.2.0, SEP-24-1996 fixed pki file. (FL) NL-OSMAN V2.2.0, AUG-09-1996 new package organisation. (FL) NL-POLIS V2.2.0, AUG-09-1996 new package organisation. (FL) NL-RUNE V2.2.0, AUG-09-1996 new package organisation. (FL) NL-RUSS V2.2.0, SEP-29-1996 quick fix for CYR encoding. (FL, reported by Gregory Steuck ) splitted russian.fnt to russian.fnt and scyrillic.fnt added special option to scyrillic font file. (FL) scyrillicsauter font file. (FL) added LH fonts. (FL) added koi8 style. (FL) NL-SHAVI V2.2.0, AUG-09-1996 new package organisation. (FL) NL-SINHA V2.2.0, AUG-10-1996 created. (FL) NL-SWE V2.2.0, AUG-09-1996 new package organisation. (FL) NL-SYRIA V2.2.0, AUG-09-1996 syriac.tex was not included due to wrong pki. (FL) NL-TAMIL V2.2.0, AUG-09-1996 moved binaries to bin archive. (FL) NL-TELUG V2.2.0, AUG-09-1996 new package organisation. (FL) NL-TENG V2.2.0, AUG-09-1996 new package organisation. (FL) NL-THAI V2.2.0, AUG-09-1996 new package organisation. (FL) NL-TURK V2.2.0, AUG-09-1996 new package organisation. (FL) NL-UGARI V2.2.0, AUG-09-1996 new package organisation. (FL) NL-VIETN V2.2.0, AUG-11-1996 moved binaries to bin archive. (FL) added vmcmr 2.2. (FL) NS-BIBT V2.2.0, AUG-18-1996 changes for irix and ultrix. (FL) updated BibTool to 2.35. (FL) NS-DVILJ V2.2.0, AUG-09-1996 new package organisation. (FL) NS-DVIPS V2.2.0, SEP-18-1996 duplex patch (from Martin Glanvill ) NS-GLOIX V2.2.0, AUG-18-1996 changes for irix and ultrix. (FL) NS-HIERO V2.2.0, AUG-18-1996 changes for irix and ultrix. (FL) NS-ITRAN V2.2.0, AUG-18-1996 changes for irix and ultrix. (FL) NS-JPEG V2.2.0, AUG-11-1996 created. (FL) NS-KPSE V2.2.0, AUG-11-1996 fixed YYTEXT_POINTER autoconf test in aclocal.m4. (FL) NS-LTX20 V2.2.0, SEP-29-1996 added fullpict. (FL) NS-LTX2E V2.2.0, AUG-09-1996 Updated to latest LateX. (FL) NS-LTXCT V2.2.0, SEP-29-1996 added bbding latex source, footnote latex source. (FL) added crosswrd, dropping. (FL) updated achsemo, chemsym, deleq, floatflt, koma-script, aguplus. (FL) updated dtk, paper, answers, carlisle, natbib, piff. (FL) added altfont, envlab, geometry, songbook, thesis, jura. (FL) updated acronym. (FL) updated tugboat, feynmf, monster. (FL) updated custom-bib, dtk. (FL) NS-LTXPK V2.2.0, SEP-29-1996 updated graphics, mfnfss, psnfss, tools. (FL) updated babel to 3.6beta. (FL) NS-MFTOO V2.2.0, AUG-18-1996 changes for irix and ultrix. (FL) NS-MKIDX V2.2.0, AUG-10-1996 use kpathsea to get INDEXSTYLE and for path searching. (FL) NS-TEXI V2.2.0, AUG-09-1996 new package organisation. (FL) NS-TEXTO V2.2.0, AUG-13-1996 LaCheck updated. (FL) added sinhala. (FL) added sanskrit. (FL) NS-TIB V2.2.0, AUG-09-1996 new package organisation. (FL) NS-TOOLS V2.2.0, AUG-09-1996 new package organisation. (FL) NS-TRFI V2.2.0, AUG-09-1996 updated to 3.1.2. (FL) NS-TXSRC V2.2.0, AUG-09-1996 new package organisation. (FL) NS-W2CB V2.2.0, AUG-09-1996 Config script updated. (FL) NS-W2CT V2.2.0, SEP-15-1996 applied patch by Ralph Schleicher to fix multiple `dot' problem in filenames for mf and tex. (FL) NS-W2CX V2.2.0, AUG-09-1996 new package organisation. (FL) NS-XDVIK V2.2.0, AUG-09-1996 Added letter and letterr as synonyms for us and usr papersize. (FL) Added ledger and tabloid paper size. (FL) NS-XFIG V2.2.0, SEP-27-1996 Updated to patchlevel 4b. (FL) fixed srandom decalration for sgi. (FL) optimization for HPUX set to -O2. (FL, reported by Raymond Nijssen ) NS-XLTX V2.2.0, AUG-09-1996 new package organisation. (FL) NX-BIBL V2.2.0, SEP-18-1996 bibliographies updated. NX-BIBT V2.2.0, AUG-11-1996 config script updated. (FL) updated bibtool to 2.35. (FL) NX-BIN-HPPA1.1-HP-HPUX9.03-X11R6 V2.2.0, SEP-27-1996 created. (FL) recompiled. (FL) NX-BIN-HPPA1.1-HP-HPUX9.03-X11R5 V2.2.0, SEP-27-1996 created. (FL) recompiled. (FL) NX-BIN-RS6000-IBM-AIX3.2.5 V2.2.0, SEP-27-1996 created. (FL) recompiled. (FL) NX-BIN-POWERPC-IBM-AIX3.2.5 V2.2.0, SEP-27-1996 created. (FL) recompiled. (FL) NX-BIN-M68K-HP-HPUX8.00 V2.2.0, SEP-24-1996 created. (FL) recompiled. (FL) NX-BIN-MIPS-DEC-ULTRIX4.4 V2.2.0, SEP-28-1996 created. (FL) recompiled. (FL) NX-BIN-MIPS-SGI-IRIX5.3 V2.2.0, SEP-28-1996 created. (FL) recompiled. (FL) NX-BIN-I486-LINUX V2.2.0, SEP-23-1996 created. (FL) recompiled. (FL) NX-CHEMT V2.2.0, AUG-09-1996 new package organisation. (FL) NX-CHESS V2.2.0, AUG-09-1996 new package organisation. (FL) NX-DM V2.2.0, AUG-09-1996 new package organisation. (FL) NX-DOCS V2.2.0, SEP-29-1996 CTAN.sites updated. (FL) LitProg-FAQ updated. (FL) All_fonts_availbale_in_.mf_format updated. (FL) Finding_fonts_for_internationalization updated. (FL) added CTAN HTML catalogue. (FL) config script for catalogue.el. (FL) config script TMPDIR fixed. (FL) config script elisp stuff fixed. (FL) added comp.fonts FAQ. (FL) NX-ETEX V2.2.0, AUG-09-1996 new package organisation. (FL) NX-FEYNM V2.2.0, SEP-11-1996 updated fenymf. (FL) NX-FIGMF V2.2.0, AUG-09-1996 new package organisation. (FL) NX-FP V2.2.0, AUG-09-1996 new package organisation. (FL) NX-HTML V2.2.0, AUG-13-1996 HTML docs updated. NX-LTX20 V2.2.0, SEP-29-1996 config script updated. (FL) config script prints avaiable graphics drivers. (FL) added shading. (FL) added fullpict. (FL) NX-MITOC V2.2.0, SEP-18-1996 updated minitoc. (FL) NX-MP V2.2.0, AUG-22-1996 Config script updated. (FL) config script TMPDIR fixed. (FL) NX-MTEX V2.2.0, AUG-09-1996 new package organisation. (FL) NX-MUSIC V2.2.0, SEP-11-1996 updates musictex and examples. (FL) NX-PICTX V2.2.0, AUG-09-1996 new package organisation. (FL) NX-PLFTX V2.2.0, AUG-09-1996 Config script updated. (FL) NX-PS2F V2.2.0, SEP-11-1996 added ps2frag.ps from nb-dvips. (FL) added kpathsea support to ps2frag. (FL) NX-TIB V2.2.0, AUG-22-1996 new package organisation. (FL) config script TMPDIR fixed. (FL) config script elisp stuff fixed. (FL) NX-TREE V2.2.0, AUG-09-1996 new package organisation. (FL) NX-TXXET V2.2.0, AUG-09-1996 new package organisation. (FL) NX-XLTX V2.2.0, AUG-09-1996 Config script updated. (FL) NX-XTEM V2.2.0, SEP-11-1996 RADME.Tcl-version.gz was not included due to wrong pki. (FL) udated to xtem 5.21-beta. (FL) NX-XTXSH V2.2.0, AUG-09-1996 new package organisation. (FL) NX-XYPIC V2.2.0, AUG-09-1996 new package organisation. (FL) NF-APL V2.2.0, AUG-08-1996 new package organisation. (FL) NF-BARCO V2.2.0, AUG-08-1996 new package organisation. (FL) NF-BBDIN V2.2.0, AUG-10-1996 updated bbding. (FL) NF-BBM V2.2.0, SEP-24-1996 added Sauter fonts. (FL) added special option to bbm font file. (FL) bbmsauter font file. (FL) NF-BBOLD V2.2.0, SEP-24-1996 added Sauter fonts. (FL) added special option to bbold font file. (FL) bboldsauter font file. (FL) NF-BIN-HPPA1.1-HP-HPUX9.03-X11R6 V2.2.0, SEP-27-1996 created. (FL) recompiled. (FL) NF-BIN-HPPA1.1-HP-HPUX9.03-X11R5 V2.2.0, SEP-27-1996 created. (FL) recompiled. (FL) NF-BIN-RS6000-IBM-AIX3.2.5 V2.2.0, SEP-27-1996 created. (FL) recompiled. (FL) NF-BIN-POWERPC-IBM-AIX3.2.5 V2.2.0, SEP-27-1996 created. (FL) recompiled. (FL) NF-BIN-M68K-HP-HPUX8.00 V2.2.0, SEP-24-1996 created. (FL) recompiled. (FL) NF-BIN-MIPS-DEC-ULTRIX4.4 V2.2.0, SEP-28-1996 created. (FL) recompiled. (FL) NF-BIN-MIPS-SGI-IRIX5.3 V2.2.0, SEP-28-1996 created. (FL) recompiled. (FL) NF-BIN-I486-LINUX V2.2.0, SEP-23-1996 created. (FL) recompiled. (FL) NF-BL V2.2.0, AUG-08-1996 new package organisation. (FL) NF-BRUSH V2.2.0, AUG-08-1996 new package organisation. (FL) NF-CALLI V2.2.0, AUG-08-1996 new package organisation. (FL) NF-CAPBA V2.2.0, AUG-08-1996 new package organisation. (FL) NF-CMB V2.2.0, AUG-08-1996 cmbcsc since it is also in nb-cm. (FL) NF-CMBRI V2.2.0, AUG-08-1996 new package organisation. (FL) NF-CMFRA V2.2.0, AUG-08-1996 new package organisation. (FL) NF-CMOE V2.2.0, AUG-08-1996 new package organisation. (FL) NF-CMTTS V2.2.0, AUG-08-1996 new package organisation. (FL) NF-CUN V2.2.0, AUG-08-1996 new package organisation. (FL) NF-DANCE V2.2.0, AUG-08-1996 new package organisation. (FL) NF-DBLST V2.2.0, AUG-08-1996 new package organisation. (FL) NF-DINGB V2.2.0, AUG-08-1996 new package organisation. (FL) NF-DUER V2.2.0, AUG-08-1996 new package organisation. (FL) NF-FUTHA V2.2.0, AUG-08-1996 new package organisation. (FL) NF-GENEA V2.2.0, AUG-13-1996 created. (FL) NF-GIS V2.2.0, AUG-08-1996 new package organisation. (FL) NF-GO V2.2.0, AUG-08-1996 new package organisation. (FL) NF-GOBLI V2.2.0, AUG-08-1996 new package organisation. (FL) NF-GOTHC V2.2.0, AUG-08-1996 new package organisation. (FL) NF-HALFT V2.2.0, AUG-08-1996 new package organisation. (FL) NF-HANDS V2.2.0, AUG-08-1996 new package organisation. (FL) NF-HERSH V2.2.0, AUG-08-1996 new package organisation. (FL) NF-KARTA V2.2.0, AUG-08-1996 new package organisation. (FL) NF-KNOT V2.2.0, AUG-08-1996 new package organisation. (FL) NF-LA V2.2.0, AUG-08-1996 new package organisation. (FL) NF-LAMS V2.2.0, AUG-08-1996 new package organisation. (FL) NF-LOGO V2.2.0, AUG-08-1996 new package organisation. (FL) NF-MAGIC V2.2.0, AUG-08-1996 new package organisation. (FL) NF-MATHS V2.2.0, SEP-24-1996 added sauter fonts. (FL) updated calrsfs. (FL) splitted maths.fnt in maths.fnt and mathsym.fnt added special option to maths and mathsym font file. (FL) mathsymsauter font file. (FL) NF-MLVRN V2.2.0, SEP-29-1996 updated for babel 3.6beta greek support. (FL) NF-OCM V2.2.0, AUG-08-1996 new package organisation. (FL) NF-OCR V2.2.0, AUG-08-1996 new package organisation. (FL) NF-PAND V2.2.0, AUG-08-1996 new package organisation. (FL) NF-PHON V2.2.0, AUG-08-1996 new package organisation. (FL) NF-PICA V2.2.0, AUG-08-1996 new package organisation. (FL) NF-PUNK V2.2.0, AUG-08-1996 new package organisation. (FL) NF-RANSO V2.2.0, AUG-08-1996 new package organisation. (FL) NF-RECYC V2.2.0, AUG-08-1996 new package organisation. (FL) NF-SCRIP V2.2.0, AUG-08-1996 new package organisation. (FL) NF-SUET V2.2.0, AUG-08-1996 new package organisation. (FL) NF-TWCAL V2.2.0, AUG-08-1996 new package organisation. (FL) NF-VA V2.2.0, AUG-08-1996 new package organisation. (FL) NF-VIS V2.2.0, AUG-08-1996 new package organisation. (FL) NF-WNRI V2.2.0, AUG-08-1996 new package organisation. (FL) NF-XCM V2.2.0, SEP-24-1996 fixed pki file. (FL) NB-AMSTX V2.2.0, SEP-24-1996 config script updated. (FL) binaries moved to bin archive. (FL) extracm is in nb-cm. (FL; reported by Detlef Goers ) updated diagrams. (FL) splitted ams.fnt to ams.fnt and amssym.fnt. (FL) added special option to amssym font file. (FL) amssymsauter font file. (FL) NB-AUCT V2.2.0, SEP-29-1996 config script updated. (FL) binaries moved to bin archive. (FL) config script elisp stuff fixed. (FL) updated iso-tex. (FL) upgraded AUCTeX to 9.6i. (FL) NB-BIBTX V2.2.0, AUG-07-1996 binaries moved to bin archive. (FL) moved achemso bst to nb-ltxma. (FL) NB-BIN-HPPA1.1-HP-HPUX9.03-X11R6 V2.2.0, SEP-27-1996 created. (FL) recompiled. (FL) added symbolic links for formats. (FL) NB-BIN-HPPA1.1-HP-HPUX9.03-X11R5 V2.2.0, SEP-27-1996 created. (FL) recompiled. (FL) added symbolic links for formats. (FL) NB-BIN-RS6000-IBM-AIX3.2.5 V2.2.0, SEP-27-1996 created. (FL) recompiled. (FL) added symbolic links for formats. (FL) NB-BIN-POWERPC-IBM-AIX3.2.5 V2.2.0, SEP-27-1996 created. (FL) recompiled. (FL) added symbolic links for formats. (FL) NB-BIN-M68K-HP-HPUX8.00 V2.2.0, SEP-24-1996 created. (FL) recompiled. (FL) added symbolic links for formats. (FL) NB-BIN-MIPS-DEC-ULTRIX4.4 V2.2.0, SEP-28-1996 created. (FL) recompiled. (FL) added symbolic links for formats. (FL) NB-BIN-MIPS-SGI-IRIX5.3 V2.2.0, SEP-28-1996 created. (FL) recompiled. (FL) added symbolic links for formats. (FL) NB-BIN-I486-LINUX V2.2.0, SEP-23-1996 created binary package. (FL) recompiled. (FL) added symbolic links for formats. (FL) NB-CM V2.2.0, SEP-24-1996 config script updated. (FL) Sauter fonts configuration via .fd files only. (FL) source.opt removed. (FL) binaries moved to bin archive. (FL) updated to sauter24. (FL) new sauter configuration for 2.4. (FL) sauter fd files updated. (FL) fixed sauter fd filed. (FL) added special option for sauter/orig to cm and latex font file. (FL) combined latex and cm font files. (FL) NB-DC V2.2.0, SEP-11-1996 updated to DC 1.3. (FL) NB-DVILJ V2.2.0, AUG-07-1996 binaries moved to bin archive. (FL) NB-DVIPS V2.2.0, SEP-11-1996 config script updated. (FL) added global papersize option. (FL) all config.ps parameters are configurable. (FL) binaries moved to bin archive. (FL) renamed dvips/config to dvips/cfg. (FL) encodings updated. (FL) moved ps2frag to nx-ps2f. (FL) NB-EPS V2.2.0, AUG-07-1996 new package organisation. (FL) NB-HYPH V2.2.0, SEP-18-1996 hyphen.greek catcodes set correctly. (FL, reported by Roger Zimmermann ) made codes in hyphen tables local. (FL) fixed hyphen.russiankoi codes problem. (FL) updated hyphen.english. (FL) NB-INDEX V2.2.0, AUG-10-1996 binaries moved to bin archive. (FL) get INDEXSTYLE from texmf.cnf. (FL) use kpathsea for finding index style. (FL) NB-LTX2E V2.2.0, SEP-29-1996 config script updated. (FL) Sauter fonts configuration via .fd files only. (FL) binaries moved to bin archive. (FL) updated latex2e. (FL) latex2e.texi updated. (FL) updated babel to 3.6beta. (FL) NB-LTXC V2.2.0, SEP-11-1996 config script updated. (FL) updated koma-script, aguplus, dtk, paper. (FL) added jura, ifacmtg, thesis. (FL) updated tugboat. (FL) NB-LTXMA V2.2.0, SEP-29-1996 apa files were not included due to wrong pki. (FL) binaries moved to bin archive. (FL) added apacite, footnote, dropping, crosswrd. (FL) updated floatflt, achemso, deleq, chemsym. (FL) updated fancyheadings, answers, carlisle, natbib, piff. (FL) added shadbox, tracking, altfont, envlab, geometry, songbook. (FL) updated acronym, easy. (FL) added some additional styles. (FL) updated monster. (FL) updated custom-bib. (FL) NB-LTXPG V2.2.0, AUG-09-1996 config script updated. (FL) added config script help. (FL) config script adds local_graphics.cfg. (FL) added color.cfg configuration. (FL) binaries moved to bin archive. (FL) updated tools, psnfss, mfnfss, graphics. (FL) NB-MACRO V2.2.0, AUG-10-1996 added patch.doc. (FL) NB-MNLFN V2.2.0, AUG-07-1996 new package organisation. (FL) NB-PLAIN V2.2.0, SEP-11-1996 config script updated. (FL) updated tugboat. (FL) NB-PS V2.2.0, AUG-07-1996 package organisation updated. (FL) NB-TEX V2.2.0, OCT-01-1996 combined with nb-mf. (FL) config script updated. (FL) added new options to config script. (FL) added echo -e \\c support for MakeTeX* scripts. (FL) font directory selection changed. (FL) binaries moved to bin archive. (FL) updated MakeTeX* scripts. (FL) updated modes.mf to 3.0. (FL) fontname updated to 2.1. (FL) fontname maps fixed. (FL) added RP nb-mf to pki file (FL, reproted by Janusz Kawczak ) config script TMPDIR fixed. (FL) config script elisp stuff fixed. (FL) MakeTeXPK/TFM does not check returncode of virmf. (FL) added ntex-guide (FL) added --force-sauter option to MakeTeXMF. (FL) NB-TEXI V2.2.0, AUG-22-1996 binaries moved to bin archive. (FL) config script TMPDIR fixed. (FL) config script elisp stuff fixed. (FL) NB-TOOLS V2.2.0, SEP-24-1996 updated LaCheck. (FL) binaries moved to bin archive. (FL) updated FontsYouNeed (Volker B"orchers, boercher@physik.uni-bremen.de) NB-XDVI V2.2.0, AUG-07-1996 config script updated. (FL) global papersize option added. (FL) recompiled xdvi for papersizes letter, letterr, ledger and tabloid. (FL) binaries moved to bin archive. (FL) applied patches for xdvi 19 and 20. (FL) added xfig_guid.ps. (FL) NB-XFIG V2.2.0, AUG-07-1996 config script updated. (FL) added nb-trfig package. (FL) binaries moved to bin archive. (FL) fixed app-defaults. (FL) added app-defaults configure option. (FL) upgraded xfig to 3.1.4b. (FL) upgraded transfig to 3.1.2. (FL) NTEX Install V2.2.0, SEP-24-1996 package priority system expanded. (FL) new package version system. (FL) Tcl/Tk frontend. (FL) command line versions of all scripts. (FL) some new scripts. (FL) NTeX scripts updated. (FL) new NTeX configration script. (FL) global script configuration. (FL) new ADMDIR organisation. (FL) binaries moved to bin archive. (FL) PK and TFM package format. (FL) Added shared libraries pki option. (FL) NTeX-remove remves shared libraries from SHAREDLIBDIR. (FL) dump-mf-format creates correct links to virmf. (FL) NTeX-install can handle absolute paths to packages. (FL) TMPDIR configuration in configure fixed. (FL) dump-mf-format and dump-tex-format display error logs. (FL) dump-tex-format, dump-mf-base create correct symbolic links. (FL) NTeX-font does not check returncode of virmf. (FL) optional files: ntex-guide.* (FL) special cases in set-systems modified. (FL) NTeX-ftp script. (FL) fixed gsftopk mode pk path in texmf.cnf. (FL) added another test for cut (FL, reported by Raymond Nijssen ) rearranged directoy structure. (FL) fixed set-systems i486-linux(aout). (FL) TTY-install offers systems correctly. (FL) font tfm and pk packages special option for sauter/orig. (FL) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NTeX V2.1.2, JUL-17-1996 Released. (FL) NB-CM V2.4, JUL-17-1996 removed optimized kerning CM support. (FL) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NTeX V2.1.1, MAY-28-1996 Released. (FL) NTEX Install V2.7, MAY-27-1996 InstallNTeX scripts cleaned up. (FL) kpseexp.sh cares for TEXMF_CNF environment variable. (FL) Changed mail addresses to darfnix... (FL) Fixed lots of bugs in INSTALL. (Sabine Halder ) NX-TIB V2.4, MAY-28-1996 Config script did not use TMPDIR! (FL) NB-TEXI V2.4, MAY-28-1996 Config script did not use TMPDIR! (FL) NS-TEXTO V2.5, MAY-25-1996 vntex.c: added fcntl.h header file. (FL) NS-XFIG V2.5, MAY-25-1996 Added check for DIRENT. (FL) (reported by Avner Lotten ) NX-TXXET V2.6, MAY-25-1996 Config script checks if format is available. (FL) (reported by Jean-Luc Duprat ) NX-FP V2.1, MAY-24-1996 Updated fp. (FL) NS-W2CT V2.4, MAY-22-1996 Added x11.make to Makefile.in. (FL) (reported by Avner Lottem ) NX-XTEM V2.1, MAY-17-1996 Updated XTem to 4.04. (FL) NX-XLTX V2.4, MAY-11-1996 Config script creates XLatex apps-default file correctly. (FL) NB-MF V2.4, MAY-10-1996 Config checks for x / nox version of virmf under non-Linux systems. (FL) NS-KPSE V2.5, MAY-10-1996 kpseexp.sh cares for TEXMF_CNF environment variable. (FL) NB-TEX V2.5, MAY-07-1996 special.map changed for tengwar fonts. (FL) special.map: syriac typeface renamed to estrangelo. (FL) typeface.map: added tu for telugu. (FL) typeface.map: turkish is now ts. (FL) symbolic link to texmf.cnf in $TEXMF/web2c now created by config script. (FL) (reported by Avner Lottem ) MakeTeX* error handling changed. (FL) InstallNTeX-tools font generation changed. (Delman ) fontname updated. (FL) NB-CM V2.3, MAY-02-1996 Corrected sauttext.fd. (FL) NB-LTXC V2.5, MAY-24-1996 Added ntexdoc.cls. (FL) Added elsevier. (FL) Updated tugboat. (FL) Updated paper. (FL) NX-PS2F V2.1, MAY-16-1996 Updated psfrag. (FL) NB-DVIPS V2.5, MAY-16-1996 psfrag updated. (FL) encodings updated. (FL) NB-LTXMA V2.4, MAY-24-1996 Updated curves. (FL) (reported by Ian Maclaine-cross ) Added swift. (FL) carlisle updated. (FL) Added easy. (FL) Added indxcite. (FL) frankenstein updated. (FL) Added dtk. (FL) Updated showlabels. (FL) NS-LTXCT V2.4, MAY-24-1996 german updated. (FL) carlisle updated. (FL) Added indxcite. (FL) Updated paper, showlabels, psfrad, frankenstein, feynmf. (FL) added dtk. (FL) NX-FEYNM V2.2, MAY-16-1996 feynmf updated. (FL) NX-LTX20 V2.3, MAY-16-1996 Removed curves documentation. (FL) Removed elsevier. (FL) NB-LTX2E V2.4, MAY-16-1996 latex2e-help-texinfo updated. (FL) NB-AUCT V2.4, MAY-16-1996 udpated ltx-help.el. (FL) NX-DOCS V2.4, MAY-16-1996 CTAN.sites updated. (FL) literate-programming-faq updated. (FL) Finding_Fonts_for_Internationalization_FAQ updated. (FL) All_fonts_available_in_.mf_format updated. (FL) NL-GERMN V2.2, MAY-16-1996 german updated. (FL) NB-MACRO V2.3, MAY-16-1996 ragged.sty updated. (FL) added apa class. (FL) NB-PLAIN V2.6, MAY-16-1996 Updated plain base. (FL) graphics unpdated. (FL) NL-TENG V2.1, MAY-24-1996 Combined tengwar and engwar fonts. (FL) Renamed some font files. (FL) Removed nf-elvi package due to distribution permissions, Michael Urban's font will do anyway. (FL) Removed elvish support from tengtex (only tengwar is used). (FL) NL-TURK V2.3, MAY-18-1996 Fonts renamed from ftu* to fts*. (FL) Fonts and plain macros cleaned up. (FL) Documentation rewritten. (FL) TeX macros cleaned up. (FL) NL-TELUG V2.1, MAY-13-1996 Cleaned up font sources. (FL) TeX macros cleaned up. (FL) Original documentation modified for NTeX. (FL) Renamed fonts to ftu*. (FL) NL-SHAVI V2.1, MAY-12-1996 Added documentation. (FL) Added LaTeX2e package. (FL) Made shavian scalable. (FL) NL-SYRIA V2.1, MAY-07-1996 Added documentation. (FL) Added LaTeX2e package. (FL) Made estrangelo scalable. (FL) Renamed syriac typeface to estrangelo. (FL) NL-UGARI V2.1, MAY-07-1996 Added documentation. (FL) Added LaTeX2e package. (FL) Made ugaritic scalable. (FL) NL-THAI V2.1, MAY-07-1996 Documentation rewritten. (FL) Added USL-Thai to thai latex package. (FL) Metafont sources reorganised. (FL) USL-Thai renamed to fthusl. (FL) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NTeX V2.1.0, APR-29-1996 Released. (FL) NTEX Install V2.6, APR-27-1996 New remove, install and create pkg functions. (FL) NTeX package format changes, the .pkg files now contain pki.gz, the gziped pki file and archive.gz, the gzipped cpio archive for all the files. (FL) NTeX binary package format changed to gziped cpio. (FL) Minor changes in InstallNTeX* scripts. (FL) Added get_ntex from Volker Boerchers . Binary archive format changed. (FL) Debian support. (FL) set-systems, changed systems recognition support. (FL) NB-LTXMA V2.3, APR-25-1996 Updated natbib. (FL) Updated carlisle. (FL) Added algorithms. (FL) Added youngtab. (FL) Updated monster. (FL) NS-LTXCT V2.3, APR-25-1996 Updated natbib. (FL) Added youngtab. (FL) NB-LTX2E V2.3, APR-25-1996 Config script variable LANG repalced by XLANG. (FL) NB-PLAIN V2.5, APR-25-1996 Config script variable LANG repalced by XLANG. (FL) NX-LTX20 V2.2, APR-25-1996 Config script variable LANG repalced by XLANG. (FL) NL-RUSS V2.1, APR-25-1996 Corrected PKI. (FL) NL-INDIA V2.2, APR-22-1996 Recompiled. (FL) Moved devanagari to latex209, added prips. (due to a mail from Manindra Argrawal ) NX-DOCS V2.3, APR-19-1996 FAQs updated. (FL) NJ-JPLN V2.3, APR-19-1996 Config scripts modified. (FL) NJ-JLTX V2.3, APR-19-1996 Config scripts modified. (FL) NB-BIBTX V2.4, APR-17-1996 Recompiled. (FL) NB-DVILJ V2.2, APR-17-1996 Recompiled. (FL) NB-XFIG V2.3, APR-17-1996 Recompiled. (FL) NB-INDEX V2.4, APR-17-1996 Recompiled. (FL) NB-MF V2.3, APR-17-1996 Recompiled. (FL) Config scripts modified. (FL) NB-TOOLS V2.2, APR-17-1996 Recompiled. (FL) Removed prips (now in nl-india). (FL) Added FontsYouNeed from Volker Boerchers . NB-TRFIG V2.1, APR-17-1996 Recompiled. (FL) NB-XDVI V2.3, APR-17-1996 Recompiled. (FL) NF-CUN V2.2, APR-17-1996 Recompiled. (FL) NJ-JTEX V2.2, APR-17-1996 Recompiled. (FL) NL-GREEK V2.2, APR-17-1996 NL-HEBRW V2.2, APR-17-1996 Recompiled. (FL) NL-HIERO V2.2, APR-17-1996 Recompiled. (FL) NL-ICELA V2.2, APR-17-1996 Recompiled. (FL) NL-TAMIL V2.2, APR-17-1996 Recompiled. (FL) NL-TURK V2.2, APR-17-1996 Recompiled. (FL) NL-VIETN V2.2, APR-17-1996 Recompiled. (FL) NX-BIBT V2.4, APR-17-1996 Recompiled. (FL) NX-FIGMF V2.2, APR-17-1996 Recompiled. (FL) NX-HTML V2.2, APR-17-1996 Recompiled. (FL) NX-MP V2.4, APR-17-1996 Recompiled. (FL) Config Scripts modified. (FL) makempx, troffmpx uses set-systems. (FL) NX-TXXET V2.5, APR-17-1996 Recompiled. (FL) Config script priority changed. (FL) Config scripts changed. (FL) NX-XLTX V2.3, APR-17-1996 Recompiled. (FL) Modified Docs. (FL) Config scripts changed. (FL) NB-AUCT V2.3, APR-16-1996 Changed config script. (FL) NB-DVIPS V2.4, APR-16-1996 Changed config script. (FL) Recompiled. (FL) NB-TEX V2.4, APR-16-1996 Changed config script. (FL) Recompiled. (FL) NB-TEXI V2.3, APR-16-1996 Changed config script. (FL) Recompiled. (FL) info.el gets INFOPATH from texmf.cnf. (FL) NS-KPSE V2.4, APR-16-1996 c-memstr.h. (FL) NX-ETEX V2.2, APR-22-1996 Changed config script. (FL) config script TMPDIR fixed. (FL) NX-TIB V2.3, APR-16-1996 Changed config script. (FL) Recompiled. (FL) NX-DOCS V2.2, APR-15-1996 Updated literate-programming-faq. (FL) NS-TRFI V2.4, APR-15-1996 fig2dev: use kpathsea's getopt. (FL) NS-TEXI V2.4, APR-15-1996 Removed libtxi, using kpathsea instead. (FL) NS-TEXTO V2.4, APR-15-1996 html2latex: use kpathsea's getopt. (FL) NB-HYPH V2.2, APR-13-1996 Added hyphen.croatian. (FL) latin-1.tex: Added another loop construct since the ordinary loop is already used by hyphen.cfg-babel. (FL) (reported by Kaj Wiik ) Renamed hyphen.ukenglish to hyphen.english. (FL) (reported by Kaj Wiik ) NS-XFIG V2.4, APR-13-1996 xallncol in main.c creates buffer for name (sscanf bug in HPUX?). (FL) added global option: papersize. (FL, suggested by Jean-Luc Duprat ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NTeX V2.0.5, APR-11-1996 Beta release. (FL) NTEX Install V2.5, APR-10-1996 Removed ./ from symbolic links in pki files. (FL) InstallNTeX-tools: Check Environment. (FL) (suggested by Michael Ritzert) InstallNTeX: Check for environment variables. (FL) (suggested by Michael Ritzert) InstallNTeX-distribution: Update and new files check. (FL) InstallNTeX-configure: Splitted default / current configuration. (FL) InstallNTeX: owner and group detection by creating file. (FL) InstallNTeX: checking for working which. (FL) (suggested by Raymond Nissen, raymond@es.ele.tue.nl) InstallNTeX: minor bug fixed. (FL) (reported by Raymond Nissen, raymond@es.ele.tue.nl) NB-LTXMA V2.3, APR-10-1996 Updated Carlisle, Changebar. (FL) Added piff. (FL) NB-LTXC V2.4, APR-10-1996 Updated ntgclass. (FL) Added LaTeX2e tugboat. (FL) NB-HYPH V2.1, APR-10-1996 Recreated hyphen.turkish. (FL) NB-DVIPS V2.3, APR-10-1996 Recompiled. (FL) NB-DVILJ V2.1, APR-10-1996 Recompiled. (FL) NB-BIBTX V2.3, APR-10-1996 Recompiled. (FL) achemsol.bst, biblist.bst. (FL) NB-XFIG V2.2, APR-10-1996 Recompiled. (FL) xfig gets XFIGLIBDIR and XFIGTMPDIR from texmf.cnf. (FL) NS-BIBT V2.4, APR-10-1996 Updated to Bibview 2.2. (FL) Updated to BibTool 2.33. (FL) NX-BIBT V2.3, APR-10-1996 Updated to Bibview 2.2. (FL) Updated to BibTool 2.33. (FL) Recompiled. (FL) NB-MACRO V2.2, APR-09-1996 Added ragged.sty. (FL) NB-AUCT V2.2, APR-08-1996 config script creates elc files. (FL) (suggested by Fridger Schrempp ) removed elc files from package. (FL) NB-TEX V2.3, APR-08-1996 new file: DOCDIR/ntex/fixed_bugs. (FL) Recompiled. (FL) config script creates elc files. (FL) removed elc files from package. (FL) Updated NTeX WWW pages. (FL) NX-TIB V2.2, APR-08-1996 Recompiled. (FL) config script creates elc files. (FL) removed elc files from package. (FL) NB-TEXI V2.2, APR-08-1996 Recompiled using ncurses. (FL) config script creates elc files. (FL) removed elc files from package. (FL) NB-INDEX V2.3, APR-07-1996 Recompiled. (FL) NB-TOOLS V2.1, APR-07-1996 Recompiled. (FL) NB-TRFIG V2.1, APR-07-1996 Recompiled. (FL) NB-XDVI V2.2, APR-07-1996 Recompiled. (FL) NF-CUN V2.1, APR-07-1996 Recompiled. (FL) NJ-JTEX V2.1, APR-07-1996 Recompiled. (FL) NL-GREEK V2.1, APR-07-1996 Recompiled. (FL) NL-HEBRW V2.2, APR-07-1996 Recompiled. (FL) NL-HIERO V2.1, APR-07-1996 Recompiled. (FL) NL-ICELA V2.1, APR-07-1996 Recompiled. (FL) NL-INDIA V2.1, APR-07-1996 Recompiled. (FL) NL-TAMIL V2.1, APR-07-1996 Recompiled. (FL) NL-TURK V2.0, APR-07-1996 Recompiled. (FL) NL-VIETN V2.1, APR-07-1996 Recompiled. (FL) NX-FIGMF V2.1, APR-07-1996 Recompiled. (FL) NX-HTML V2.1, APR-07-1996 Recompiled. (FL) NX-MP V2.3, APR-07-1996 Recompiled. (FL) New config scripts. (FL) NX-TXXET V2.4, APR-07-1996 Recompiled. (FL) New config scripts. (FL) NX-XLTX V2.2, APR-07-1996 Recompiled. (FL) NS-* V2.3, APR-06-1996 Fixes for linuxaout. (FL) NB-MF V2.2, APR-06-1996 Recompiled. (FL) New config scripts. (FL) NX-MP V2.2, APR-06-1996 Recompiled. (FL) Config script corrected. (FL) NB-PLAIN V2.4, APR-06-1996 Config script corrected. (FL) NB-AMSTX V2.3, APR-06-1996 Config script corrected. (FL) NJ-JPLN V2.2, APR-06-1996 Config script corrected. (FL) NJ-JLTX V2.2, APR-06-1996 Config script corrected. (FL) NX-TXXET V2.3, APR-06-1996 Config script corrected. (FL) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NTeX V2.0.4, APR-04-1996 Beta release for non-Linux systems (HPUX, AIX). (FL) NTEX Install V2.3, APR-04-1996 Complete MULTI_BINDIRS support. (FL) InstallNTeX-tools: Binary archive installation. (FL) InstallNTeX-distribution: binary archive cration changed. (FL) InstallNTeX-distribution: NTeX.lsm auto update. (FL) NS-* V2.2, APR-03-1996 A few more changes needed for HPUX and AIX. (FL) MULTI_BINDIRS switch enabled. (FL) Fixes for configure's --srcdir (does not work for web2c!). (FL) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NTeX V2.0.3, MAR-30-1996 Alpha release - do not distribute. (FL) NTEX Install V2.3, MAR-28-1996 scripts: echo -n flag check. (FL) scripts: output reditrection in bourne shell syntax. (FL) scripts: replaced test -e by -r. (FL) scripts: corrected nested "". (FL) scripts: replaced cut -b by -c. (FL) InstallNTeX: check if kpseewhich really works. (FL) InstallNTeX: go back to install menu if package dir is empty. (FL) InstallNTeX: Simple check for non-Linux systems. (FL) Enabled MULTI_BINDIRS switch. (FL) NS-* V2.1, MAR-28-1996 Basic changes for HP-UX. (FL) NS-KPSE V2.1, MAR-28-1996 aclocal.m4 changed for HP-UX. (FL) NB-AUCT V2.1, MAR-28-1996 scripts: output reditrection in bourne shell syntax. (FL) NB-DVIPS V2.2, MAR-28-1996 scripts: output reditrection in bourne shell syntax. (FL) NB-INDEX V2.2, MAR-28-1996 scripts: output reditrection in bourne shell syntax. (FL) NB-LTXC V2.3, MAR-28-1996 scripts: output reditrection in bourne shell syntax. (FL) NB-LTXPG V2.3, MAR-28-1996 scripts: output reditrection in bourne shell syntax. (FL) NB-MF V2.1, MAR-28-1996 scripts: output reditrection in bourne shell syntax. (FL) NB-TEXI V2.1, MAR-28-1996 scripts: output reditrection in bourne shell syntax. (FL) NB-XDVI V2.1, MAR-28-1996 scripts: output reditrection in bourne shell syntax. (FL) NB-XFIG V2.1, MAR-28-1996 scripts: output reditrection in bourne shell syntax. (FL) NJ-JLTX V2.1, MAR-28-1996 scripts: output reditrection in bourne shell syntax. (FL) NJ-JPLN V2.1, MAR-28-1996 scripts: output reditrection in bourne shell syntax. (FL) NX-BIBT V2.1, MAR-28-1996 scripts: output reditrection in bourne shell syntax. (FL) NX-ETEX V2.1, MAR-28-1996 scripts: output reditrection in bourne shell syntax. (FL) NX-MP V2.1, MAR-28-1996 scripts: output reditrection in bourne shell syntax. (FL) NX-MTEX V2.1, MAR-28-1996 scripts: output reditrection in bourne shell syntax. (FL) NX-MUSIC V2.2, MAR-28-1996 scripts: output reditrection in bourne shell syntax. (FL) NX-PLFTX V2.1, MAR-28-1996 scripts: output reditrection in bourne shell syntax. (FL) NX-TXXET V2.2, MAR-28-1996 scripts: output reditrection in bourne shell syntax. (FL) NX-XLTX V2.1, MAR-28-1996 scripts: output reditrection in bourne shell syntax. (FL) NX-XYPIC V2.1, MAR-28-1996 scripts: output reditrection in bourne shell syntax. (FL) NB-LTX2E V2.2, MAR-28-1996 scripts: echo -n flag check. (FL) scripts: output reditrection in bourne shell syntax. (FL) NB-PLAIN V2.2, MAR-28-1996 scripts: echo -n flag check. (FL) scripts: output reditrection in bourne shell syntax. (FL) NB-AMSTX V2.1, MAR-28-1996 scripts: echo -n flag check. (FL) scripts: output reditrection in bourne shell syntax. (FL) NX-LTX20 V2.1, MAR-28-1996 scripts: echo -n flag check. (FL) scripts: output reditrection in bourne shell syntax. (FL) NB-TEX V2.2, MAR-28-1996 Corrected Hebrew fonts in special.map. (FL) scripts: echo -n flag check. (FL) scripts: output reditrection in bourne shell syntax. (FL) scripts: output reditrection in bourne shell syntax. (FL) scripts: replaced cut -b by -c. (FL) NB-CM V2.2, MAR-28-1996 CM Sauter font config files corrected for new DC font names. (FL) scripts: output reditrection in bourne shell syntax. (FL) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NTeX V2.0.2, MAR-24-1996 Released. (FL) NL-GERMN V2.1, MAR-24-1996 Updated dinbrief. (FL) NL-ARAB V2.1, MAR-24-1996 Updated ArabTeX. (FL) NB-LTXPG V2.2, MAR-24-1996 Updated tools, mfnss, graphics. (FL) NS-LTXPK V2.2, MAR-24-1996 Updated tools, mfnss, graphics. (FL) NB-LTX2E V2.1, MAR-24-1996 Updated LaTeX2e base. (FL) NS-LTX2E V2.1, MAR-24-1996 Updated LaTeX2e base. (FL) NX-FEYNM V2.1, MAR-24-1996 Updated feynmf LaTeX2e package. (FL) NB-LTXC V2.2, MAR-24-1996 Updated koma-script, exams. (FL) NS-LTXCT V2.2, MAR-24-1996 Updated camel, floatflt, koma-script, feynmf, exams, rotating, dinbrief. (FL) Added draftcopy, progkeys, carlisle. (FL) NB-LTXMA V2.2, MAR-24-1996 Added titleref.sty, ltablex.sty, progkeys, carlisle. (FL) Updated camel, floatflt, draftcopy, rotating, qobitree. (FL) NB-INDEX V2.1, MAR-24-1996 Removed camel.ist. (FL) NX-BIBL V2.1, MAR-24-1996 Removed camel.bib. (FL) NB-BIBTX V2.2, MAR-24-1996 Removed law.bst. (FL) NB-MACRO V2.1, MAR-24-1996 Added url.sty. (FL) NX-DOCS V2.1, MAR-24-1996 Removed url.sty from tds docdir. (FL) Updated CTAN.sites. (FL) NB-MNLFN V2.2, MAR-22-1996 Added gray and black font. (FL) NB-TEX V2.1, MAR-22-1996 Added NTeX WWW pages. (FL) Added black and gray font to special.map. (FL) Added filehdr package. (FL) NTEX Install V2.2, MAR-19-1996 InstallNTeX does not remove the scripts directory while updating. (FL) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NTeX V2.0.1, FEB-28-1996 Released. (FL) NTEX Install V2.1, FEB-28-1996 ADMDIR for Linux File System strucutre is now $TEXMF/ntex. (FL) Determination of $WORKDIR in InstallNTeX now by pwd. (FL) $ADMDIR / $WORKDIR comparison fixed. (FL) Removed !! from MFINPTUS in texmf.in. (FL) Add BINDIR to PATH (FL) Check for multiple groups / owner with id 0 (FL) export SLACKWAREDIR (FL) NTeX-lsR searches for ls to avoid aliases, added A option (FL) remove ./ from sym. links (FL) Check if INSTALL_PATH really contains some packages (FL, suggested by boercher@physik.uni-bremen.de) GREP bug in complete NTeX remove script fixed (FL, reported by Fridger Schrempp ) gsftopk search path in texmf.in/cnf corrected (Naresh Sharma ) NX-TXXET V2.1, FEB-18-1996 config creates LaTeXXeT209 format (FL) NL-HEBRW V2.1, FEB-18-1996 added some newcode fonts and changed some of the font names (FL) NX-MUSIC V2.1, FEB-18-1996 updated MusicTeX (FL) NB-PLAIN V2.1, FEB-18-1996 added graphics for plain (FL) NB-BIBTX V2.1, FEB-18-1996 achemso updated (FL) biblist added (FL) NS-LTXCT V2.1, FEB-18-1996 achemso, custom-bib updated (FL) updated foiltex (FL) NS-LTXPK V2.1, FEB-18-1996 lucida updated (FL) NB-LTXPG V2.1, FEB-18-1996 lucida updated (FL) added testmath.tex (FL) NB-LTXC V2.1, FEB-18-1996 added some macros used in the LaTeX Companion (FL) updated foiltex (FL) NB-LTXMA V2.1, FEB-18-1996 added some macros used in the LaTeX Companion (FL) achemso, custom-bib, setspace updated (FL) added semantic, biblist, eclbip, floatfig, picinpar (FL) NB-DVIPS V2.1, FEB-18-1996 Added pstimesm.sty (FL) NB-MNLFN V2.1, FEB-12-1996 Renamed from nf-mnlfn to nb-mnlfn. (FL) Moved from fonts set to base set since plain and AMS TeX needs it. (FL) NB-CM V2.1, FEB-08-1996 010-nb-cm-set config script: TEXMF changed to TEXMFDIR 010-nb-cm-set config script: crate mf.knuth in VARDIR optimized roman.mf: wrong if in ligtable (reported by Matthew Hunt ) (FL) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NTeX V2.0.0, FEB-04-1996 Totally new version. There were just too many changes from 1.5.3 to 2.0.0 to mention them here. (FL)