NTeX Release 2.3.2 ================== NTeX is a TeX distribution for various Linux systems. There is an installation and maintenance guide available in the NTeX distribution directory. Get one of the ntex-guide* files. It is availabe in PostScript and ASCII and provides detailed information about installing NTeX, etc. A quick installation description can also be found in the file INSTALL. But you have to consult ntex-guide for the details. The file INDEX provides a detailed INDEX to the packages available for NTeX. The changes of NTeX are documented in the file CHANGES. The known bugs are in BUGS. The Linux lsm file provides some additional information. You might also be interested in the annoucement in the files NTeX.announce* If you have serious problems, comments, suggestions or bug reports contact me. Please read the latest version of the file BUGS first. Fixes or more information an certain bugs are always welcome. I will try my best to answer your mail and/or remove the bugs. If you have own programs, macros, fonts, etc. or you are using something like this which you would like to contribute to this distribution, get in contact with me. Please note that the time I can send for NTeX is limited. So before you send me a mail, please check all other information resources that are available to you. My main job is still studying maths and I do not intend to change this (unless I get my diploma). Please send bug reports to ntex-bug@poolb.mathematik.uni-stuttgart.de or to the NTeX mailing list (see below). Please don't bother the authors of the programs since I changed quite a lot. For help write to ntex-help@poolb.mathematik.uni-stuttgart.de or to the NTeX mailing list. Please note that I do not have the time to answer general questions about TeX. The above addresses are only for problems specific to NTeX. There is also a mailing list for NTeX. It is `semi-moderated', so only members can directly post to the list. Mails from non-members will first be send to me for approvement. Yet everyone who wants to susbscribe to the list is welcome. To subscribe to the list send an e-mail with the body subscribe your@email.address to ntex-request@poolb.mathematik.uni-stuttgart.de To unsubscribe send an e-mail with the body unsubscribe your@email.address to the same address. If you want to send some mail to the list, send it to ntex@poolb.mathematik.uni-stuttgart.de For more information about this list's listserver send a mail with the body `HELP' to listserv@poolb.mathematik.uni-stuttgart.de. The list is intended for discussion of NTeX, bug reports, help requests and announcements of new releases, fixes, new or changed packages, etc. (only the mails about new releases will also be send to the newsgroup comp.os.linux.announce). The URL of the NTeX WWW home page is http://www.mathematik.uni-stuttgart.de/mathB/lst3/langbein/ntex.html I'll try to provide information about new releases, bug fixes, etc. there. If you have some problem with NTeX and access to the WWW have a look at this page first. THE NTeX DISTRIBUTION IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL I BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS DISTRIBUTION, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. Frank Langbein