You need to download all of the following 1) Alpha 6.52 from Alpha's home site. 2) Alpha 7.0fcN (either full or minimal) from this site. 3) Alpha-68k-resources from this site. Throw away ALL of Alpha 6.52 except for the actual 68k Alpha application. Open it and the resources file in ResEdit/Resourcerer and copy all of the resources from the small file into the application, REPLACING ALL DUPLICATES. Save and quit. Now replace the ppc-only application in the 7.0fcN folder you downloaded with the 68k-only one you just created. Double click on it to start. -- Vince. Note: One user has reported crashes with 68k Alpha 7.0 when using cmd-F or selecting 'Find...'. If you experience this you may wish to try the above except using the Alpha-68k-fc3test.rsrc file from this site. It may (or may not) help. BIG NOTE: If you have got the above working, why not upload a copy of the 68k-only application to Pete Keleher's ftp site so that others can benefit? The 'up' directory at that site is writable and for exactly this kind of purpose.