The file is a PostScript version of the file Excalibur-manual.tex. This is the same manual that I distribute with Excalibur. It is here for Excalibur users that are not LaTeX users. You will need gunzip or MacGzip to uncompress this file. Note that this is a binary file (not MacBinary). is a PostScript version of the manual compressed with StuffIt and then BinHexed. This is not a self extracting archive. If you don't have StuffIt, get a copy of StuffIt Expander. Excalibur-manual.pdf.sit.hqx is an Acrobat Reader version of the manual compressed with StuffIt and then BinHexed. Excalibur-manual-html.sit.hqx is an HTML version of the manual You can view this version of the manual with any Web browser such as Netscape. This version of the manual includes screen shots.